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my three year old son wakes up at 7am and i find very difficulty in brushing his teeth and feeding milk before taking him to baby sitting at 7.30 am.im a working women and i had to reach office at 8am after dropping my son at baby sitting by 7.45am.as i go walking i had to start from my house by 7.30 sharp other wise i wont be in time at office.i always tried to make my son wake up by 6,30 or 6,45 but,he still sleesp till 7am and when me or my hubby tries to give him bath and brush his teeth,until we finish it he yells and cries and even tries to strech his body tightly so that we wont take him.im really bothered abt his crie and his habit of not brushing as well as avoding milk.i really feel very sad when all morning for me a my son is very busy and trouble some.some time when i find there is no time left to make him feed i get angry when he screams and i even beat him sometimes and i forcefully make him have his milk.what else should i do?how can i mange the routine without any probs

2006-12-19 19:26:21 · 10 answers · asked by molmy 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Toddler & Preschooler

10 answers

First, put him to bed 30 minutes earlier. If you want him waking up earlier, he needs to go to bed earlier. Bathe him the night before. That way its that much more you don't have to do in the morning. Just cutting out bath time should give more room for eating and teeth brushing in the morning. At 3 he knows what he is doing. Sit at the table with him and eat breakfast as a family. Set a timer and tell him that when the timer goes off, breakfast is over. When the timer dings, clear the dishes. Don't force food or milk on him. If he's hungry he'll eat. A few times of going hungry and he'll eat. Put the food in front of him and let HIM decide what he will or won't eat that morning. That should make your day less stressful and give you happy mornings instead of frustrating ones. Forcing things on a child only makes them fight you about it. Talk to the sitter and make sure she doesn't give him extra food on the days he skips breakfast. Otherwise she's not helping the situation.

2006-12-19 19:36:41 · answer #1 · answered by Velken 7 · 0 0

It is unfortunate to hear that you are beating your child. You need to discover a new way to show him who the adult is and who the child is. He is three now and that seems like a great time to get him started on a daily routine. Since you and your husband are already awake, consider playing some childrens music or a childrens cartoon about five minutes before you want him to wake. Play it loud enough so that it interests him but do not play it so loud that is uncomfortable for everyone. You also may need to talk to him about his behavior on his way to the babysitter and in the evening. Tell him that his behavior is unacceptable but also offer praise for what he has done right. Something I find helpful is to buy a large white posterboard and some stickers. Make a grid and for each time he behaves the way he is supposed to give him a sticker in that category. This is for him so make it bright and colorful and put it where he can see it. Offer a small reward for so many stickers. Good Luck!
Example Grid:
Woke up on time * * *
Brushed his teeth * * * * *
Drank his milk * * *

2006-12-19 19:38:41 · answer #2 · answered by Jaigurl 3 · 0 0

At age 2 he should definitely be using a toothpaste. There are a few kid friendly brands that are perfectly okay to swallow (Oral B stages and Orajel for example). Water alone won't clean his teeth. He might even like to brush once there's a yummy flavor on his toothbrush. It's great that you allow him to brush by himself but make sure you help him get those hard to reach places. Has he been to the dentist yet? When I was pregnant, a dentist came to guest speak at a childbirth class I was in and he said children should have their first dental visit by age 1. I was a little worried but my son was actually not terrified after all! You're doing a great job, happy brushing!

2016-05-22 23:24:52 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You can buy a gallon of milk, take it to the babysitter with instructions to give some milk to your child when he wants it. Buy a toothbrush and toothpaste that you can leave at the babysitter's house with instructions for the child to brush after he has had his milk. Give your son his bath before he goes to bed. This will relax him and calm him so that he is ready for bed. You should pick and choose the "battles" with your son. If it's not going to kill him, chill about things. So what if he hasn't had his milk or brushed his teeth before going to the babysitter's house. The babysitter should be willing to help your son with these things. Maybe it takes your son a while before he really "wakes up" in the mornings. My daughter has always been a "slow riser". In the mornings when your son wakes up at 7, just dress him and take him to the babysitter. The babysitter can help with the rest of the "morning routine" for your son. Above all, remember, it is NEVER okay to beat your son for ANY reason.

2006-12-19 19:47:24 · answer #4 · answered by kancodmom 2 · 0 0

At three, he should be brushing his own teeth, make it a game where he mimic's you. At three he also needs more nourishment than just milk. Cereal would be helpful, oatmeal is healthy.

Beating a child......is child abuse. It is venting your parental frustration on the child. This leaves the child untrusting of you and undermines your ability to teach.

Not unlike torture, you get the result you suggest, not the one that is real.

Forced feeding will cause eating disorders in your son's later life. You will pay for every mistake you make as a Parent.

Time to consider the possible outcome of your parenting skills.

2006-12-19 19:37:54 · answer #5 · answered by Norton N 5 · 2 0

first of all, stop beating him!!! That's not going to help. Why can't he brush his teeth and eat when he gets to the sitters? I'm sure she's capable of doing these things. If not, just try and work with him. Have his schedule the same every day so he knows what's going on. Brush his teeth really well at nite so that it's getting done well at least once. Maybe you could brush his teeth when you get home from work so it's getting done twice in the day, even tho not in the morning.
He's only 3, he's doing these things to ruin your day, try to understand it from his point of view.

2006-12-19 19:37:19 · answer #6 · answered by Mandi 3 · 0 0

Who is the babysitter? It's possible something could be going on over there and that's why he puts up a stink ( as I like to call it ) when it's time to go over there. It could also be that he's feeling neglected and he just wants attention. Couldn't he have his milk once he gets to the babysitters? The babysitter could also brush his teeth. That would save you the time in the morning to maybe play with him a bit or something.

2006-12-19 19:35:20 · answer #7 · answered by mama3 5 · 0 0

Maybe he just wants him mummy for a while, instead of being shipped off to a baby sitters. Dont beat him and dont force him to have milk, it will make him worse, spend some time with your son, you shoulld cut down your hours. He is only 'troublesome' because he knows what is going to happen.

If you are going to put your work before your child, maybe you shouldnt have had a child. I would scream if i was that age and my mum did that to me. Your baby just wants you and his daddy, that aint too much too ask. Just cut down on your hours.

Even so, dont rush him, children are like animals in the way of time, they dont know what time it is, or why they are being rushed all the time, you need to slow things down.

Like i said before, cut down on your hours, if not, make it so you start later, so you can spend time, without rushing, with your baby boy.

2006-12-19 19:42:53 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Can your daycare provider give him his milk? As long as we arrive at our daycare provider's before 8:00 AM she will feed him breakfast (including the milk).

This way all you have to do is dress him and brush his teeth.

2006-12-20 01:06:30 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Please sweetheart, change your babysitter. Your little one will settle down as soon as he/she is happy where he is left. Good luck! Us working Mom's sometimes have a hrd time deciding what to do, but in this case, there is something very wrong !

2006-12-19 19:39:21 · answer #10 · answered by Craken 1 · 0 0

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