Yes, but not quite in the simple and simple minded way it is presented in elementary history classes. The Communists were the first to go and then the homosexuals, night club comedians(for making fun of Hitler) then the Gypsies(as illegal immigrants), then the mentally retarded, the cripples, and the aged. The Nazis cleaned up all the beggars from their streets, Until after the start of the war the Nazis intended to create a Jewish homeland and were supported by the Zionists on this promise. After the war started they could not continue negotiations over Palestine with England, had no available ships to deport anybody with and resorted to resettlement in Eastern Europe. The resettlement became internment and then the final solution which was extermination. The role played by the governments of Eastern European counties should not be ignored either. Some of them continued their pogroms after the end of the war when Germany was already defeated.
The only thing really wrong with how the Holocaust is presented is thatr it ignores the reasons for it, how it fits with Positive Eugenics, the other Holocausts that were happening at the same time and since. It has become the big bugaboo and a political weapon for the Zionists. What is going on today under the names like ethnic cleansing are the same thing. Just without the internment camps.(unless you count the Gaza Strip)
2006-12-20 05:53:42
answer #1
answered by Barabas 5
Yes, every reputable historian concurs the Holocaust did happen. The German government concurs. The Nazi archives occur. There are witnesses from the British, American, and Soviet armies who liberated the camps. Civilian witnesses (including non Jewish peoples) from nearly every European country under Nazi control (including Germany) testified about the Holocaust. Considering that Hitler did plenty of things to piss off the British, the Americans, and the rest of Europe...not to mention North Africa...there would've been plenty of reasons to try the Nazis as war criminals had the Holocaust not occured. There's no reason to make it up. And if the Jewish population had invented the whole thing, why would cultures with a long history or anti-Semitism take their word on it.
Only two groups say that it didn't: Neo-Nazis, who in America tend to be extremely poor undereducated young and middle aged men and Extremeist Muslims. Not all Muslims deny the Holocaust, some question why the United Nations chose to create the State of Israel instead of making the Germans pay massive reparations to the Jews after World War II. This is a legitimate question that many historians have asked but it is not one that casts doubt on the veracity of the Holocaust story.
2006-12-20 05:53:53
answer #2
answered by Sara K 2
I have had to answer this before, and I always say the same thing because I truly think this is something that should be beyond doubt...
The Holocaust actually happened.
In Law the most damning evidence, and also an admissible exception to the hearsay rule, is a statement against interest. The German members of the Nazi government and Military who perpetrated the Ha-Shoah, have left tens of thousands of pages of documentation as a statement against interest. How do we know the holocaust happened? The Nazis admitted it happened, and they should be taken at their word.
One of the most stark examples of the precise quality of documentation left behind was the detailed report by SS-Standartenfuehrer Jaeger, the leader of a death squad known as Einsatzgruppe 3, about mass killings in the Nazi occupied USSR, July-November 1941. In his report to Berlin, which I link below, he outlined the dates, location, age and cultural group (almost entirley Jewish) of firing squad action in Lithuania. At the end of the report he proudly declares, "Today I can confirm that our objective, to solve the Jewish problem for Lithuania, has been achieved by EK 3. In Lithuania there are no more Jews...". His final tally, including children, was stated at a figure of 137,346. And that's just one death squad in Lithuania in a few months! There were many more Einsatzgruppen and death complexes that killed even more...
Furthermore, if you check the transcripts from the Nuremberg Trials, you will find numerous admissions of guilt, again, statements against interest. There are records the camp leaders kept at the death camps that were entered into evidence that showed the Holocaust actually made a profit for Nazi Germany -- by specifying hundreds of thousands of lines of gold fillings, jewelry, money and other property pulled from the victims moments before death. These records are strong statements against interest.
Then there is the Mein Kampf of Hitler, the minutes of the Wannsee Conference that gave the gristly marching orders to the Einstazgruppen, the "I was just following orders" defense of Holocaust architect Eichmann who designed special rail systems and routes to maximize the numbers of Jews arriving in death camps on a daily basis. These are all statements against interest by those that perpetrated the holocaust and can be referenced at will. We should trust the Nazis at their word when they say they were trying to kill Jews. They chronicled it, they preached it, they kept records about doing it.
