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i'm working out in the weight room, i've gotten way stronger but i'm not bulking up, which is what i want

2006-12-19 18:03:48 · 8 answers · asked by edgar 2 in Health Diet & Fitness

8 answers

Well, you may want to examine your workout routine to see if anything needs to change. It may be that you've outgrown what you started doing, or need to adjust things, or simply do some new things to "shock" your body back into growth.

Also, make sure you're getting enough protein, carbs and good fats. As a good rule of thumb, a 40/40/20 percent combination of each is a good place to start, about 1 gram of protein/carbs per pound of bodyweight per day, spread out over the day with smaller portions. Getting enough protein is often overlooked and will definitely hamper muscle growth if not getting enough.

Make sure you're getting plenty of rest as well.

I suggest doing research, try different exercises and workout routines, to see what works for you. Focus more on your core lifts (bench, deadlifts, squats), practicing good form, and reduce the amount of cardio you may be doing. Do not overtrain as this will also reduce muscle (you shouldn't work out much more than an hour at a time in the gym). If you can, get a decent personal trainer.

Finally, growth takes time, consistency, and patience. Just keep at it, and if you're serious enough about it you'll see gains.

Oh and stay away from the 'roids! :)

Good luck!

2006-12-19 18:13:00 · answer #1 · answered by resistnzisfutl 6 · 0 0

Dude you have some total sh** answers here and one really good one from resiz...

First off you are 17 years old, there is not a supplement out there better then good old fashioned food for you right now to consume. If you want to bulk eat 500-1000 cals above your BMR. As noted you should be consuming anywhere between 128-256 grams of protein a day. Get this through whole foods, and supplement with a protein shale if you have too.

In Summary
You need to eat more then you are burning. Get at least 1 gram of protein per lb you weigh
Eat Healthy Fats and Complex Carbs
Feed your muscles at night. Eat a slow digesting protien like Cottage Cheese before bed
Make sure you are doing these excercises if not you are cheating yourself
- Bench Press
- Sqauts
- Deadlifts
Make those your big three and bust your *** on them.

Also look into a llifting a program call 5x5. I have seen people have great results with it.

Best of luck bro

2006-12-20 00:49:50 · answer #2 · answered by craigblitz 2 · 0 0

I was similar to you as senior in high school. I am 5'7, and then I weighed only 145, but I was getting stronger from lifting (I could curl 90lbs on barbells and squat 205). I wasn't on the football team, mind you, so maybe those numbers seem low, but I didn't really know much then.

I kept lifting and working out through high school and college. My weight gradually went up about 5 pounds by college end, and at 23 I was about 155. It wasn't until I hit grad school and lifted at age 25-26 that I really started gaining. That was when I started protein shakes and whatnot. I was up to 160, and then got up to 165.

This summer I worked out 5 times a week. Again, mind you, now I'm 29 years old. I wouldn't recommend that for a 17 year old. I got my weight up to 176.

I don't know how much you are trying to bulk up to, but I think you should let your body naturally grow into your strength. I'm sure in time, your body will catch up and give you bulk.

At this time, I think you should take your protein shakes and lift, but I hope you don't overtrain. That could really do damage to your body (joints, stunting, strains). If you're consistent, you'll get bigger in time.

Until then I'd say do powerlifts of flat benches, incline benches, squats, barbell military presses, pullups, rows, curls, skull crushers, and your ab routine. I'd say warm up with very low weight or just the bar, then do 3-4 sets gradually increasing weight and decreasing reps from 8-7-6-5 or 7-6-5-4. That should add more bulk. Take your shakes after your workout and after every meal too.

Just don't overdo it. You've got a lot ahead of you.

2006-12-19 18:29:03 · answer #3 · answered by wakon7 2 · 0 0

To gain mass, you need to do high reps with lighter weights. (10 reps with maximum weight builds strength more-so than mass.)

To gain more mass, do 3 sets of 30 repetitions. Work on certain muscle groups each day, then rest those muscles for the next 2 days. Take one day off per week.

Like: Monday - biceps, hamstrings and calves; Tuesday - triceps, chest and sit-ups; Wednesday - forearms, shoulders and back. Repeat for Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Rest Sunday. After a week or so, you will feel your muscles very ready for a good workout.

Do not do any aerobic exercise, if you really want to bulk up.

Taking protein supplements and eating a lot of carbohydrates will also help add mass.

I was 140 as a senior, and it took me a loong time to get to 200. But I was always one of the fastest runners around. I really enjoy sports, so I have always run a lot. This slowed my gaining mass, but adding mass wasn't my sole goal. I wanted to be good at many sports.

Good luck!

2006-12-19 18:39:00 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You need to start eating more. A junior in highschool is what 17 years old. A 128 pounds is what a girl should weigh as a junior in highschool. No wonder you can't gain any muscle. You body doesn't have anything to work with.

You can try protein shakes and supplements, but you are going to have to eat if you want to get any results.

2006-12-19 18:15:05 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Some people are just built differently, be happy with the way you are.

How tall are you.

May I recommend patience. My son was a runt, until he was almost 18. Then he went from 5'4" 134 lbs (I got this from his old girl friend) to 6' 190 pound in a summer. No one recognized him at school, not his friend or his teachers. He had changed so much.

You may just grow all of a sudden. BTW - he kept on growing, is now 6' 2" and 205-210...

2006-12-19 18:13:44 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hey you are growing. Give yourself a break.
Your body is working hard on growing you into a young man.

Don't give on on the gym. Make sure you are eating very healthy..and you get plenty of protien

2006-12-19 18:13:52 · answer #7 · answered by clcalifornia 7 · 0 0

Check out the supplements at your local vitamin store. Do heavy protein regimen

2006-12-19 18:06:29 · answer #8 · answered by Michael C 3 · 0 1

i agree with "michael c".....start taking in protein stuff like milk, cheese, milkshakes, eggs, etc.

2006-12-19 18:12:31 · answer #9 · answered by patfong07 1 · 0 1

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