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In terms of Bush's place in history, I think he will be remembered alongside the greatest presidents including George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Ronald Reagan, and a fellow Republican by the name of Abraham Lincoln. Now, I can't list ALL Bush Accomplishments with such a short amount of space (and time), but I will list a couple of things this great man has done.

1) Bush has reestablished good Christian Values in the White House, and America at large (Lord knows we needed it after the Clinton administration).
2) Bush has made us safe from terrorists through his audacious military efforts in Afghanistan and Iraq.
3) Bush has continuously fought for Middle Class Americans by cutting taxes. A move that also saved the Economy!
4) Bush has raised educational standards for our kids by starting the "no child left behind" program.

I can go on and on with Bush's accomplishments. There are just too many of them to mention because he's one of the best President's ever!

2006-12-20 03:38:23 · 36 answers · asked by conservativeguyfromnc 2 in Politics & Government Politics

36 answers

Bush will go down as the worst president in U.S. history. He will hold that distinction all by him self.

1. he has reestablished christian values of the middle ages, death and destruction.
2. bush has made this country much lass safe from terrorist and has increased their numbers with his failure in Iraq and his belligerent disregard for international law.
3. he has failed the middle class and the country sending it's best and most heroic on a failed military campaign. Draining the in U.S. Treasury in the processes.
$. The no-child left behind program has deemphasized education and turned American kids into test robots devoid of critical thinking and analysis skills.

Look he is a failure. A rich kid getting accepted to Yale only to be a C student is no accomplishment and certainly does not require a bright person.
Even the Joint Chiefs are throwing him under a bus in the face of his incompetence.
I can go on all day all week listing how has failed this country and why he should be incarcerated for his failed presidency.

2006-12-20 03:41:22 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 9 4

I am a conservative, and have my doubts. My reasoning why he MAY: 1. Should western values eventually take hold in the middle east, bringing forth peace and greater human rights, Bush may get the credit. Remember it was years after Ronald Reagan challenged the "Evil Empire" of the USSR that communism fell. 2. The tax cuts that helped revive the US economy post 9/11. Unlike other non-Reaganites such as Senator John McCain, President Bush has been strong on tax cuts. 3. No Child Left Behind. This program, despite being disliked by teachers unions who want teachers to work less and get paid more, actually does help the students via imposed standards. Gond are the days when a child could go from grade to grade without the ability to even READ. Thank Bush for this one. My reasoning why he may NOT: 1. A total and complete attempt to erase the borders of the US in favor of a new "North American union". Can it be denied that not only has the Bush Admin. ignored defending our borders, they have actively KEPT us from guarding them. They have fought tooth and nail for Amnesty and weak borders. They have punished actively border patrol agents who defend themselves--2 were convicted and Bush fails to pardon them. But when the Mexican military crosses our border, fires on our law enforcement, escorting drug runners into our country to supply meth to our populace, this is NOT a good thing. 2. Bush is a big spender. He has barely EVER used the greatest tool a president has to stop sloppy and pork packed legislation, the Veto pen. Bush has been a big spender and is not a true conservative on that front. This has hampered what would be an even greater economic boom in the US. 3. Bush has tolerated a complete and utter attack on his Presidency by his own people. Constant leaks in the CIA have been pretty clearly an attempt to destroy the US effort to win in Iraq and Afghanistan. This is almost treasonous, and a greater leader than Bush would have dealt with said treachery with the full power of the Presidency. 4. Failure to enlist a Republican "James Carville" to defend the President and his critics. This has lead to daily attacks via the press on the Bush administration that should be easily countered. This is also a lack of leadership. I could go on, but as you can see, there are bad points along with the good.

2016-05-23 00:09:02 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1) Bush has reestablished good Christian Values in the White House yea lets have a goverment like the one's were fighting woohoo

2) Bush has made us safe from terrorists through his audacious military efforts in Afghanistan and Iraq bush ditched iraq where the real troublw was and how is amking more terrorist's stoping them

3) Bush has continuously fought for Middle Class Americans by cutting taxes. A move that also saved the Economy! Cutting taxes for the rich at a time of war when we need treasury money brilliant idea.

4) Bush has raised educational standards for our kids by starting the "no child left behind" program.Maybe he could raise standards by actually giving money to the school's instead of taking it away.

2006-12-20 03:46:43 · answer #3 · answered by Beaverscanttalk 4 · 4 2

Absolutely, positively not. He is going to be lucky to not end up being remembered as one of the ten worst Presidents in American History. I voted for him in 2000, and very quickly realized my mistake.

