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do you think that it would effect anything for you, if you found out that all the major events in your life, to date, and for the future... had all been predestined, planned out and scheduled in a manner beyond your concious awareness.

this is assuming whatever evidence you were shown, was whatever it was that you would need in order to belive it and accept it as true.

this is a hypothetical, so even if your conciously entirely confident that it is not so,.... imagine that mabe, despite that, you WERE given enough evidence, in such a manner that you would belive it.

if you INSIST that nothing like that could ever be shown to you, what makes you so confident? what have you seen, experienced, or felt that makes you belive so?

and what if it was further explained that this planning was not done by some entirely outside force, but by a wiser, greater part of your own self, and your concious self simply does not remember doing so.

2006-12-19 22:19:01 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

as a detail... yes, I do feel this is the nature of things, in a sense, partially interested in seeing how many others around agree, I just expect more not to agree than to feel the same way.

2006-12-19 22:28:04 · update #1

10 answers

Remaining in the hypothetical realm:

To be told, revealed, shown, whispered, emailed, telegramed, faxed, whatever, that your life was pre-determined is to imply that the instance of your being told was also pre-determined. This also means that any reactions or feelings or attempts to change such would also have been known, up to and including the importance of how each instance led to the inevitable conclusion. Oedipus Rex, a Greek tragedy, is a classic example about how one's attempts to avoid one's fate can eventually bring about the outcome regardless.

However, sometimes, people are told what their future will be like because, in telling the person of that future, they too react, feel and/or attempt things that do not bring about its conclusion. A Christmas Carol is a good point, with the ghost of christmas future 'revealing' the future to Mr. Scrooge. It must be said, however, that one's fate cannot be altered, because if it could be altered, then it wasn't one's fate. It can be one's fate to be told of one's 'fate' so that one changes their behavior, and in so doing, proceeds along the path to the fate that was predestined for them.

If you want a common example of predetermined destiny, its very simple: Love. Two people cannot be 'true loves' if their existence were simply a random occurence. Something must 'bind' them so that each is convinced that the other is special in a way that no one else is. This is because 'lovers' are created as one soul, and then split into two. Splitting the soul into two does nothing to change the fundamental nature of the soul, and it creates the source of the realization in each person, when they meet, that the other is the 'one', unique and wholly 'theirs'. Their 'love', therefore, must be predestined, and not only must it be predestined, the eventual return to each other is foreordained, for they can only be 'whole' by the original pieces eventual return to each other.

As for the 'greater part of your own self', we cannot create ourselves. You cannot create you because there has to be a 'you' that exists before you can create the you that exists. A bit complicated, I know.

Imagine, if you will, a photomosaic image. Taken all at once, a cohesive image is formed. However, when you look close up, you see it is really made up of individual photos arranged just so. Is that individual photo the same 'you' as that larger photomosaic image 'you', no. Can you be an individual and still be part of a larger 'group' identity, yes.

The force, or mosaic, is outside or greater than you, but you also fundamentally are a part of what drives the the composition of the image. You are not your stomach, but without your stomach, there is no you, so when your stomach is upset, the greater 'you' takes care of, and recognizes, the individual 'you'.

The creation of the image is pre-destined, but that does not mean your involvment is not, or has not, been taken into consideration.

2006-12-19 22:43:27 · answer #1 · answered by Khnopff71 7 · 0 0

Yes I do think that the things that happened to me were predestined. It would take too long and I would run out of space if I said what has happened and why I think it was predestined.

2006-12-20 06:20:51 · answer #2 · answered by Lynnemarie 6 · 1 0

you mean that before birth i seen and planned my life ...
that i would know the lessons to be learned and obstacles put in my way ?
i already believe this to be so
i also believe though that this knowledge is removed from us so that we act with free will
so although it is predestined to an extent ... there is room for change and choice

2006-12-20 06:21:51 · answer #3 · answered by Peace 7 · 2 0

If that was all possiable which it is not then, you would surely change your destiny and maybe others as well! It would be a sure self destruction in the end and ruin God's design for us , whoes life you would changed if linked to yours!

2006-12-20 06:24:47 · answer #4 · answered by MagikButterfly 5 · 0 0

Predestined means, God Knows How You will choose and only you can make right or wrong decisions in your life. He's Not the puppet master.

2006-12-20 06:46:59 · answer #5 · answered by Stormchaser 5 · 0 2

i think that is exactly what happens.

we decide what we still need to learn before we are born on this plane.

i don't think we plan every moment. just the big things.

what an interesting question.

2006-12-20 06:26:22 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

that would make life like one big computer program i have thought of this but i do not think so

2006-12-20 06:58:47 · answer #7 · answered by hiltond2001 2 · 0 0

We are all predestined to go to heaven. However some people don't want to go to heaven and choose another path.

2006-12-20 06:25:03 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2


2006-12-20 06:20:33 · answer #9 · answered by Voodoid 7 · 1 1

for me it doesn't really matter. what's important is i've learned so many valuable things in life.

2006-12-20 06:20:54 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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