I am an independent who usually has a more liberal bent.
*I am pro-abortion, in causes where the person was a victim of rape, incest, or the child or mother in endangered beyond repair. *I believe it's not going to cause anything bad if gay people get married.
*I think the minimum wage should be raised, and companies should quit whining and suck it up.
*Energy in this country needs to be switched to a renewable source.
*Large companies are great for providing competition, but crap at driving out family and local businesses.
*Farms should be owned by people, not corporations, and farmers should get aid when crops are bad, etc, but not if they are some huge corporate entity.
*Guns are absolutely fine, and people have the right to own them, but not if they've been convicted of a violent crime in the past. *People that have been convicted of violent crimes need much, much harsher punishments - so do repeat drunk drivers and parole violaters.
*Health care is a mess, and it's time for the government to step in somehow.
*People should be rewarded more for getting married and less for popping out partners with whoever they spread their legs to. *Abstinence is a nice thought, but kids need to be taught more than just that.
*You have the freedom of religion, but not the freedom to interfere with someone else's religion.
*Religion is a thing to be taught at home or in church, NOT in school, unless you go to a private school where it is part of the curriculum.
*Big utility companies need more competition.
*People are too quick to sue for no reason.
*Our military is very important and deserves to have tax money spent on them.
*Taxes are insane and extra ones shouldn't happen unless it's for something beneficial to the country as a whole.
*Businesses need to manufacture more products here in the US, so people here have the chance to get better jobs.
*When I call customer service, I don't want to talk to someone in India. I want to talk to an American.
2006-12-20 07:09:30
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I'd say you are closest to being a democrat and would not slap a "moderate" label on it because you hold one view that is almost but not quite conservative. I should point out that, while democrats don't treat welfare like it's some fat to be trimmed out of the budget, that they don't usually expand welfare--their current theory is closer to 'safety nets for workers, and care for those who can't care for themselves (elderly, children, handicapped)'. Republicans usually don't get rid of welfare either, they just whine about how much we pay for it. Neither presidential candidate supports free health care, though many democrats in congress do. On abortion--do you think that is a choice that needs to be made for everyone by the government, or do you think people should be left to make their own choice--even if that choice may be a bad or irresponsible choice? Or do you think that fetus is alive and has the same rights as any other person? There really isn't a lot of middle ground for your position on abortion. There are two views that make sense--it's a baby and deserves the same protection as any child (unless we get into some weird semi-hypothetical such as selective abortion or abortion to save the life of the mother), or it is not a baby (or we don't know whether it is or not) and that a woman's freedom to discuss her options with her doctor and deal with them however she likes is nobody else's business. Saying that a fetus is only worth saving to punish the mother for her mistakes, giving teens an immoral but real reason to cry rape when they weren't raped, or simply taking away the freedom to choose for herself away from the mother makes no sense--unless--that abortion is a life that deserves government protection. There really isn't a middle ground that makes sense.
2016-05-23 01:21:22
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Your question seems sincere enough so I tried to put a lot of thought into my answer for you.
Independent, progressive who tends to vote democrat, but not absolutely.
For me it goes to my personal religious values and my interpretation of those values and other values I hold dear.
I try to be compassionate and non-judgmental, I try very hard, though I fail plenty.
I ask myself What would Jesus REALLY do? Then try to live and vote accordingly. Again I come up short, but I try.
For me, and this is historically accurate, Jesus was a something of socialist thinker (though not completely) who belieived in caring for others and had great compassion for other people, even those who sinned, did him wrong or otherwise behaved badly. He was a cahampion of the poor and downtrodden. I try to emulate that as often as I can.
I think, overall, the Democratic party tends to be the one which does this best. Not neccessarily well or even consistently, but overall more so than the Republican party. It's complex, but that is some of it.
To say you are a Christian, or religious person of any faith is a far different thing than striving to be.
One party tends to cry out more about their faith and principles, but I then quite often don't see those being extolled, the other says far less, but through charity & other things seems to do more. Nothing absolute here and I don't like people of one party more than the other and I certainly don't think either party is a paragon of virtue or shame.
For me, one just act more and cries a liitle less about their faith, etc.
Also , the dems are better civil libertarians, usually and in American that is the foundation of it all.
Freedom of Religion is also freedom from it, if that is yuour choice. I think the dems illustrate this more often.
I do like the two party system though and I think checks and balances are great!
2006-12-20 06:47:06
answer #3
answered by rumbler_12 7
Not to nitpick, but moderate is ideology, I think you mean independent. I am an independent conservative. I am an independent because no one party represents the whole of views. For this reason I believe it is better to vote for the person based on platform and results rather than a political party. I am conservative because traditional conservative values regarding fiscal responsibility, self reliance and smaller government appeal to me.
2006-12-20 06:37:54
answer #4
answered by Bryan 7
I left the republican party because it is too liberal for me.
I'm enrolled. I have voted for Dem's, Libertarians, and republicans in the pass. As far as electable politicians go ,I tend to vote Republican and would never vote a Libertarian into national office. Pro-Business (not pro-corporation) Pro-Labor(nationalist need), Pro-Gun,Pro-Life, Pro-Military (American Hegemony), Anti-Humanist.
The Democratic Party is full of anti-Christan bigots, traitors, and internationalists that would like to see the American hegemony of the world overthrown.
"Don't trust corporation, politicians, and anything with the name progressive in it"!
2006-12-20 06:52:33
answer #5
answered by sean e 4
Liberal Democrat. Although I believe there are good people in both parties I tend to find more that I agree with concerning the war on poverty and full civil rights for all people in the Democratic party.
2006-12-20 06:29:46
answer #6
answered by toff 6
Moderate Independant Liberal.
Socially (gay rights, equality, etc...) I'm liberal
Economically I'm conservative some places liberal others. I think people need to be more responsible and not ask for hand outs, but I believe sometimes people need a little bit of help. Not if they aren't willing to work, though.
2006-12-20 06:35:41
answer #7
answered by ? 5
Moderate Republican:
Because I have some Liberal views...i.e. Legalization of marijuana. But most of my views lean to the more conservative side, and because I hate the Clintons and most of the Democrats in office.
2006-12-20 06:47:57
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Green Party. But I don't party lines I vote best person for the job.
If America would have voted for the best person Bush would have never been elected. Too often political parties put the party before the country. They need to remember that America comes first always.
2006-12-20 06:35:43
answer #9
answered by kenny J 6
I'm a Moderate Republican because I think that, for the most part, citizens are entitled to respect and courtesy, and much smaller government.
2006-12-20 06:29:01
answer #10
answered by ? 5