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One believes our president is being manipulated by a force he is not aware of. Top generals have told him our troops are stretched to thin, what part of that did our president not understand, to respond he says add more troops? Also everyone knows the war has nothing to do with terroism. We love you president Bush, but bring are troops home. Is this a truth?

2006-12-19 18:32:41 · 15 answers · asked by ShinningStar 2 in Politics & Government Military

15 answers

There is a hidden agenda here, there just has to be. Look at the facts. His diswayed, hes downright lied, hes plotted and for what?

Only something hes trying to protect.
Its not the Iraqi people for it it were, we wouldnt not be here some 3 1/2 years with no progress, only a country in utter shambles.
and it is a fixable situation, only made too difficult a task because of a president that talks as if hes vigilant in his cause, but if it were truly the case, then more action would have been taken prior to this point to demonstrate we are there to stay a course that ends in resolve.

Now, a resolve is not even in sight, yet lets do everything to stay a failing course.

to protect what interest??

Only this madman knows?
Lets not forget, SOMEONE is watching all this, and justice will ultimately take place.

Personally, I dont mind supporting a president, a country that proves itw working for the common good of the people. I proved that when I enlisted.

But when a president decieves, and manipulates a situation with lies and propaganda comparable to something hitler or Saddam have done, and efforts for something that is completely against whats best for his own people, and the people agree, then I cannot support such insanity, greed, selfishness and whatever other words you can come up with that describes his lunacy.

I m proud to be an American, but I am ashamed at what this administration has become!

2006-12-19 19:01:58 · answer #1 · answered by writersbIock2006 5 · 0 1

This is fantastic! Its the old people that aren't afraid to speak out that have some really good points. There was an old congressman that was one of the very very few that spoke out against Bush and the war in IRAQ back in the early days after 9/11 - Or maybe he was a senator - "Bird" was his last name I think. He said some really good things, but nobody listened. And I think Lee here is making some really really good points!! Americans are outsourcing everything oversees. America is becoming more and more dependent on other countries with all this outsourcing - its very difficult to find something to buy made in North America. You can't be patriotic even if you want to be. I can see consumers wanting to save money, and why should I care where something is made? But the business leaders and the political leaders should know better. America became great by being able to make things, and know America is letting everyone else make things for them. Try and find something made in America. And if you do, buy it! Support your local jobs and economy and business. Shop at places that do support local jobs and economy and business. It might be nice to buy a product that has a really low price, but the cost has to be paid somewhere - if you don't pay the cost, who is? Someone will be getting paid as little as possible. And the product is made overseas. Make decisions that will create the country YOU want to live in, and that will treat you and your neighbours right. Vote for someone who thinks about these things. And vote with your dollars and don't just buy the cheapest priced goods. Because the cost will have to be paid somewhere.

2016-03-13 08:47:29 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Oh...this is such a mixed bag!

Here is my take: Dick Cheney is really the man in control (the puppet-master, if you will).
After being elected in 2000, Bush brought in a bunch of the old guard to prop him up.
Cheney, Rumsfeld, etc...they were all part of the good-old-boy network and knew the ropes within the Beltway.

Let's face reality, Bush is not the sharpest knife in the drawer...he might have been an okay governor but Washington politics are a world away from Austin politics.

Do I love President Bush?
I do respect the office of president?
It is a tough job.
But Bush has made mistake after mistake and I seriously question his ability to lead America to a better future.

I do pray for Bush...but I pray more for our troops' safety and their quick return home - alive!

I especially pray that Americans in 2008, will have the courage to elect a leader with intelligence, with vision, with fairness and has the best interest for all Americans (regardless of race, color or religion).

2006-12-20 01:40:32 · answer #3 · answered by docscholl 6 · 1 0

President Bush is out of touch with the American people.Few people can handle power without letting their ego get the best of them. I'm afraid that Bush will never admit that he made the wrong move at the wrong time. As an American I respect my President, I don't agree with him and yes he needs to bring our troops home. I don't hate him but I do feel that he shoots first and ask questions later.

2006-12-19 19:12:51 · answer #4 · answered by Magica! Star 4 · 0 0

President Bush is a douche bag. I don't love him! He's sending troops out there unnecessarily and they're getting killed. He doesn't care. And you're right, we know it's not about terrorism. President Bush can go fight himself if he finds there to be a problem.

2006-12-20 06:49:26 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Shinnings...we vote for our President...we don't have to love him.I was over in Iraq and most of us knew we needed an additional 60,000 men at least to obliterate the enemy. And as for our Generals and Admin rials...they follow orders or can resign. But they know that the value of every service member is important and they need to serve their country and their President.

