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on a pet. I know about the puppymills. And is there anyone who has bought a puppy from a pet store and hasn't had any problems with there pup

2006-12-19 17:05:30 · 20 answers · asked by scd 1 in Pets Dogs

20 answers

You can buy from any source you like.

Things to be aware of (no matter what the source):

IF you get the AKC registration paper it will be with a limited registration (unless you specify full and pay double the price to get it), that means you can not register any puppies that dog may have some day.

Usually when the source says it includes papers they are talking about other agency's than the AKC. There are several that will register ANY dog, pure breed, mix breed, unknown what it is. Those registrations are worth only the price of the paper they are on since you can go to their web site and reg. the dog yourself.

There is NO such thing as a lifetime warranty with ANY dog no matter the source. You could have 10 generations on both mother and father that do not show any problem and bingo your dog shows up with something at 2 years or 10 years...

Puppy mills are not the only source of dogs for stores. I know (show) breeders who when for whatever reason can't sell their puppies will sell them to a store to be resold. Of course they won't tell you that .

Enjoy your new baby, it comes with the same warranty as a human baby.

2006-12-19 17:21:50 · answer #1 · answered by wmorgel 3 · 0 3

Most pet stores that offer a lifetime warranty will not stand behind it when the time comes (especially if it is not a written contract). I am sure that some people haven't had problems with their puppies, but I know a lot of people who bought puppies from pet stores (who bought from puppy mills) and have huge amounts of trouble with them. Most pet store puppies have health problems not cover in a warranty (such as Kennel Cough, Parvo, Parasites, etc.) because the warranties only cover detrimental genetic defects, and they have bad temperaments. They also do not usually look like they should (the pet store near me currently has a Pomeranian puppy that is already 10 lbs and is only 14 weeks old).

If you are looking for a new puppy go to a breeder, or your local shelter.

2006-12-20 01:13:50 · answer #2 · answered by iluvmyfrenchbulldogs 6 · 3 0

NO, it isn't okay, When you buy a puppy from a pet store, you are supporting the abuse of that puppy's mother, which is still at the puppymill being forced to breed over and over again, resulting in terrible health for the mother. Also, the dogs at puppymills are housed in horrible conditions. I don't know why anyone would want to support that.

2006-12-20 01:11:27 · answer #3 · answered by iloveeeyore 5 · 6 0

The issue with getting dogs/cats from a pet store is not about their health in the long run as much as it is about promoting the existence and success of irresponsible breeders who are in it only for the money. Responsible breeders are in the business for love of dogs first, propagation of excellent quality dogs of that breed type second, and money last. Those who sell to pet stores care about money first. If not, they would be selling their puppies first-hand and allowing prospective owners to view their breeding and boarding facilities. This begs the question...what do they have to hide? You say you understand about puppy mills, so I will stop there!

That being said, my mom got a purebreed dog from a pet store and she is fine, no health problems at all. She is 7 years old. I have gotten animals at the pet store in the past (won't do it again, just based on principle) and some have been healthy, some not. I have had those with cancer and crazy illnesses at an early age and others who have exhibited no health issues at all. It's often just luck of the draw.

Just please consider buying from a responsible breeder (if you are looking for a purebreed) or SPCA! There are so many great dogs out there and mixes generally have much better behavior and health!

2006-12-20 01:19:41 · answer #4 · answered by Amy 2 · 2 1

i'm sure there are several people who have been lucky and not had problems. here's the problem though. you buy a pet from the petstore. you get a piece of paper that says lifetime warrenty and you feel better. truth is they have all kinds of exclusions in little print on that letter, and won't honor anything. the bigger problem, you buy this pup, now who's going to replace the pup at the store? another puppy. where do they get that puppy? a puppymill or low quality breeder. where then does the breeder get another puppy to replace the one they just sold to the pet store? they breed more dogs. big, big problem. buy buying one puppy from a petstore you just contributed to hundreds of puppy's being born into squalor. go to a reputable breeder. most pet stores charge outragous prices for puppies anyway. you can find a good quality, healthy pet cheaper from the actual breeder. if you can't see where the puppy lives and at least one parent, you do not buy a puppy from that person. and most reputable breeders will honor a guarantee on their puppies for congenital health problems, and work with you on it. a pet store will reimburse you, but usually you have to surrender the pup back to them. please, please, please do not buy from a petstore. contact your local ack chapter. www.akc.org

2006-12-20 01:13:47 · answer #5 · answered by cagney 6 · 6 0

"papers' are hogwash - the only 'papers' that matter will not make any sense to you - they are the 'family tree' of your dog, and can only be understood by a breeder who has put considerable research into tracing lineage back for generations, looking for the 'best of the best' traits for their breed - with an eye to turning out the best possible puppy to improve their line or the breed as a whole.