I trust that you are actually just trying to be funny with this question, but just in case you aren't here are refutes to your four points, and then a new one of my own.

1) Bush has created the most divided situation in American history. He has used and abused The Bible and Christianity to justify his actions in much the same way that Osama Bin Laden has done with Islam.
2) Does anyone really believe we are so much safer because of our actions in Afghanistan and Iraq? We have spent billions over there to create a failed state (Iraq) and create a new generation of people who would love to attack our country. We could have spent much less money by strengthening our own borders and "human intelligence" efforts in uncovering terror plots.
3) Bush has created a much wider gulf between the haves and the have nots in this country. Instead of cutting taxes, see 5 below for a better idea.
4) "No child left behind" is a joke of an idea. People want to believe that everyone should be at the same level in this world. I'm sorry, but competition is a fact of life, and if you aren't willing to work hard to accomplish something you will be left behind. The only thing NCLB has done is to stymie some of the top students, because they have to be held down to the level of the lower students.
5) Bush has continued to grow the federal debt, which I truly believe will someday be the cause of the downfall of this great country of ours. Were anyone other than the Federal Government to be in this debt position, the debt would already have been called in. One day the foreign governments that are financing out largess will decide it is too risky, and pull the rug out from under us.

2006-12-20 04:05:51 · answer #4 · answered by Christopher S 4 · 7 2

Bush will be remembered by the egotistical masses, yes. However, I'm not sure that he will be remembered as a great president even by them.

By anyone who cares about reality, he will be lucky to be forgotten.

I think you should be less concerned about people going down in history and more concerned with spiritual matters beyond this world of form.

You seem to be misled in your views of Christianity. Certainly Christ wouldn't think so highly of Bush. Christ was a pacifist in case you didn't notice.

Next time you read your bible, read between the lines please.

2006-12-20 11:34:12 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I don't really care what all of you think. History has a way of sorting out the rants and hysteria.

What bites my butt is the Big Liberal Lie. And I see it in a lot of the responses to this post.

CLUE BAT TIME kiddies...Cutting the tax rate made all Americans rich. They generated more wealth than this nation has ever seen. That wealth generated the highests tax receipts ever seen. Tax Rate Cuts do not equal lost Tax Revenue. America Tax Revenue went UP you freeking Liberal morons! Not Down. Tax rate cuts mean Americans get to choose how to send their money and not let the Liberals siphon it off to be wasted.

Talk about stupidity. Its Economics 101 Tax rates are not the same thing as tax revenue.

President Bush cut tax rates, tax revenue went way UP and America is swimming in tax revenue.

2006-12-20 04:40:07 · answer #6 · answered by Zee HatMan 3 · 0 2

How. other than lip servie, has Bush re-established Christian values?

Bush has made us LESS safe from terrorists.

He cut taxes for the rich, and ignored the Middle Class squeeze.

The "No Child Left Behind" prgram raised standards without funding what it would take to achieve those standards. So instead of improving education they're teaching to the test, and telling dumb kids to stay home on test day to skew the results.

Bush will go down in history as, by far, THE WORST President ever!

2006-12-20 03:41:50 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 12 3

NO!...Yes he will be remembered but for all the bad things that happened when he was president. First his country gets bombed, and thousands of people die. he then decides to go to a war that makes NO SENCE! Can you answer me ,why is the U.S. really in Iraq? Then our soldiers keep dieing over there, and some innocent iraquians that have NOTHING TO DO WITH IT! are killed including children. He chokes on a pretzel, his vice president shoots a guy, we find out he had horrible grades while in school, he was a cheerleader. He cant make up his mind about what he wants to do with our country. He lowers taxes yes...but he RAISES gas prices, so everything else can go up. Now you tell me, he will be one of the Top presidents.. I say NO!

2006-12-20 03:49:13 · answer #8 · answered by yeah yeah 2 · 2 3

I voted for him twice and still support him but, no, he is not one of the top 10 presidents in US history. He's far from the worst, but he's not the best, either.

But he is much better than either of the 2 wankers who ran against him would have been. However, that's a very low standard.

2006-12-20 04:18:07 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

If he gets his act together then he might just be remembered.

Good christian values? You mean calmness of spirit, forgiveness and hospitality?

Safe from terrorists? Maybe but he also produced the most frightened generation of Americans ever

America does not have a middle class. They are just rich people. There is a difference you know. Your economy still needs saving by the way.

education? His biggest contribution to education was not becomming a teacher himself.

2006-12-20 03:45:44 · answer #10 · answered by philip_jones2003 5 · 6 3

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