And for Jared H and your link..... I can see that your in the business of SELLING 9/11 conspiracy DVDs and anti-American Eye-Witness videos made by the....FRENCH...you know...the White Flag Surrender Monkeys. And Micheal M...you seem to either over look or are ignorant of history. Do you recall that JFK's grandson mad their money smuggling rum and buying people's land during the Great Depression for 10 cents on the dollar.

I didn't care or Carter or Clinton but as my President I would have respected them....politically.

2006-12-19 19:50:47 · answer #6 · answered by iraq51 7 · 0 0

Honestly, im a republican, and i dont really agree with many of his actions and think a dem would do a little better. Regardless, I love him.

He i our president for christs sake, i dont agree with him, but i support him. What has happened to this country? everyone is just hating eachother. What happened to patriotism?

Like i said, i will support his decisions as much as i can, understand he has more intel and more experience to carry out the job than I. What has happened to this country...

2006-12-19 19:01:21 · answer #7 · answered by duffmanhb 3 · 1 1

the fact that people are allowed to bring up opposing viewpoints and discuss our leaders is a huge part of our democracy.

your question seems like it was written by someone with little knowledge of the language.

do we love our president? some of us

our president was elected along with congress and they do what they think is best for the country. if the country disagrees with them they replace them with people they feel represent their interests better (see mid-term elections)

id rather have a country disagree with a president then a president who poisons journalists (russia)

2006-12-19 22:08:24 · answer #8 · answered by thejokker 5 · 0 0

Gee... Shake a tree and out fall all the nuts...

Top generals? name them... name one and tell me exactly what his/her role in the current conflict is.

the argument about the military stretched to thin, I suppose most of the people who scream this forget it was the liberal "president to end all presidents" Clinton who sliced up military spending and is responsible for there not being enough armor and equipment for the troops. But it is easier to blame a president who was not even in office at the time those decisions were made, than to tarnish the oh so clean prestige of Bill Clinton.

Here is a piece of advice, ask the troops them selves, I have actually talked to real soldiers and people stationed there, they don't sit in offices reading number and extrapolating their info. they actually see and do the things that don't end up on the news. Yeah there are a few military men who scream "RUN!" but most over there have said "lets finish the job". I know because I prefer my information to come from people there not from the talking heads on CNN, fox or the BBC.

Mass Murder huh? I guess People like Bin Laden and his ilk are actually soy bean growers who are "freedom fighters" and not actually involved in murder.... yeah Only Bush is responsible for the fighting and violence that has been going on over there for ohhh a couple THOUSAND YEARS! Yeah Bush said "Hey lets go to war! that would be fun! I know lets kill thousands of Innocent people because I have nothing better to do with this Shitty economy Clinton left me." Jeez people how about you stop smoking dope for 5 minutes and stop talking to that college professor who drives the BMW and talks about the evils of capitalism. Try to think past your personal hatreds for once.

As for this having nothing to do with terrorism, your right, it has to do with the fact that Iraq was in violation of UN laws, you know the UN, the "good guys" who are letting people die in places like Dafur. The guys who were breaking their own laws by buying oil from Iraq so Saddam could live the good life while his own people starved, you know the UN right? the ones who say the US is wrong for getting involved in Iraq and yet told Iraq if you don't comply with these laws we will go to war with you (BTW he didn't follow the laws and the UN didn't go to war).

I know people are going to call me a right wing nut job, but the fact is I am not. I am a moderate, But I at least can look past personal feelings and see things beyond what every one else says.

Personally I agree Bush Made a number of major mistakes. But the fact is he is the President. I was raised with the old idea "Respect the Office if not the man." Personally I think Clinton was a scoundrel and a despicable, but he was president and i will respect that, But even I took offense when the right attacked him as they did. I don't know why more people cant think the same way.

dislike bush all you want, but remember he has one of the most difficult jobs in the world and gets **** for anything he does. I doubt even ten other people in this country could do the job with any level of success.

As for the poster of this question, I mean no offense, I know your heart may be in the right place, but your train of though isn't. Turn off the TV, go in to the world and actually look around, you might find those "freedoms we are losing" haven't gone anywhere and the world is not burning down.

As for the rest of you doomsayers and conspiracy whack jobs, you all enjoy your little whine fest, I am going to go talk to people who actually understand the world, not just see it thought pot stained and cracked lenses.

2006-12-19 19:40:07 · answer #9 · answered by Stone K 6 · 1 0

I think Bush is considerably more insane and in control of so many more things than anyone knows.

2006-12-19 18:34:58 · answer #10 · answered by mojo2093@sbcglobal.net 5 · 1 2

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