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the existence of God by doing simply what he told you to do? This question isn't for everybody because I know some don't like to hear the truth. Zero Cool made a statement that made me think.. If God's people held up their end of the bargain may be there would be no doubt.
I truly believe that if God's people would stop being distracted by watching someone Else's walk with God and perfect their own by doing his will, then may be people would not doubt God? If there were as many people truly doing the will of God instead of worrying about what sinners are doing the world would be a much better place. May be this is why God asked us not to judge because God knew we would get so caught up in judging one another that we would not be riding the world of hunger by feeding God's people, we would not be helping the poor and getting rid of the violence that poverty causes,loving our enemies and getting rid of war, and simply loving God and loving all of man kind. Since this is what he asked?

2006-12-19 21:34:14 · 10 answers · asked by TheMrs 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Bahaus B this seems to be the problem in Yahoo Answers you people are not reading the questions just trying to get the 2 points. Now how did you come to the conclusion that my Boyfriend is Christian?

2006-12-19 21:43:48 · update #1

Bender R what am I doing? I am preparing a massive feed the homeless for hungry people in my city, I am loving my neighbor, and God's people the way I love myself, I am taking care of my dying mother thus honoring her, I am asking questions to better my walk by questioning yours. I am seeking knowledge of what I believe, and I am not hating ppl because of their short comings.

2006-12-19 21:49:05 · update #2

10 answers


To prove His existence I think that using the internet heplps.
Observing Him as He wiggles His noodley appendages is the best proof.


2006-12-19 21:37:11 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

I think that most of what you just said is awesome. I don't need proof that God exists, but the Christian concept of God is tremendously flawed. And, Christians do tend to be some of the most judgmental people I have ever encountered. They can be judgmental even when they think they are being kind and helpful, and they don't even realize it. Their God is also extremely judgmental, which they tend to confuse with justness. I agree with you so much, and I wish everybody could understand that, because this world would be a so much better place to live.

2006-12-20 05:44:36 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

lol, this sounds very much like the story about Saul of Tarsus, there was a rumour going around that the Messiah would come if just one Jew could keep Torah (the Jewish Law) for only one day...Saul reckoned that he was the one to do it...
Anyway, if you lived the teachings of Jesus (whoever he might have been) then you would be what is known as a 'holy fool'. For example, if giving people what they need is a requirement of god, then why don't you give up one of your kidneys to someone who needs it. Or, better yet, give up one of your eyes. Or both, you can survive without your eyes. As Jesus said, 'better to lose an eye than to burn forever in hell...'. And, while you're here on the internet, just think that even having access to the internet places you in the world's richest group, relatively. And, you know what Jesus says about rich people, 'easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven...'. If you're so dedicated than stop preaching on the internet and go do what you claim to be doing.
Really, this holier than thou, look at me I'm so good and I help people rah rah rah stuff is nauseating. Jesus said: 'when you give alms, do not announce what you are doing with loud trumpets, thats what the pharisees and scribes do. Truly, they have already received their reward. Rather, DO NOT LET YOUR LEFT HAND KNOW WHAT YOUR RIGHT HAND IS DOING...'. Thats what Jesus said about helping others, be humble and shut your goddamm trap, god already knows what you're doing, you don't have to tell anyone about it. So can the sermonising.
Now to return to your question: many a Christian preacher says exactly the same thing as you have just done. Its quite clear to me as an atheist that Christianity feeds so much on guilt that Christians are contantly flagellating themselves and each other about the best way to live as a Christian. 'We need to return to the bible', or, 'we need to focus on this', or countless other solutions to the decline facing organised Christianity. So, perhaps you might go away and live the teachings of your religion rather than preaching about it and proposing that everyone else do it...

2006-12-20 06:11:18 · answer #3 · answered by the_supreme_father 3 · 0 1

lol Bahaus B did you read the?

I am Christian and I agree, loving God is obeying God, and if we as Christians could line up our faith with the true will of God the world would be so much better!

2006-12-20 05:40:14 · answer #4 · answered by Alicia S 4 · 0 1

I'm a Christian. Many of my friends are Christians. None of us judge others because Christs tells us not too. But it sure sounds like you're judging us Christians.

By the way I give very liberally to various charities. Just doing my part to help make the world a better place. What are you doing?

