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2006-12-19 20:00:46 · 18 answers · asked by Jen 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

18 answers

The Answer of this particular question exists in the following two ponder-able Verses of the Quran and Bible:

1.“Nothing is alike God”
“There is no image or idol of God”.
(Quran and Bible’s Ten Commandments)

2.“I____ and I alone_____ am God”.
(Torah: Duet: 32:39)

Since intellect can not develop or make any image of God therefore God is Unimaginable and beyond of intellect. In simple words “Nothing is alike God”.

Before the creation of human beings and all the things, God was Omnipotent and Absolute Holy. Then God created the creatures and made them male and female to keep the process of creation in progress till the end of time.
God is Holy since ever and will remain Holy forever.

God is not a male-god.

Our God, the creator, created the sexes and the process of sex. To keep the creatures grow. God is gender free. Among creatures males and females are limited entities, because males can never be considered as females and females can never be considered as males. Our god is absolute Holy. We can not consider our God as a male-god or a goddess.

Male is an entity, a thing on earth, because a male is a kind of sex. Since God is Absolute Holy and God is the Creator of males and females, therefore, we can not consider God as a male-god or a father-god.

If someone considers God, as a male or a father, then, it clearly means that he or she believes in an imaginable god (demigod) and does not believe God as the gender-free God.

One should ponder over this question that if God was not a male or a female before the creation of sexes and was Alone & Absolute Holy then how after creation of sexes, God became a male or a father?
If God is a father-god then how we can consider such a god as an Absolute Holy God?

Whosoever speaks of the gender of God, he commits a tremendous sin because God is Absolute Holy and is the Creator of sexes.

To understand God’s Holiness, we must pay heed to this question:

God is a father-god or God is a Holy God?

God effected the process of birth of creatures or God created the creatures?
If God possesses one or more wives and God one way or the other, effects the birth-process and these wives give birth to human beings, only then we can claim that:
1.God is a male-god
2.Our God is our father
3.We are the children of God

But if God simply commands “Be” (KUN) and creates whatsoever God wills to create, then no one is justified to call God as a male or father-god.
God is our Holy Creator, God is not our father, neither physically nor spiritually.

The entire God-revealed –scriptures tell us that God created human beings and every thing. All Alone, therefore:
God was Holy,
God is Holy
God will remain Holy.

No doubt, those who consider God as a male-god, a father-god or a man-god (demigod) they have no justification to call God as a male-god, a father-god or a man-god (demigod) at all.


Ponder over this Question:
If we are the children of God then why we are not gods and goddesses?

God said,
“I____ and I alone____ am God”.
(Torah: Duet, 32:39)
A father and a mother and their children make a family and an alone person is not considered as a family or a father.
If God says, that God is an Alone God then how we can call God as a member of a holy family or a father of human beings.


Image-making of God is an act, which is equal to the enmity of God in terms of the Ten Commandments and the same act is also an act of idol-making.
Word “father” contains an image of a person who is firstly a male and secondly a husband and thirdly a member of a family and fourthly the word “father” is not an image-free name. Therefore, the word “father” is not suitable as a name for God as God is image-free, gender free and Absolute Holy.
We must believe in God as a Creator of everything in heaven, on earth, in water under the earth, instead of father, who is a limited entity on earth.

God says,
“How God can be a father of someone when God possesses not a wife”.
Calling God as a father-god, a male-god or a man-god is an act of diminishing the glory of God’s Holiness and Aloneness.
Since children possess the status and structure of their parents and do not differ from their parents in design, therefor, human beings are the children of human beings.
If we are not gods and goddesses, then, how we can be the children of God. Who is Absolute Holy. We are lowly and helpless creatures before our Almighty Absolute Holy God.

