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Surely the Conservatives here should join with us in calling for Bush to stand down NOW before he does irrepairable damage to our country and reputation.

2006-12-20 03:43:54 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

B. Goldwater:- ONE HONEST AND PATRIOTIC CONSERVATIVE AMERICAN.. and look how many thumbs down the lemmings brigade have given him.

2006-12-20 03:57:19 · update #1

30 answers

Yes, we are the people that have made life better for every American.

It's impossible to get through a single day in America without benefiting from a Liberal idea, translated into govt policy.

2006-12-20 03:50:17 · answer #1 · answered by bettysdad 5 · 3 5

LIberals and conservatives are stupid names to give a group. Some of the greatest people that would be associated with liberals these days were conservative.Goldwater fought for civil right's and separation of church and state and he was a conservative. The word has flipped flopped its meaning over the years. It used to stand for keeping the goverment out of peoples lifes. Now this is a trait that is somewhat related to liberals. And the conservative is more of just a christian bias group really these days. At least thats how i see it i am not that knowlegable of the words so sorry if i got it wrong.

2006-12-20 11:58:40 · answer #2 · answered by Beaverscanttalk 4 · 2 1

You're kidding, right? Liberals having America's best interests at heart??!?!!??!? HA! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...somebody stop me before I wet myself...OK class, let's review, shall we?

-- The liberal answer to dealing with terrorists who have made it their mission in life to kill as many Americans as possible is to be more understanding, more accepting, and to give these poor poverty-stricken individuals more economic opportunities. Great way to hand someone a knife and stick out your throat...

-- The liberal answer for our economy is to punish people for being wealthy (because we all know the wealthy are evil except for the Holly-Weird jet-set who are supposedly more enlightened than their counterparts who took risks and EARNED their money) and by Government-mandated redistribution of wealth. Not only is that a disaster waiting to happen since our Government has shown only too well that it can't manage money worth a darn, that's the first step toward a socialist economy. It didn't work in the former Soviet Union and it sure as heck won't work here.

-- The liberal answer to the health care problem is a government-run health care system. Again, we're back to another step toward the Soviet Union by setting up socialized medicine, not to mention the fact that once we hand that over to the government we're stuck with the train-wreck of a health care system they would come up with (One look at Capitol Hill and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that the only things our elected leaders are good at is miring government programs in bureaocracy and red tape and giving themselves a pay raise every year). You'd think that the liberals would be dead-set against a system that would give so much personal information to the government since liberals value privacy so much...

Don't you get it? Any time we as citizens hand an issue -- ANY issue -- to the government and say "Here, fix this," we're willfully handing over a little piece of our freedom and giving the government just a little more power to exercise its authority over the private citizen. Keep doing that and you'll get to the point where the government has more power than the citizens have freedom, and from there it's just a downward spiral that will eventually turn into a communist regime where the state is God and freedom is a thing of the past.

If you people are so much more intelligent than our President, then why is it that you haven't come up with a solution to the situation in Iraq? All we heard from the left was how they were going to end the war before the November election, then all of a sudden the tune changed to "We can't pull the troops out right away..." Need I remind you that the President and his party that you take such great glee in bashing have been relaying the exact same sentiment all along?

Hypocrisy, thy name is Democrat...

2006-12-20 12:02:17 · answer #3 · answered by sarge927 7 · 2 2

Well, i am neither American nor a liberal but i pray you will permit me to comment anyway...

No, your are not the only ones...but i understand the lonelyness of your possition all too well and the tendancy for the voices of reason to feel alone in the void!

Most of the Grown Up international Community has your best interests at heart for they are bound so closely with our own.

let me explain, im a brit married to a virginian lass and spend half my time on each side of the pond...the "global village" is more real today then ever, what effects one nation effects us all and with regards to the westen democracies its best to think of us as family... we dont allways like each other but we DO CARE.

If a child plays with fire they get burned and learn the lesson... however no parent/adult/human would condone the child playing with a gallon of gas and a box of blackpowder to learn THAT lesson... we stood back during Vietnam and let you get on with it to learn the best way to deal with an ethnic/guarilla war...WHY DIDNT YOU LEARN? while the British Army fought our own Vietnam in Malaya (AND WON!) Did you stop to Learn? NOPE.

Now we are on the brink again, and guess what! this time we are all telling you the same thing...you just aint listening!!!!!!!

We love you....allways will, your kinda sweet en innocent with regards the big bad world but you are growing up fast...its the brits fault (yup..i admit it!) we ought to have taken longer handing over the baton of world policeman to you after WWII but you chaps were so keen to get started......