2006-12-20 05:39:38 · answer #5 · answered by Darktania 5 · 0 4

Some one has asked this question, "What are the proofs through which one can establish the existence of God?"  104 

Humanity is divided into two classes: -- one is satisfied with the knowledge of divinity through its attributes and the other strives to understand the mysteries of divinity and be informed of the fundamental principles of divine philosophy. I will speak to you of the scientific proofs which establish the existence of God and I will not quote the scriptural proofs from the Old and New Testaments, or the Koran, with which you are more or less familiar.

Science teaches us that all forms of creation are the result of composition; for example, certain single atoms are brought together through the inherent law of affinity and the result is the human being. A number of primordial atoms have gone into the make-up of a plant, the result of which is this flower. Again, looking into the mineral kingdom, we observe that this law of attraction is working in the same manner. Many atoms go into the composition of a piece of stone which through purification may reach to the station of a mirror.

When the particles of a given composition are disintegrated, this may be called non-existence in that kingdom; but the original simple elements go back to their primary atoms and are ever existent. When the body of man becomes the subject of decomposition we call that death. That the existence of phenomena depends upon composition, and mortality upon decomposition, is a scientific fact and there is a great difference between facts sustained by science and theories  105  upheld by blind belief which is the result of traditional susceptibility of conscience.

The materialistic state that inasmuch as it is proved by science that the life of phenomena depends upon composition and its destruction upon disintegration, they question the necessity of a creator, the self-subsistent Lord. "For," argue the materialists, "we see with our own eyes that these infinite beings go through myriads of forms of composition and in every combination they bring about certain distinctive characteristics, so we are independent of any divine maker."

Those informed with divine philosophy answer that there are three theories of composition: first, accidental composition; second, involuntary composition; third, voluntary composition.

If we declare that construction is accidental, this is logically a false theory, because then we have to believe in an effect without a cause; our reason refuses to think of an effect without a primal cause.

The second, involuntary composition, means that each element has within it an innate function of this power of composition - certain elements have flowed toward each other, their union being an inherent necessity of their being. But as long as we reason that it is the inherent necessity of those elements to enter into composition there should not be any necessity for decomposition; and inasmuch as we observe that there is a process of decomposition, we conclude that the constituent elements of life enter neither involuntarily nor  106  accidentally, but voluntarily into composition - and this means that the infinite forms of organisms are composed through the superior will, the eternal will, the will of the living and self-subsistent Lord.

This is a rational proof that the will of the Creator is effected through the process of composition. Ponder over this and strive to comprehend its significance, that you may be enabled to convey it to others; the more you think it over, the greater will be your degree of comprehension. Praise be to God that he has endowed you with a power through which you can penetrate mysteries. Verily, as you reflect deeply, ponder deliberately and think continually, the doors of knowledge will be opened unto you.

I have been asked to speak of that which is eternal and that which is contingent. Is creation a manifestation or an emanation of God? There are two kins of eternities. There is an eternity of essence, that which is without first cause, and an eternity of time, that which has no beginning. When you will understand these subjects all will become clear. Know of a certainty that every visible thing has a cause. For instance, this table is made by a carpenter; its originator is the carpenter.

Therefore as such objects are not self created, they are not in the nature of things eternal; but need an auxiliary-transforming force, although in  107  their essence they are very ancient in time; but their ancient and eternal existence is not due to the temporary form.

(Abdu'l-Baha, Divine Philosophy, p. 103)

Baha'u'llah, Prophet-Founder of the Baha'i Faith, said something to the effect, "He whose words exceed his deeds, verily, his death is better than his life."

2006-12-20 05:59:21 · answer #6 · answered by GypsyGr-ranny 4 · 0 1

He would if he actually told anybody anything. However, there are no gods, so nobody actually talks to any. Many people think they are talking to God, and they imagine him talking back to them. But it's just that, their imaginations.

I think the world would be better geared to help poverty and overcoming violence if religion faded away. Though, nationalism plays a large part in it, too.

2006-12-20 05:36:06 · answer #7 · answered by nondescript 7 · 0 4

WOW!!!! That's a deep one.

What you are describing sounds a bit like Budhism to me - you might be interested in what they believe.

Merry Christmas - if you beleive in it?

2006-12-20 05:38:13 · answer #8 · answered by djtanybee 2 · 1 1

I get the impression some ex-bf rubbed you the wrong way. And I bet he was a Christian. Because you sure do have issues.

2006-12-20 05:36:23 · answer #9 · answered by Bahaus B 3 · 1 3

But part of it is to spread the word and the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Your point, however, is well taken.

2006-12-20 05:39:08 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

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