"A number of the early ancestors were also developed for the 'sport' of dog fighting. The extraordinary vitality of this breed is a direct result of breeding for successful fighting dogs. This now illegal activity is, unfortunately, more often cited as the early purpose of the dogs rather than the general farm work."
It's like if you have a genetic propensity for becoming addicted to alcohol. There's a higher chance you can't handle it even in moderation like most people and can become easily addicted to it. There's also the chance genetically it DOESN'T manifest.
Some pitbulls have a stronger genetic predisposition and owners who don't even take that into consideration, while NOT bad owners may be naive about their dogs genetic makeup. However, I think all dogs need training...kind of like doggie etiquette!
2006-12-19 23:56:31
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
For all those people who say they turn and attack their owners, there are plenty of other breeds that can and do that, its just that pit bulls can do some damage. Because of the bad rep the press sensationalises it more, i mean you dont hear in the news about the savage maltese that chewed its owners ankle, but my aunt has needed stitches from hers before and i am sure other people have too.
Lucysmom it has been well documented that pits dont get along with other dogs or animals, and if that was the environment they were raised in what do you expect? I suspect even a labrador would probably be nasty then. Plus i am sure any dog could do that to a small dog, have you seen what a small terrier can do to a rabbit.
2006-12-20 01:23:53
answer #2
answered by Big red 5
Go here for the best dog training couse http://dog-training-course.checkhere.info
Since it is obvious that you do not have a clue about obedience training, your services should be for free. You cannot train even an adult dog for 8 hours a day. About the most that can be done at any one time is 10 - 20 minutes and that is with an adult dog and not a puppy. The attention span on this baby is extremely short and training session should be no more than 10 minutes and twice a day. Additionally, there isn't going to be much learned if you will only be training for 5 days. Obedience training is cumulative and is done over a much longer period of at least several weeks to several months.
What you can charge is determined by your experience, reputation, and accomplishments and in a case like this, should also include guaranteed expectations. Just working with dogs over several years, is not the experience that is necessary to be a dog trainer. There are too many people who are putting that title to their name and fleecing the public. Don't be one of them.
2014-10-22 05:13:33
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Pitbulls are wonderful dogs.
They are animals, they are demesticated and breed for centuries to fight other animals and to never bite people. Any pitbull that bit a person prior to the 1900 would have been killed without question. These dogs were babysitters and women would actually nurse these pups if mom died.
A pitbull generally won't hurt something or someone they love.
A pitbull generally is safe with other animals as long as proper socialization has happened.
Then you must add how they are currently bred, some very good and some very bad. Also for larger and stronger dogs and then they are handed to their owner. All this happens before you get your puppy home.
You take a good handler (they must be experienced) and they thrive and become better then you wildest dreams. Or you give them a neglectful owner and you can imagine they problems.
My last service dog was a pitbull american staff cross. Never had a single problem. She was a rescue from a mill of bad people. She wouldn't approach anyone and was terrified of everything. She and I worked hard and life worked out.
I know a guy who bred his female pit three times by the age of 2 years and sold all the pups for the money to fix the dog. Needless to say the money went to his drug habit instead of the dog. He would yell at the dog for looking at him and only had the dog to make himself feel better. All of that dogs pups have shown signs of extreme instability, health problems and many have been put to sleep, given to shelters and other horrible lives.
The problems are deeper then owner and dog. Stop backyard breeding, any good breeder cares more about the pups then you. Take the pup to a trainer, learn about the breed. They have their problems, some aren't good with other animals and you must always take care to protect people and animals from your dog but remember there are good pits. If you search on google for LDS harness there is a picture of a pitbull in new york, he is sleeping on the job.
I would look it up but my current service dog is asking to go out.
2006-12-19 23:54:42
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
This question could be answered from a pure breeding stand point and a training stand point.
Breeding....if the said "Pit Bull" has a lineage of aggressive parents and grandparents, then it will naturally be more aggressive than a "Pit Bull" that has a lineage of more companionship. There are still breeders out there that breed this dog to be aggressive for fighting. Sad I know.
Training standpoint.........Given the proper enviroment to be raised it and proper obedience training, and an outlet for the dog's energies, this dog has the potential of being extremely well socialized and behaved to never turn on anybody or anything in its life.
ANY breed (or mix) of ANY size with ANY type of training can "snap" for ANY reason. Usually there is a story behind all the attacks you read about that is never mentioned.
2006-12-19 23:56:06
answer #5
answered by nightowl_2134 2
There are several reasons why Pitbulls can be overly agressive or turn on their owner e.t.c. One important reason I see being overlooked is the fact that a lot of them are inbred. This is usually the fault of the owner. Inbreeding is likely to cause the animal to have a chemical imballance whitch can lead to problematic behavior. Then there is the owner who fights his dog and raises it to be basically "a killing machine" these people choose the pitbull because they easilly develope muscle mass and are very strong dogs. I have a Pitbull mix that would protect me with his life and is very intimidating too others yet he plays well with our puppy " both male" and is gentle with kids. Personally I think that pitbulls have a bad rap and if people treated their pets right all the time their may have never been any difference between a pitbull and a golden retriever as far as behavior goes.