God says!
“God is the Creator of the heavens and the earth. God has made for you pairs of yourselves, and of the cattle also pairs, whereby God multiply you. Nothing is alike God and God is the Hearer, the Seer”.
(Quran 42:11)
“Glory be to God Who created all the sexual pairs, of that which the earth grows and of themselves and of that which they know not!”
(Quran 36:36)
Therefore, the people under heaven should not call their Holy God as a father-god or a male-god and should not commit a sin by saying that we are the children of God.
Strange is the situation that no Christian bothers to think that if Jesus himself is god___ the real god___ then who is the son? Father & son, the both are different persons. Father can never be considered as son and son can never be considered as father and both can never be considered as one or alone.

Father or son___ are the names of human creature on the earth. Whereas nothing on the earth is alike God. Nor it can become alike God.

One of my friends__ was asked by someone that why he did not accept Jesus as the Son of God. He replied that whenever he succeeded in finding some news of the grandfather of Jesus___ he would accept Jesus as the Son of God___ then and there.

As the Christians believe in God, in terms of a creature or a thing on the earth. In the same way, pantheists or Sufies believe in God, in terms of a creature or a thing on the earth. That is why that they oftenly say that:

“God is everything and everything is God”.

Whereas it is clearly written in Bible & Quran the both that:
“Nothing is alike God”.

It means that to form an image or imagination of God by means of three-dimensional intellect or consciousness____ is not possible at all. Rather, it is not possible even by means of multidimensional intellect or consciousness___ as God is dimensions free. So, whosoever makes some image or imagination of God____ indeed he makes an idol and commits a tremendous sin and becomes an enemy of God.

2006-12-19 20:08:10 · answer #1 · answered by ibn adam 4 · 1 0

God the Father.

2006-12-20 04:03:07 · answer #2 · answered by A follower of Christ 4 · 0 0

God is the Father.

2006-12-20 04:02:54 · answer #3 · answered by Darktania 5 · 0 0

God the Father!
little g, means little god.
Big G means Father God.

truly i dont think God has shown us Where he comes from, there are some theories though. for instance Gods kingdom may be real outside this whole universe. and all of us exist in some kind of "Q" environment.
mortality may have been created by the son of God who didnt become the SON until the day he was baptized.
So if God exists outside the time and space of this universe,God could not come from within it or within all its history. Therefore God exists before ALL things were created.

2006-12-20 06:45:05 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

God has no Father. How can you have a father if you never had a beginning. Your father must come before you which is impossible if you've always existed and there never was a time when you didn't exist. When it talks about Jesus being the Son of God it's talking about the humanity of Christ. Christ had 2 natures: 1) a human nature 2) a divine nature. The humanity of Christ is the 'Son of God". The Deity of Christ is the son of no one. The Deity of Christ has always existed just like the Father and the Holy Spirit.

2006-12-20 04:09:49 · answer #5 · answered by upsman 5 · 0 0

Father??? GOd???

2006-12-20 04:10:34 · answer #6 · answered by bugi 6 · 0 0

Grog of the Cave Bear Clan in the Year 30,563 BC was dubbed "father of God" by the ape-like elders of the tribe for his creation of the concept of god and afterlife to bribe people with heaven and threaten them with a hell....it helped keep the wild ones in line...

2006-12-20 04:46:23 · answer #7 · answered by Its not me Its u 7 · 0 0

God the Father.

It isn't a carnal fatherhood we understand. By son it mean to be one with God. Since Jesus Christ is God almighty also, he is one with God the Father as is God the Holy Spirit.

2006-12-20 04:08:17 · answer #8 · answered by UCF Scholar 3 · 0 0

Man is the father, the creator, of god.

2006-12-20 04:08:09 · answer #9 · answered by HarryTikos 4 · 1 0

God has no father :)

2006-12-20 04:02:25 · answer #10 · answered by much2muchcoffee 4 · 0 0

God is postulated as the Father of all fathers - which leads to logical difficulties.

So how can an entity create itself? that is the conundrum we find ourselves in.

2006-12-20 04:09:29 · answer #11 · answered by Cornelius 2 · 0 0

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