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Well im not very much of a religious person, but I do believe in God truly and believe Christ as being the savior. But don't like listening to other priests spitting out there side of the story of the bible. Just wanted to know what you guys think of this, aithiest or not.

2006-12-19 18:08:33 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Oh, my goodness look at the ratings on these answers. Now I no why theres going to be an end. UK is now on its last two legs with God is US next.

2006-12-19 18:31:47 · update #1

33 answers


We didn't evolve from monkeys.

Monkeys and humans evolved from a common ancestor.

2006-12-19 18:14:25 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 7 2


Please take the time to study evolution. It is absolutely fascinating and once you understand it everything will make perfect sense. You won't have to wonder why a god would create tapeworms and other parasites. You won't have to wonder why a god would make a cat mercilessly torture a mouse before it kills it. And all kinds of other nasty things we see in nature.

It's good that you don't like to hear the priests spouting their stuff. Read the Bible for yourself like you would any other book. Judge for yourself if you would like to worship the genocidal and sadistic monster described in that book.

http://www.skepticsannotatedbible.com - To view the Bible without rose colored glasses on.

Response to details:
Just remember that for every fundie on this forum there are no telling how many more who don't even know how to turn on a computer or think computers are of the devil.

In regards to the end...

"I promise you Jesus Christ was not the Son of God and that man will never come back again, swooping down from the clouds to lift you all into paradise forever. I also understand that you'd like that to be the case, and therein lies the real problem." - Normal Bob Smith

2006-12-19 18:41:08 · answer #2 · answered by AiW 5 · 0 0

First of all. We did not evolve from monkeys. The theory is that about 40 million years ago, the earliest primates split into two groups, the prosimians and the anthropoids. Anthropoids include monkeys, apes and humans. About 30 million years ago anthropoids separated to include old world monkeys and hominoids (apes and humans). From this point, it is thought that hominids (humans) developed that ability to walk upright, (locking knees). This ability gave us an opportunity to expand our range to include the grasslands, since we could see above the grasses. This allowed the expansion of our diet to include protein from carcases by breaking open the bones and eatting the marrow. The protein enabled further brain development and eventually culture. Culture is thought of as the last adaptation of humans, because ever since we have been able to adapt our environment to us, rather than had to adapt ourselves.

It is possible to believe in God and Evolution. You might be interested in reading "Finding Darwin's God" by Kenneth Miller.

2006-12-20 04:23:34 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

We from monkeys? I disagree ...

A Priest and a Scientist have be arguing their own stand "where did human really came from"

The priest is steadfast to argue that humans came from Adam and Eve through the Almighty Creator while the Scientist stood firm that humans came from an evolution of Darwin's theory.

The debate went so long a period of time that a monkey besides was irrititated and said... hey you priest may be correct and you scientist may too be that correct.

But take note ...

Is there any monkey that encloses its territory with high
fence so that other monkeys can't intrude?;
Is there a monkey that throws away their small baby
Is there a monkey that aborts their baby while still in
the stage of conception?"
Is there a monkey who would kill fellow monkeys just to
be in the edge?;
Is there any monkey that would create bombs to destroy
other monkey's territory?;

so many questions were posed by the monkey that the scientist and the priest were put unguarded. Eventually, the monkey make a concluding statement... IF WHAT I HAVE JUST ASKED, CAN YOU HUMANS CONCLUDE THAT YOU ALL CAME FROM US, MONKEY!


2006-12-19 18:24:13 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

We didn't evolve from monkeys, apes, or anything else for that matter. While there is a great amount of adaptability or intraspecies evolution within any animal species, there are no transitional species. There is no evidence that any species evolved into another species. Everything in the universe shows evidence of deliberate design. You have design, you have a designer, God. The chance that even one species spontaneously managed to assemble itself from raw matter, have a reproductive system, digestive system, and nervous system is nil. One chance in 10 to 40th power. That number would more than fill the existing universe with ping pong balls.

2006-12-19 18:24:09 · answer #5 · answered by badabingbob 3 · 1 1

Maybe because the monkeys that still exist are the unfortunate ones who did not get to become human? LOL

I am a born again Christian and I believe in Creation. I just wanted to show you that yes, what you asked is what scientists are teaching. I believe in Creation and that God created this world.

What do I think of this? It's crazy that some people believe this.

Hey "judy_r8" Don't call this man a fool! You preach so much religion and I have agreed with some of your answers, but you must not have read Matthew 5:22 where the last part says "but whosoever shall say Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire"
Watch your words!

2006-12-19 18:30:48 · answer #6 · answered by Dakota Lynn Takes Gun 6 · 0 3

this is why science and religion do not mix.

religious folk hear only what they think is degrading to their religion and nothing else.

Evolution does not teach that we evolved from Chimps or monkeys. it is a theory that we came from a common ancestor that is shared with many primates.

do you really think that our preception of the first man and woman (adam and eve) being pink skinned and lacking any body hair are correct? who knows what god made when he made the first man and woman. and what techniques that he used to make them. all that we know is that they were supposedly intellegent.
and that they had a free will. is it really that hard to think of Adam and eve being cavemen or cro-magnun? and evolution from a lesser form of life the tool used to make the human being.

science can show us how the human body has changed over the last 2000 years, how much might it change over 6000 or 15000 years? not to mention a few million.

2006-12-19 18:19:41 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

We did not evolve from monkeys. We both evolved from a common species into two completely different species.

2006-12-19 18:25:52 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

We did not evolve from monkeys: we, and apes, evolved from a common ancestor, starting about ten million years ago. See the reference for a good description of this, and of evolutionary history generally. Incidentally, evolution is now a proven fact; I will send details if you are interested.

2006-12-19 18:16:15 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

It is so sad to see this keep coming up! The premise is that we evolved from a common ancestor. The same environmental (adaptive) pressures just weren't there for those particular primates.

2006-12-19 18:29:39 · answer #10 · answered by Skeff 6 · 0 1

Humans did not evolve from monkeys. A species does not evolve from a species that still exists. The theory is that humans and monkeys had a common ancestor.

2006-12-19 18:14:27 · answer #11 · answered by Max 6 · 5 2

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