I know that plants need a certain amount of nutrition from the soil to grow, and that when growing plants indoors, the only nutrition they get is what you give them. I am trying to grow these plants completely organically, with dirt from my backyard, using nothing bought from a store except the vegetables/plants from which I took the seeds. So far I have large sprouts of morning glories and catnip, and small sprouts of tomatoes, green beans, cucumber, and green bell pepper. They seem to be doing very well with a combination of filtered tap water and mineral water, but I want to make sure they don't suddenly die out because they are getting too much or too little of something. The mineral water is bottled still (not carbonated) Italian mineral water. I have southern exposure in the window that they sit in, so sunlight doesn't seem to be a problem. Any tips for growing these through the winter would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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