If you are not going to do that kind of research - and then train, show and breed your dog - again, with an eye toward improving the breed as a whole - you might as well use your 'papers' to line the cat's litter box. They don't mean anything. Any dog can be 'registered' somewhere. AKC papers don't mean squat. registering your dog does not mean they have to pass any standard, health requirement or genentic history. only that they have a certain percentage of registerd parents. They could all be the runts of their respective litters! The line could be very short-lived - they may have been bred for looks, and have cancer, or congenital heart problems or a ton of other problems.

Your 'lifetime' warranty will probably only cover taking the dog back, and (possibly) a limited refund of your money, IF certain specific problems occur.

Tell me, if your furry friend develops lymphoma after having him as a constant campanion for three years - as my beloved Tristan did - are you going to simply give him back to the store to be put down? or would you be willing to fight the cancer and give him as many happy months as you can? No 'warranty' is going to pay for treatment - they will only accept return of the dog.

For me, that would be like asking me to give up a family member - I could not do it - therefore, the 'warranty' is useless. And believe me - the stores KNOW that people get so attached to their pets, and they almost never have to honor those 'warranties'. and if they do - so what? they will only put the pet down - unloved and alone. Could you really do that to your pet? I couldn't!

My Tristan did NOT come from a pet store, we adopted him from Rescue. (Actually - his origins are unknown - he may have been from a backyard breeder, pet store, no one will ever know - as he was dumped at a county shelter at about 2 yrs old). Most Rescues ( & most reputable breeders) have you sign a contract that if there is ever a problem with a pet that you can't deal with that THEY will take the pet back. ( and they will NOT put the pet down unless it is terminaly ill with no hope) But no one can put any kind of warranty on life. And despite his short life, I would not trade a second of my time with him - Tristan was the most remarkable personality - animal or human - that I have ever known.

there are no guarantees in life - so do everyone a favor, including yourselves - get your new friend from a reputable breeder, if you must have a purebred. There are many wonderful companions that don't quite make the 'top' cut for the breeder to keep, that make wonderful family pets, obedience dogs, show dogs, etc. The golden by my side right now is one of those - a minor heart ridge took Fizzy out of the breeding pool before she was 2, her breeder wanted her to have a good home and not be bred because of the defect. We got a beautiful, show-quality golden and a wonderful companion - Fizzy got a home where she is spoiled & loved.
If you just want a best friend - get one from the many, many rescues and shelters. There are plenty of dogs out there who need love - purebreds, mutts, all kinds. But PLEASE don't support he pet stores!

2006-12-20 02:50:45 · answer #6 · answered by GoldenRetreiverLover 2 · 1 1

errg, this is a tough question for me... While I dont want to support puppymills, not all pet stores get thier puppies from "mills". I would just be sure to find out where they got thier puppies from and be sure to get a name and phone number and *actually* call them to speak to the breeder. This doesnt compeletly enusure that it isnt a mill, however, if the pet store has a problem giving you this info...Id stay away!
My sister bought a beagle from a pet store and it had bordetella (kennel cough) and several other problems that ended up costing her over a thousand dollars.
However, My best freind fell in love with a cockapoo at a pet store and he was completly healthy and she hasnt had any problems...so...It depends.
Just get as *much* info as you can and listen to your guts. If they seem shady and fishy, they probably are.
Good Luck whatever you decide!

2006-12-20 01:46:39 · answer #7 · answered by Jacqui D 2 · 1 2

Nope. All you hear are horror stories.

I myself ended up paying over a thousand on Vet bills before I had my pup a month because of all the health problems it had. That was 20 years ago, but it's still going on today.

A neighbour down the road got a pup from a pet shop and paid out over two thousand within the first month.

Let me tell you though...when you've paid that much to keep a puppy alive, you get REALLY attached to it!

2006-12-20 01:22:43 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

No reputable breeder would ever sell a puppy/puppies to a pet shop. BYB can sometimes sell to them but the majority come from mills. If it doesn't bother you that your puppies Mother has spent her life in a tiny wire cage with minimal human contact, probably spends her day spinning around out of anxiety & when she stops producing is just killed & thrown into a pit or sold to a lesser mill........the horror never ends...but again, if this doesn't bother you....go for it!

2006-12-20 02:37:50 · answer #9 · answered by Joe P 1 · 2 1


Do not buy a puppy from a pet store.

You know about the puppy mills but still want to keep them in business? That's disgusting.

Go to a RESPONSIBLE breeder (not someone who just puts Fido and Fifi together to make puppies because one's a boy and one's a girl), or adopt from Rescue and save a life.

Do your part to put puppy mills out of business.

2006-12-20 01:12:24 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 6 0

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