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23 answers

I thought they had. Remember, they say 9/11 was really our fault, not the terrorists because we provoked them. They say that it is our fault since we don't "understand" where the terrorists are coming from, and we should not do anything to make anyone angry. Therefore, if anyone is ever angry with us, of course it is our fault.

NOT! But you would be amazed...people actually think like that!

2006-12-20 03:11:04 · answer #1 · answered by Leah 6 · 4 6

The United States of America _is_ defined by the Constitution. Your citizenship, your leaders, your basic rights, indeed the very definition of American identity is found in that document alone. "Liberals" and libertarians are not waging a struggle against the people, but rather for the American people. They struggle to maintain the law and order contained in the Constitution and to prevent the government from becoming unaccountable to the people. Insofar as the regime currently in the halls of Executive power --that branch entrusted with upholding the Laws and Constitution-- insofar as the current regime is not liberal, it is baffling how Liberal-minded people could oppress the American people, since they are the American people.

The purpose of the Military is to uphold and defend the Constitution, and enemies of the state are those declared by and under the Constitution.

Such chatter of American people with differing opinions declaring any other citizen under the Constitution an "enemy" seems a bit unnecessary and fuels emotion. Emotion makes for bad laws. Bad laws make for bad government and invites oppression. Liberals are not your enemy, Conservatives are not theirs. The enemy is the guy trying to overthrow the US constitution, pit the American people against each other and convert everyone to their religion, under threat of terror and arms. You will not find that person within the borders of the United States, but you will find that person busy at night working on his goals in the mountains of Pakistan or Afghanistan. Let's not help him.

2006-12-20 11:24:33 · answer #2 · answered by SqRLiO 2 · 1 1

Not American people, just republicans

nonalcoholic....why would I be afraid to admit it. Republicans, (in particular, one republican administration,) has destroyed this country in every way conceivable. Bullshit war, horrible economy, global hatred, let Osama slip thru their fingers, took away civil liberties, destroying the environment, cling to the less than 2 percent of scientists that don't believe in global warming etc, etc. Anyone, or group that advocates the above is an enemy to America.

And why, do you feel the need to quote me when my post is right here for people to see. Afraid the average republican would be incapable of finding it?

Round 2....just going to disagree on the war
economy is not doing well, it has only recently got back to where it was 6 years ago. You can't destroy something, restore it to where it was, and claim it is doing well
global hatred - after 9/11, America had global empathy and warm feelings from almost everybody except the terrorists. Bush has turned that into almost universal loathing.
Osama - whether Clinton could have got him or not is debateable. However, at that time he hadn't perpetrated 9/11 yet. Bush had him trapped in Afghanistan and turned it over to local war lords to finish and then focused on Iraq.
civil liberties - because I have not personally experienced the Bush Administrations raping of the Constitution, doesn't mean that it is right. Guantanomo Bay and the Iraqi prisons are abhorrent and illegal.
environment - I personally don't have the power that Bush has to fight environmental problems. If I did, I would use them. eg raise
cafe standards, tax credits for alternative fuel research, forest protection etc
global warming - is real, melting polar ice caps etc can not be denied
not everyone that disagrees with me is the enemy - only those that promote destructive policies.
Finally, I get told every day that I am the enemy from Bush, (if the Democrats win, the terrorists win,) right on down the line. So don't pretend you don't claim the same thing.

2006-12-20 11:13:17 · answer #3 · answered by capu 5 · 4 3

It is the U.S. GOVERNMENT, not the AMERICAN people, which is our enemy!! It is that entity, which fakes our elections, taxes more than half of our income and sustenance, inflates our currency and destroys our savings, drives our jobs offshore, dispossesses the American majority with "affirmative action" artificial race and gender preferences ordered by Federal Courts, subverts our national soverignty and political independence with its subordination to NATO, the UN and its affiliates, NAFTA, the WTO and the rest of the multinational owned and operated "New World Order", and kills and maims young Americans in senseless wars like Afghanistan and Iraq for the benefits of corrupt oil companies and the State of Israel!

We Americans as PEOPLE have nothing to do with it. If voting could change this system, it would already be against the law!
But ever greater numbers of us are starting to realize who the REAL ENEMY is!!


2006-12-20 11:35:01 · answer #4 · answered by dkmeller1953 2 · 0 1

For many conservatives, it seems if you dissent you are un-american. If you point out wrongs you are a fanatic. Not all feel that way, but it seems so many do and so many are so vitriolic about it.

We love America, not more, not better, but just as much and just as well. I think liberals, in some cases, at least seem to understand the constitution a bit better, at least based on some of the comments I see.

The answer is, liberals will never do this, for America is its people, of all colors, statures, creeds, religions etc. The enemy among many are those who blindly follow bad leaders withour ever questioning them.

As Jefferson believed, Dissent is really the highest form of patriotism

2006-12-20 11:18:00 · answer #5 · answered by rumbler_12 7 · 2 3

I am sorry, but George Bush is not a liberal.

He declared a day before the Nov/2006 election that if the Democrats win, it will be a win for the terrorists!

Guess what? The Amrican public did not care about Bush's rhetoric. The American people did not care that Bush lableled them as terrorist.

2006-12-20 11:13:29 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

As much as it pains Republicans, Liberals are Americans. Real Americans that care about our future which is looking bleaker since this war.

And I will echo the comments of so many Conservatives: If you don't like it you anti-American terrorist lover, then get out of America. The terrorists are the real enemy. Plain and simple.

2006-12-20 11:09:59 · answer #7 · answered by Mrs. Bass 7 · 5 3

We all need to focus on the enemy in the world that wants us dead. And that is not other Americans.

2006-12-20 11:12:16 · answer #8 · answered by ? 7 · 2 1

They already have. The question is how long will it be before liberals flip and say they changed their minds. That liberals weren't supposed to be included in their original declaration. But what they said was not a mistake.

2006-12-20 11:15:45 · answer #9 · answered by namsaev 6 · 1 4

Actually the real enemy of America are religious extremists.

Theocratic nations whether Muslim or Christian are just as dangerous.

2006-12-20 11:12:11 · answer #10 · answered by sprcpt 6 · 3 2

Well they already have in a sense, not only did they say that but christians are also the enemy. Yeah DAMN US for wanting to live in a moral and ethical fashion.

2006-12-20 11:20:00 · answer #11 · answered by bunnydlh 3 · 3 2

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