Great question Donna.
My bedroom is always hot, come and stay with me
Woof woof
2006-12-20 21:54:50
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
If you generally feel cold a lot, try getting some heavy exercise. It will increase your general metabolism rate, which of course means that your body will be warming itself a bit more. I do martial arts, and my comfort level is almost 5 degrees celsius below that of others. (Everyone is always freezing when they're in my room.) Not to mention the fact that I can eat what I want, and I don't get fat!
Also, if turning on heaters isn't warming you enough, try increasing the room humidity; it makes a huge difference. If you don't want to buy a room humidifier, you can just put a big pot of water on the stove and let it boil. The temperature will be the same, but the air will feel warm. Magic!
2006-12-20 09:18:52
answer #2
answered by Yes 3
What with wearing my pj's and my dressing gown and fluffy socks and a big fuzzy blanket and a hot water bottle on, not forgetting a nice flu fever brewing as well, the state of heating in my house I wouldn't have a clue about. But if it's any consolation I'm still bloody cold...
2006-12-20 18:17:01
answer #3
answered by Dumbledore 3
I've had my heating on full and the gas fire in the front room on all day and I was still cold. I dont thnk its cold enough for a white christmas - probably a foggy damp one. Its the fog hanging round that is making everywhere so cold and damp now xxxx
2006-12-20 08:55:31
answer #4
answered by starlet108 7
Nope, you've just gone soft, mate. Run around a bit. Get some food or a few sausages inside you. Let's hope it's a white christmas - get the winter duvet out and hope for santa!
2006-12-20 08:55:10
answer #5
answered by Miss Behavin 5
I'm in Scotland and my heating is on a low setting and I'm warm as toast.It's been a lovely day here,sun was shining doesn't look likely to snow in the next few days though it probably has in the Cairngorms.
2006-12-20 09:00:36
answer #6
answered by sanny 4
I'm in Ireland and its as cold here heating on full whack. Now i must get ready to go and work a night shift ill be cold for the night but getting holidays in the morn so ill have the rest of Christmas to drink myself warm.
Merry Christmas and happy new year to you and yours!
Hope we get snow i love it..........
2006-12-20 09:12:33
answer #7
answered by Deep Throat 3
well here in Spain, North West in Galicia, we are to have very cold weather, and in some parts heavy snow. but we are rather close to the sea, and this part never seem´s to get much, but plenty in the mountain´s only 100 kilometre´s away from us , But it would be nice to wake up on Christmas Day & see snow. Merry Christmas
2006-12-20 09:10:03
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Yeah me or I was
I went and had a very hot bath to warm me up and it worked
Nah hope of a white Christmas unless your up the Alps even then its debatable
2006-12-20 08:56:00
answer #9
answered by xXx Orange Breezer xXx 5
our heating's on full blast ANd the front fire cos it's flippin' freezing fog out there tonight and no i dont think there will be a white xmas, not in england anyway unless one or two little lost flakes count
2006-12-20 09:08:40
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
I do have heating 24 hours on and shivering because I am afraid of the gas bill
2006-12-20 08:58:40
answer #11
answered by Everona97 6