But perhaps the most compelling evidence I can offer is to be found at the site of the concentration camps themselves. It's not the ovens or gas chambers that really make clear what happened -- though those are definitely there to be seen. It's the eerie echoes of the souls that were lost there, the voices of the victims. And if you have ever gone to visit the site of a concentration camp, you will know what I am talking about. The feeling is as undeniable as the entire Holocaust itself.
2006-12-20 06:32:04
answer #3
answered by SqRLiO 2
Let's be like General Dwight Eisenhower, Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces, who when finding the victims of the Nazi death camps, ordered all possible photographs to be taken. He even ordered the German people from surrounding villages to be ushered through the camps and even made to bury the dead. Eisenhower did this because he said in words to this effect: "Get it all on record now, get the films, get the witnesses, because somewhere down the track of history some b*****d will get up and say that this never happened."
2016-05-23 01:12:39
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
It is fact. It is history. Your question is like asking, "was there a yesterday?". There is most certainly no proof of any kind it did not occur, and there is ample proof that it did occur. Many people are still alive who lived through it. Repeating this question is a dangerous act that creates precedent for dismissing reality, and utter disrespect for the millions of people who suffered.
2006-12-20 05:41:35
answer #5
answered by S D 1
first off read boxers answer and then let me finish it off what do you think would have happened to the japanese americans it our concentration (relocation) camps if we had been invaded food and labor were in short supply and we were at total war well ill tell you rations would be cut forced labor would have been intruduced and starvation and death would not have been far behind. as we worked these people to death fighting for are liberty's but wait im not finished what if americans of german ancestory took up with the nazis in the newly occupied american states of germania well ill tell you if they were caught they would be rounded up taken out to fields and shot in the back of the head just like the nazis did in russia and what if there were german americans that say openly looked forward to the occupation by the nazis these people two would then have been taken to concentration camps and now lets say were losing the war and the nazis are winning is it realy so inconcievalbe that are government without our knowledge would systmatically kill german americans and dispose of there bodies the most hygenic way possible up in smoke! you have to be realistic are government infected african americans with tuburculosis and would not treat them for 10's of years the northern armies during the cival war put southern soldiers in concentration camps and systamatically killed them they looked like auchwitz survivors at the end of the war and last but not least our own government during the 50's expierimented on our poplulation with radian over large citys you probably wouldnt think that would have happened but it did. we cant say we would have done much better with the same circumstances as those stinking nazis just look at iraq think how many people have died since we invaded it way over a quarter of a million and growing all we hear about is the 60 or so soldiers a month that are killed. so to sum it up yes the holocaust did happen there were meticiouluse records kept even the size and nuber of head lice on people was kept its all in vaults in germany now but the real question is if other circumstances had presented themselves would we and them have not done things differently. one could even argue that had germany beaten great brittan early in 1941 parts of the british empire including palestine would have came under nazi control and with there new found colonial possesions and navy they would have very easily rid themselves of the supposed european jewish problem and deported all jews and other undesirables to these locations instead of sending them up the chimmneys. what does america currently do with nazis they dont want they dont kill them they deport them you would have to be irational to not think these scenarios would not and could not have happened. if the capital of germania had been built they would have had all the lesser peoples nations once a year bring tribute to the fuherer and successors they would have preffered subjucating these people to killing them because they liked being better it doesnt do you any good to have a shiny new car if people dont look up to you and say wow i wish i had that. that's part of the fun of being better than other people. I hope this opened some peoples eyes to mans inhumanity to man if you think it cant happen hear it cant happen again than its true if you forget your history your doomed to repeat it. we are no better than that low level nazi that locked the door on that cattle car on the way to the camp.... what would you not do to protect your family if the government was scaring the crap out of you with propaganda...
2006-12-21 07:08:54
answer #6
answered by moonwheeler 3
Was this question really necessary? Yes it did. There is photographic evidence, some of the men who liberated the camps are still alive, some of the Nazis confessed at the Nuremberg tribunals. Some of the survivors of the camps are still alive. What more evidence do you require?
2006-12-20 05:40:11
answer #7
answered by Elizabeth Howard 6
yes it did because hiter was a real person in Germany at that time and you can ask a survivor of the holocaust they will you about the time they were there
2006-12-20 06:23:28
answer #8
answered by Haylee H 1
With all those memorials, museums and tour guides in Auschwitz, the stories of the survivors... of course it happened!
2006-12-20 05:40:27
answer #9
answered by 3lixir 6
Without a doubt.
2006-12-20 08:45:56
answer #10
answered by Megan Leggett 2