Now for gods sake take a step back and put bruised ego's aside!

If you get mired in the bog you are going to find out the hard way the hard way that some problems cant be fixed by coke, apple pie and a levi jeans trade agreement... GET OUT AND WATCH EN LEARN.

ps . neadless to say we (UK) will cover you as long as we can...but even our voice is wearing thin, we cant watch your back forever.

God bless en merry xmas

2006-12-21 08:11:55 · answer #4 · answered by Zarathustra 3 · 0 0

Why do you address a question to people of like mind. Are you so insecure that you are afraid of contrary answers?
In any debate the first order of business is a definition of terms. No honest discussion can be carried out if we are talking about different things while using the same words. With that in mind, you first have to define what you mean by America's best interests. There could be considerable discussion on that topic to begin with. What are America's best interests? If we can agree on this, then we might be able to discuss who has those interests at heart. And while we are at it, what do you mean by "at heart"? Do we care about actually doing something about it or just thinking about it and feeling good about our thoughts? I can feel inside what I think is best and do something else because I am prevented from doing what I really want to do.
I am sure that liberals and conservatives alike will both declare that they have America's best interests at heart. However, their respective approaches to those interests are very different. They don't have the same interests in mind nor do they have the same plan to carry out those interests.
From my perspective, the liberals want to control the people because they don't trust the people to do anything for themselves. The liberals want the government influence to grow and do more for the people, meaning more taxes and less freedom. The conservatives want to empower the people and have them do more for themselves. This gives them freedom to experiment on their own to succeed and to fail. There is more personal growth in the conservative agenda. The conservatives create a stronger citizenship while the liberals create a stronger government with a weaker citizenship.
For my taste, a stronger people and a government that is not as domineering is preferable. Thus, I would feel that the conservative agenda is more in the country's best interest than the liberals.
As for Pres. Bush, he is irrelevant to your topic. I believe he is honestly trying to do what he believes to be best for America. I don't agree with all of his decisions but I believe he has been genuine in the decisions he has made. We can blame bad information for some of those decisions. I don't think Iraq was ever a threat to our country's security. I don't think we had any business invading them without a lot more evidence about America being in actual danger from Iraq's activities and intentions.

2006-12-20 12:07:33 · answer #5 · answered by rac 7 · 1 2

Anyone who understands Bush as a person could tell you he is never going to pull out of Iraq . He is all about being right in the history books written a hundred years from now . He will be viewed as a president that tried to bring a better way of life to the Middle East at a time of great peril and death and war .
He truly believes what he is doing is right and therefore will never look back .

2006-12-20 11:55:55 · answer #6 · answered by -----JAFO---- 4 · 2 2

i just wanted to point out that yes we have an idiot for a president but hes just the public puppet ppl!!! when talking s*** of all ur doing is derailing the focus on the true problem in this government , the presidential cabinet the true pieces of ****, appointed by idiot Jr of-course but influenced by idiot Sr..............................i think americans should bomb the world and get over with everything :P nah jk i have to say liberals aren't the only ones with americans best interests at heart just while everyone else is off defending their beliefs or insulting our president or just plain scared, liberals are out moving and being heard

2006-12-20 11:59:47 · answer #7 · answered by oldermenrockmyworld 2 · 1 1

a bit late don't you think, he has standing and America has a reputation within the international community and by this i do not mean Americans- it is the political ideology espoused by politicians that has tainted the world view on America, "folks" who live there are just as genuine and wholesome as they come.

2006-12-20 12:24:39 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0


Actually addressed this in today's press conference. {(from the amenican indian treaty room of the white house) might I add (for Paulisfree's sake)}

America's youth have adopted new levels of hate that is disrupting several segments of society and business.

Go big Red Go

2006-12-20 11:55:45 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Goldwater was a conservative for all of America.

He was a traditional conservative, not these extreme-religions-right-wing hybrids we have today. But whatever, people can have whatever opinion they want. Whether or not I or anyone else agrees with it.

2006-12-20 12:08:57 · answer #10 · answered by ? 5 · 2 1

Oh, please, get over yourself. Every American wants what's best for America.

But I don't think that the liberals' policies will actually result in what's best for America.

Nor do I think that Bush is doing irreparable damage to our country or reputation. Actually, it is the Democrats and the anti-war zealots who are harming our reputation because our allies are hedging their bets because the cannot rely on America to follow through. Thanks, Dems, for undermining our efforts and making our sacrifices to have been in vain.

2006-12-20 12:07:41 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

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