i dont know how to increase your memory but for your computer you can add more ram sticks
2006-12-20 05:15:13
answer #1
answered by GoLd E 5
virtual memory - control panel - system icon - advanced tab - click settings button under performance - advanced tab - click change under virtual memory highlite drive and increase and click ok ok ok
or just buy more RAM...
2006-12-20 12:54:04
answer #2
answered by T G 4
by reading and writing
2006-12-20 20:28:37
answer #3
answered by keral 6
Go to and put in your system specs at = http://www.crucial.com/support/install.asp = "Eliminate the hassle and risk of getting the wrong memory — guaranteed or your money back! In just 3 easy steps our Memory Advisor⢠tool will show you exactly the right upgrade for your computer."
http://www.crucial.com/systemscanner = " The Crucial System Scanner automatically detects your computer's information and gives you the details you need to purchase a compatible upgrade. To run the Crucial System Scanner, you need Microsoft Windows 95 or higher. " + http://www.crucial.com/uk/index.asp
For a good price see: = http://www.newegg.com and/or
http://www.zipzoomfly.com/jsp/Home.jsp - http://www.zipzoomfly.com/jsp/Home.jsp
Everything you need to know about RAM - CNET reviews = http://reviews.cnet.com/4520-3038_7-5020358-1.html?legacy=cnet
Test your ram with these: Memtest86L= http://www.memtest.org +
RAM Reliability Test = http://hcidesign.com/memtest
Ram Idle = http://www.freewareweb.com/cgi-bin/archive.cgi?ID=1423
Memory Timings and Bandwidth Explained = http://www.anandtech.com/memory/showdoc.aspx?i=2223&p=5.
How to Add Memory FAQ for Personal Computers = http://www.cyberwalker.com/faqs/how-tos/ram-upgrade-faqs.html#pix
computermemoryupgrade.net = info on RAM =
Turn off Windows Themes and use Windows Classic 98 Theme = right click on Desktop/click Properties/click 'Appearance'/choose 'Windows Classic Style'.
Go to Control Panel/System/Advanced tab /under Performance click on Settings / Visual Effects tab/
Adjust for best performance / Ok / Apply / Ok
Clear your cache and go to your local settings folder and empty your "temp" folder.
Also control what loads at startup with = Codestuff Starter :http://www.webattack.com/get/starter.shtml .
I found that it's best to have windows set to manage virtual memory.
( "system managed size").
Start/Control Panel/Performance and Maintenance/System/Advanced tab/Performance, Settings button/Advanced tab/Virtual Memory, Change button/bullet System Managed Size.
How to set performance options in Windows XP = http://support.microsoft.com/kb/308417
Pagefile in Windows XP = http://aumha.org/win5/a/xpvm.php
Also see =[L=MS Support Knowledge Base (KB) = support.microsoft.com/search]http://support.microsoft.com/search/default.aspx?spid=global&query=virtual+memory&catalog=LCID%3D1033&pwt=false&title=false&kt=ALL&mdt=0&comm=1&ast=1&ast=2&ast=3&ast=8&ast=9&mode=a&x=18&y=13[/L]
[L=Memory = shsc.info/WindowsMemoryManagement ]http://shsc.info/WindowsMemoryManagement[/L] = posted by BubbleBop
[L=Virtual Memory and Pagefile in Windows XP = aumha.org ]http://aumha.org/win5/a/xpvm.php[/L]
[L=Virtual Memory in Windows XP = aumha.org]http://aumha.org/win5/a/xpvm.php[/L]
I found that it's best to have windows set to manage virtual memory.
( "system managed size").
Start/Control Panel/Performance and Maintenance/System/Advanced tab/Performance, Settings button/Advanced tab/Virtual Memory, Change button/bullet System Managed Size.
Adjusting Virtual Memory Settings in Windows XP = http://www.avid.com/onlinesupport/supportcontent.asp?productID=0&contentID=6999&typeID=2
To change it: computer/propertes/advanced/performance/advanced/at the bottom change it.
2006-12-20 15:13:16
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
http://kahlon.com it will show what your system shipped with and what u can upgrade too :)
2006-12-20 12:51:21
answer #5
answered by Michael Burns 4
buy more
2006-12-20 12:52:13
answer #6
answered by Anonymous