2006-12-20 00:00:18
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Pit bulls do not have a "tendency to be human aggressive." Animal aggressive, yes, but they should NEVER be human aggressive.
With all of the back yard breeding, irresponsible owners, and abuse these dogs suffer, there are some who are human aggressive and dangerous, and should be humanely euthanized. This is not the fault of the dog, but of the people who allowed the breeding of unsound, unsafe dogs in temperment. However, this can be true of any breed.
Dogs can sense fear, hatred, and other emotions. With so many people buying into the "pit bulls are monsters" hype, many people show (directly or indirectly) negative feelings to the dog when they encounter one. The dog reacts to the body language and scents that the person gives off, and reacts accordingly.
Also, just because a pit bull (or any dog) runs toward you it does not mean they want to hurt you. Many times the dog wants to be friendly, but is automatically labeled aggressive by people who don't know dog body language. Again, this is no fault of the dogs.
Pit bull are like other breeds in that they need proper socialization, training, and care, however being an owner of a pit bull requires so much more of you than if you were the owner of another breed, because you need to be extra responsible, extra diligent on training, and responsible enough NOT to breed!
Also, pit bull type dogs are instantly euthanized at many shelters across the US, just because of their "rep." The dog itself could be a beautiful, fantastic, loving dog, but still be put to death by gas, drowning, shot, etc. Not all of them are humanely euthanized. And this treatment also is given to puppies, not just adult dogs.
People have a tendency to be mean, cruel, and inhumane. Just ask the soul of the puppy who was baked in the oven with it's paws and such taped together, or the one doused with a flammable substance and then set on fire, or the pup that was doused with acid which burned so much of her body that the vet clinic had to humanely euthanize her to end her suffering.
Or ask the dogs that are made to fight, being lethally injured, enduring severe pain, just for the entertaiment of cowards. And yet the people who "fight these dogs" in the ring will swear up and down the dogs enjoy it...this is not so. They do what they have to do please their master, because they are so loyal to their owner. They know only what they are taught, what they experience, and many people only give them bad, hateful, painful experiences.
I hope this helped answer your question.
2006-12-20 04:12:41
answer #7
answered by libertydogtraining 4
Soem dogs are geneticaly bred with high aggression and pray/defense drives. As an owner of a dog like that, you can guide those drives and mold them into what you want, but you cannot extinguish them. If the dog is the result of a breeding that should have never happened, then it is a genetic problem. It makes no difference if it is a pit or a maltese. Pits can be very nice dogs, depending on their genetics and their environment. I have only owned one, so I do not have the experience that other people have in them, but, he was a really nice dog and the first pit in the country to be certified in narcotics detection.
2006-12-19 23:58:50
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Well considering there is no actual DNA to prove the breed of a pit bull, that really does make the breed non-exsistant and well....human bred.
Backyard breeding is horrible, its basically a bunch of welfare collecting,drug dealing trash trying to make some extra cash. Take one guess who these backyard breeders best clients are?? OTHER USELESS DRUG DEALING TRASH.
Its very sad, not only for the people who adore this breed, but for the reputal breeders. Now they have introduced bill 132 (thanks to our ever so ignorant attorney general michael bryant, who by the way had no clue what a pitbull even looked liked when he passed this bill).
These poor dogs are getting putdown faster then i can bat an eye because michael bryant made several laws taking away the rights of these animals, one of them being they cant change owners. This is inhumane, and should not be tolerated. They need to punish the deed not the breed.
Start throwing these junkies in jail when their dogs attack people. Why should people like me, responsible dog owners, pay the consequences for these idiots?
Along with many other laws i have to follow (including having to have a one million dollar liability insurance on my dog) i now have to muzzle her, prime example of why i am opposed to this..........i took her to the vet for her shots etc, i had her muzzled, out came a german sheppard, he went right for her throat for no reason, she couldint defend herself. Luckily she didint have any serious wounds because we restrained the sheppard. Guess what the owner said to me? oh well my dog has never done that before (according to michael bryant german sheppards are the best breed of dogs, and dont ever attack) BULL$HIT!!!!!
Bottom line is not once did michael bryant even take into consideration the plea's of thousands of people, including animal behavourists, vet's, dog attack victims, and all the tax paying citizens. Instead he power tripped, said he didint care what any of us had to say and passed the bi-law anyways!
So I just want to give a big @#%$ YOU to micheal bryant. Feel free to join in, if your not a pitbull owner, or even animal lover, do it for those 1000's of innocent dogs that are being put down!!!
Pit bulls are a part of a 3percent of dog attacks in the world. Even The Ontario Veterinary Medical Association was firmly opposed to this ban of pitbulls.
2006-12-21 10:47:43
answer #9
answered by That_Girl_ 2
Pitbulls are not aggressive animals at all. To tell you the truth, they are the most loving animals in the world. Its just the way that they are raised. I have 4 Pitbulls, and not one of them are aggressive at all (unless you mess with me or my husband). I never intentionally made my oldest dog fight, but if another big dog comes around and tries to SMELL me, he gets very upset, but WILL NOT FIGHT!
2006-12-21 01:09:26
answer #10
answered by sierra8152001 2