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Since this site is to talk about religion, and I am I Christian and proud of it, why do you get on here in the first place? Expecially bag other people and their beliefs. If you do not like it, then get on another site, simple? Some questions are from Christians who want opinions from mainly other Christian brothers or sisters, and you athiests who respond very rudley, they are not asking answers from you who do not know what thy know, they want genuine answers from genuine people, they are not asking for your two cents worth. If you do not believe in anything, they why are you on here in the first place? Shouldn't you be on another website instead?Stop bloody mocking other peoples faith, at lest they have some, and just because you have no faith. I am not saying all athiests are mockers, but the ones who do, get a life for crying out loud!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-12-19 17:44:27 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

30 answers

Why shouldn't we be here? This is the section in which queries concerning religion and spirituality may be posted and, therefore, answers which address these subjects may be posted in response. Now... what makes you think that an ATHEIST doesn't have JUST as much to say on these subjects than does a believer??

I don't believe I spend all my time "MOCKING". I spend my time "answering based on a rationally supportable outlook". I answer because I CARE about religion in this country. And WHY do I care? Because people are legislating their religious doctrine and their religious dogma into the (ideally) SECULAR law under which I live. I'll tell you what... I'll stop bothering believers about faith when BELIEVERS stop letting it sit behind the political wheel.

2006-12-19 17:46:03 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 9 2

First of all, like you said, this section is ABOUT religion, not just FOR the religious. Everyone is free to be here to discuss religion and spirituality, including atheists. If it bothers you to hear a different opinion on those subjects then maybe you should go to an all-Christian forum.

The question what atheists are doing here in the first place is asked almost every day, so I suggest you look up some of those hundreds of questions on the subject to see thorough answers for that. We have good reasons for being here.

Secondly, I know that some atheists mock other people's beliefs and are disrespectful and that's bad, but you must also take into account that there are religious people here too who do the exact same thing to each other and to atheists. Every time an atheists wants opinions from other atheists about something related to religion a Christian is bound to show up and say "you're all going to hell you heathens" or "you need to accept Jesus Christ as your Savior before it's too late" or something like that. Every time a muslim asks other muslims about something in Islam a Christian hops in and says "your religion is false and y'all just a bunch of terrorists" or something like that. It's not only atheists who are being disrespectful on this site and not only Christians who are being bothered by morons who have to misbehave. Every group seems to have morons and get its share of attacks for their beliefs.

I just wanted to point that out. That being said, I respect other people's beliefs as long as they do the same to me. I don't go around mocking people, but when someone disrespects me I might not give such a respectful response.

2006-12-19 18:00:28 · answer #2 · answered by undir 7 · 0 0

We mock what they say and think. One atheist woman he said, definitvely and I quote: Science has PROVEN GOD DOESN'T EXIST. Anyone seen that proof? Anyone get a memo from the National Science Foundation about this? Have they published a white paper? Do they give their mathamatical proofs? Do they give their double blind experiments that can be repeated in other labs? If the scientific community came here to Y/A they would FORMALLY dissavow themselves with these atheists, because 90% don't have any brains at all, never read a book and have no idea what they are talking about. They just shoot off at the mouth. Atheists here are living proof that some humans were born without brains or at least never bought a set of Copper Tops to make them work right! Yes, folks, SCIENCE has DEFINITIVELY PROVED THERE IS NO GOD. I'm going to rub that one in the face of Atheists for the next 10 years. And it comes from one of their own! Now they have something to prove and let them prove it or shut up.

2016-05-22 23:18:55 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Actually it is disturbing. This site is interesting but it is very often rubbished by the subject of this observation. I wish there was a way to screen and weed out questions/answers that attack, insult or mock other faiths whether such questions/answers come from Muslims, Christians, atheists or other anti-Muslim westerners.

There is nothing wrong in an atheist commenting on Christian questions, as long as his response is in good faith and meant to seek or share knowledge which i believe is the real reason why we interract here. But with their taunts, sarcasm and attacks they sound like they are at verbal war against others especially Muslims, Christians and God himself. That is bad.

2006-12-19 21:18:58 · answer #4 · answered by aminu2763 3 · 0 0

Who said athiests have no faith? I have faith in science. I don't mock other people's religions, but I feel that there are a couple of things to say here... since when is Yahoo! Answers a religious web site? Second, I have read plenty of hateful and defensive responses from "Christians" to questions asked by atheists to other atheists. I don't condone anyone mocking someone else's beliefs, so what's the difference? Are atheists not "genuine people?"

2006-12-19 17:50:18 · answer #5 · answered by MARIE 2 · 1 1

I love atheists blending with Christians. Doubt is a wonderful thing that makes us question and research our view and opinion so it has substance and is based on fact. What fun would this be if they were not here? A bunch of people who agree about everything discussing the weather? If you honestly believe Christianity is right and you derived that logical conclusion from researched facts then you should feel quite safe discussing anything with anyone. Both sides get a little heated and rude sometimes but we are all human. I say enjoy it while we still have freedom of speech.

2006-12-19 17:59:09 · answer #6 · answered by Pilgrim 4 · 2 0

I'd rather not let your herders and holy books be the ones to educate you about my opinions as an atheist. Your herders demonize me and misrepresent what I believe. Your holy book demonizes me and says I am a fool who can do no good(psalms 14:1).

I am a mocker of Christianity and until you throw out the verses in the buybull that says I am a fool who can do no good and the verses that say I deserve eternal torture for an honest held belief then I will continue to mock. I mock the religion and not it's followers. Christianity is a mind virus. I attack the virus and not it's carriers.

"I will not attack your doctrines nor your creeds if they accord liberty to me. If they hold thought to be dangerous - if they aver that doubt is a crime, then I attack them one and all, because they enslave the minds of men." [Robert G. Ingersoll, "The Ghosts", 1877]

2006-12-19 18:06:40 · answer #7 · answered by AiW 5 · 1 0

First of all who says atheist do not believe in anything? We just don't believe in your little myth but there are many other things. And secondly, why shouldn't we be here? I personally do not answer questions from christians to christians since I am not christian. With that being said I think you'll find just as many rude and crude christians on this site as you will an atheists.

2006-12-19 17:52:01 · answer #8 · answered by ndmagicman 7 · 1 0

I never answer questions directed to christians. But this site is about discussing religion and that is what I do. A lot of people here are curious as to why Atheists believe as they do. If the question is directed to the general participants I will probably answer. There are rude people that are believers too.

2006-12-19 17:53:40 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Perhaps some of it is reactionary. Many Christians ask questions here simply to taunt atheists..... or have you not seen that?

If Christians were better examples, perhaps it might stand them in good stead. If they responded with love rather than vitriol, might it not be a better testament to their God?

Whatever, your post certainly didn't do that. WWJD? The only time I saw him angry as you are was in the temple, tossing the merchant's tables.

I hope you can calm down some... being upset isn't great physically.

2006-12-19 17:50:39 · answer #10 · answered by Deirdre H 7 · 1 0

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