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You move up an inch they move up too you move again up and there they come GRRRRRRRR WHY ???? Why do they want you to speed when you are going the speed limit??? I HATE IT GRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!! If you do not speed it up they cut right in front almost killing you in the process??No smart a_ answers please i am serious about this !!

2006-12-19 17:39:19 · 20 answers · asked by sunshine 4 in Cars & Transportation Safety

20 answers

LOL!!! I understand what you mean,hun!! I have driven 18 wheelers for a decade and will be driving something smaller at the first of the year. So,I know how annoying traffic can be!!

I think some of it is just plain aggressiveness. Some people seem to associate "Defensive Driving" with "Aggressive Driving". Not a good idea.

Just go at the speed you are comfy with and let the son of a bleep go around. He might just be the one you see upside down or wrapped around a tree the next time. And you do not wanna be around him when he does "crash and burn".

2006-12-19 17:55:36 · answer #1 · answered by Chief Paduke 5 · 2 0

The best thing to do is the following:

1. Remember the number plate and report the driver
2. Try to slow down to allow the car to overtake you to avoid dangerous situations where the other drivers tries to overtake you at higher speeds.
3. If you drive on the motorway in the UK try to drive on the left hand side of middle.
4. If you drive on motorways in Germany, only drive on the left hand side to overtake another car and then change back to the middle and the right hand lane.

Tailgating often done by aggressive drivers and are the reason for most of the accidents. Tailgating is also often an additional problem in countries with (low) speed limits, also they also exist in countries with no speed limit, but only on one lane instead of all lanes.

Some people try to suddently break on purpose in order to remind the car to keep a longr safety distance - however this should never be done as this is also a danger for all other cars involved,

2006-12-20 04:27:25 · answer #2 · answered by maddog2000 1 · 0 0

One of my biggest pet peeves I hate it too! I think people that do that are ignorant, impatient jerks. They just care about owning the road and getting where they need to go. With NO respect or consideration to other drivers. I really think people out there do not realize how dangerous it is to tailgate. All it would take is the person you are tailgating to hit their brakes for whatever reason and you can rearend them and cause a serious accident. What kills me is people that drive like that and have their kids in the car? I just try not to let it bother me and dont get road rage. I just move over and let them pass. I am not going to get into an accident because some jerkoff is in a hurry.

2006-12-20 08:43:32 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Oh I hate it SO much. So much that I shake and swear just thinking about it. The guys always got this massive four wheel drive as well and Im in my little hatch back, so if the b@stard hits me he will be fine, I'm gonna get crushed.

What really drives me wild is that I'll be going OVER the speed limit, and there's twenty cars in front of me going the same speed except I Ieave a gap, the tailgater gets so impatient he'll dangerously undertake me, cut in front of me then sit infront of me the rest of the way cos the cars in front are going the same speed!!! I mean whats the point in that?

I hate slow people too, but I dont endanger them just because I want to go faster. I know this guy who @ss kisses the guy in front because he recons his reflexs are super fast and he'd never hit anyone. Yeah right!! He forgets to take into account the breaking distance of a car going 80mph. I'm dreading the day he's in an accident. These people think they are invcible. We just gota go safe honey. Hope you dont end up in accident this silly silly seasons.

Happy Christmas, and ignore them. Their insurance will go up once they've hit a few people. (hopefully with out hurting any one)

2006-12-19 18:14:56 · answer #4 · answered by nycgrl 2 · 3 0

One of my (idiot) friends tailgates because he has a serious impulse control problem. He doesn't understand that driving slowly is safer, since all he thinks is "I could be 6 inches closer to where I'm going!" "Accidentally" rear-ending car after car hasn't taught him the lesson either, and he doesn't understand why I refuse to ride with him.

People also have a weird "herd instinct" when driving, like they feel it's safer to stay close together than to spread out. It's infuriating. Watch the flow of traffic on a highway sometime. The speed limit in Colorado is 75, and I'll simply set the cruise to 65 and sit back by myself while everybody else herds up in bunches together.

2006-12-19 17:55:47 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

i agree with you at one point. tailgating is just dangerous and especially pointless when driving on a local road. however, on the freeway, when you drive on the fast lane, going the speed limit, when there are drivers behind you wanting to go faster, and you dont lett them pass, you end up provoking them into tailgating you. the fast lane is mainly used to pass other drivers, which is the reason why faster drivers uses that lane. every driver has their own reasons why they want to drive fast, but regardless of their reasons, if they choose to speed and having to tailgate other drivers, and cutting on front of other drivers, then thats their choice, whether you like it or not, even if they end up paying the price. but then it is up to you to decide, whether you want to live or die. ultimately there is nothing much you can do about tailgators, but try to avoid them as much as possible. if the driver starts following closer behind you, the only best thing to do is change lanes and let them pass.

2006-12-19 21:11:44 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Usually 'tailgating' occurs when the car in front is going too slow i.e 40mph in a 60mph zone. When I took my lessons/test I was told that going too slow was just as serious as going too fast. If you go too slow then drivers behind become frustrated and the road rage begins!

2006-12-19 23:01:54 · answer #7 · answered by michael-allen@talk21.com 1 · 0 0

Yep annoying as hell.
It's surprising how less aggressive they become when you stop your car an pop back for a chat about road safety.
I really think its because some people have so little control of their own life they act like a prat when they drive.
The one that really bugs me is the ones that do 40 in a 60 but then speed through a 30. WTF?

2006-12-19 17:53:14 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

They are basically arseholes, they seem to think they are smart and they rule the road. What to do is when driving along gently raise your handbreak just enough to slow you but not stop you as you'll end up killing yourself, the car will slow and give the tailgaiter a nasty fright. I do it all the time and they hate it.

2006-12-20 09:52:15 · answer #9 · answered by j g a 1 · 1 0

What do people get out of going so slow???????? I HATE IT SOOOOOOOOO MUCH !!!! Are they BLIND?? Can they not see anyone behind them.......all 25 cars waiting to get around the slow person in the front? Do they think they are the only people on the road??

Okay, so you want to go the limit....I don't....just move and we will go our seperate ways. Also, did you know that not letting someone pass you is a form of aggressive driving. It is a driving behavior that incites much anger in many people.

2006-12-19 17:47:38 · answer #10 · answered by Jack 5 · 1 3

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