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I have recently used freecycle and been given a couple of wee things for my kids. I've always just thanked the person and never offered any money. However, a friend of mine thinks I should have at least offered a pound or 2. What do y'all think?

2006-12-20 07:16:05 · 5 answers · asked by Jill S 2 in Home & Garden Other - Home & Garden

5 answers

Absolutely not! The whole concept of FreeCycle is that it is FREE! Unless they go above and beyond to help you out with delivery or special accomodations, there's no way you should offer anything.

If you feel you must, a thank you card with a small token in it-- a gift card with a couple of dollars or a drawing from your child would be wonderful :)

Anyone who reads the terms and conditions should know and understand that very important part about it being free:)

Tell your friend to read the fine print!

2006-12-20 07:20:31 · answer #1 · answered by Elizabeth S 2 · 3 0

No, freecycle is free. The whole point of it is that people are giving things away instead of throwing them out. At least that is here in the US. The rules state that money cannot be exchanged. Your friend was wrong. What you should do is offer up things you no longer need for free as well.

2006-12-20 15:25:02 · answer #2 · answered by Gypsy Girl 7 · 1 0

It may be different in the states, but here no money is allowed to change hands when using freecycle. A nice thank you is wonderful.

2006-12-20 15:19:12 · answer #3 · answered by Julie 4 · 2 0

FREEcycle is just that....free. I am a member and heve enjoyed everything I have received, but my biggest joy comes from the giving...that's what it is all about. The members do not expect money, they just want you to pay it forward...just do that and enjoy the feeling.....

Happy Holidays...

2006-12-20 15:26:23 · answer #4 · answered by melissa 6 · 1 0

I think a couple of quid for a bike is not much!

2006-12-20 15:20:16 · answer #5 · answered by max 4 · 0 5

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