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I'm trying to overcome hatred of Islam.

2006-12-19 16:35:08 · 29 answers · asked by Developing Love 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

29 answers

Take an Islam Class. I am a Muslim who didn't know too much about Islam myself, but once I took this class in my local community college, pretty much all my doubts were erased! There's so much unnecessary hatred towards Islam, thats its just really so sad. Islam does not preach hate or violence. Those terrorists are either being brainwashed by fake mullahs, or they feel like they are trapped in a corner and have no other purpose in life. Most of all, the damn media is brainwashing so many people by focusing ALL the bad things that people precieve from Islam, and are even associating terrorists with muslims.. I've honestly have never seen any real good points of Islam on the news, EVER! Its just so pathetic.

For one, NO WHERE in the Qur'an does it say that Muslims must kill in the name of Allah, that is utter bull. Islamic Jihad does not mean offensive war and mindless killing sprees. It means the struggle to excel in every good way possible, and it means to fight for justice ONLY for defense and against oppression. Islam is very much against murder and even says that, "killing an human being is like killing the entire population." Thats how bad it is to unjustly kill.

Also perceptions of Muslim women being untreated unequally in Islam is false as well. Before the time of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), during the pagan times, women indeed were treated like dirt. But when Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) came around, he made it a law of Islam to treat BOTH men and women with justice and fairness equally. It is because of Muhammad that in Islam, Muslim women have the same basic rights as men, such as to own land independently by themselves and have an equal say/opinion just as a man does.

The only difference between women and men are their physical differences and different roles they play in society. The traditional roles are that men are usually head of house hold and must protect the family and support them financially. The women are the center of the household are usually responsible for taking care of the kids and rest of family and are the main source of education for them. Since the times have changed quite a bit, women still are NOT required to pay a single penny for financial responsibilites for the family. If they do, it is purely optional and just benefical for the family. In some cases, women are even more praised! Because mothers are usually more often in the families lives and takes care of them, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) himself said that the mother should be more praised then the father and is three times as important as the father!

Now, the reason women wear hijabs (or head/body scarves) are not because they are being opressed (they are not). It is mainly used to cover the breasts and other parts of the body that would lure men.

Anyway those stories you hear in the news about Muslim women being opressed in the name of Islam is false, and nowhere in the Qur'an does it say women are treated unequally. Some strict middle eastern countries are indeed strict on women, (such as not letting them going to the store by themselves without a man) such as some countries like Saudi Arabia, but like I said, nowhere is it mentioned in the Qur'an. It is the countries themselves the govern the people that opress the women, not the religion itself.

Islam itself is a good religion and teaches people peace and love like Christianity, Buddhism, Judisam and many other religions. But I think it is partly US Muslims to blame, because not many of us are standing up for ourselves in these European and Western countries. It is OUR duty as Muslims to tell the rest of the world the real truth of Islam, and to destroy all the common misconceptions of ignorance and hate towards it.

2006-12-19 18:37:24 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 11 3

Hate is a strong word and anything strong like that is overcome by knowledge, love and peace. But its a bit hard to love someone who wants to hurt you. So let's start with knowledge first.

what is Islam? the essentials of Islam? what Muslims recite/whisper in their prayers? Easy to read explanation in simple English: http://www.kamranshawl.com/islam.html

2014-01-30 11:14:28 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hate is murder in your heart. It can possibly lead you into immorality and already into prejudice, though you seem to be trying to "repent."

First, understand that the ideal in Islam is a moral existence centered on the family. This foundation is not significantly different than other ideal moralities. Some things taken as law seem silly to outsiders, but are sacred to them.

Now, you might hate, because some countries and leaders and movements are oppressive and misogynistic. The whole world has these type of people. Luckily, there aren't many Muslim extremists near me.

2006-12-19 16:47:32 · answer #3 · answered by BigPappa 5 · 4 1

I'll answer you in the form of two questions...

Do you hate me, a Muslim convert, just because I am a Muslim and my religion/belief is Islam?

Have I personally or directly done anything to offend or physically hurt you or your loved ones?

A simple Yes or No to my questions will answer your question on whether you have overcome your hatred of Islam.

May Allah guide you and give you peace.

2006-12-19 16:48:22 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 6 2

Bless your heart !! The Bible says we are to hate evil, not evil people. We, like God, can love the person, and hate what they do. It is called separating the sin from the sinner. That is the way God sees us. He is not real happy with some of the things we do, but he LOVES us, with an unconditional love. I don't pretend to know the basis for your hatred of Islam. The Bible says we are to share the truth with them. If they reject it, we are to pray for them. They are being misled. How can you hate someone simply because they are believing a lie? Perhaps they have done something terrible to you to cause the hate, I don't know. But I do know hate is NOT of God. To walk around hating someone does far more damage to you than to them. They probably could care less!! It is like eating rat poison, and then expecting the rat to die!!! As long as you harbor the hate, they are CONTROLLING your attitude. I John 4 tells us that he that loveth, knoweth God, and he that loveth not knoweth NOT God. That doesn't mean you aren't a Christian...it just means you don't KNOW (have an intimate relationship with) God. As you become closer to God, the hate will fade away and give way to the Love of God. If you hang out with someone whom you admire, for a long enough time, you will start imitating them. GO FOR IT !! Pour the Word of God into you. Get to KNOW Him. His love will absolutely overwhelm you!!
It starts with a decision: I WILL STOP HATING. I WILL KNOW GOD. II Cor 10: 5 says we are to cast down every high thing and imagination that exalts themselves against the knowledge of God. Romans 12:2 says we are to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. You renew your mind with the Word.

God Bless You

2006-12-19 17:50:23 · answer #5 · answered by speedy 1 · 1 0

I did not read the whole comment just by reading the first two quotes that guy presented its clear that he is only giving you the part of the story that would made Islam look like an evil religion.

As you can tell God is addressing Muslims in those verses, talking about the war and how to attack their enemy. those verses only revealed to address the Muslims participating in those wars. it has no implication during the time of peace. besides imagine you are going to a war against the people who are oppressive and your leader ask you to be gentle and very kind to you enemy. let them kill your brother but never stand against them, let them slaughter you brothers but never say a word against it. let them rape you sisters but do not resist. how do you think the results of war would be like?

Although killing is very much disliked by God/Allah however, sometime it is necessary to do whatever is needed to be done. you have to protect your family by any means as long as you are not the oppressor. at that time you will have to use aggressive language to motivate the army. that is all those verses are taking about.

2013-11-22 11:52:10 · answer #6 · answered by ? 3 · 0 1

I know an amazing story of a man who once was filled with soo much hate that he became a terrorist. He finally realized that love is the only force capable of turning an enemy into a friend.

read more about this amazing man's transformation from hate to love.

His name Walid Shoebat and his story is here:


The Truth will set you free.

2006-12-20 01:26:12 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Strawberry has the best answer. The world we live in requires us to be open minded toward others. You will see that they are humans just as you are. Cristian religions have killed and murdered as well. During the first crusade not a single man, woman, or child that was muslim in the jerusalem lived when the Christian Crusaders to the city. They were all killed to "cleanse the holy land". all this done in the name of God. That is not what God wants, but what man wants. Educate yourself and you will see that religions make us different, but we are all brothers and sisters.

2006-12-19 16:49:16 · answer #8 · answered by always working 2 · 2 1

Learn more about Islam

2016-08-19 13:47:28 · answer #9 · answered by Just A Random Girl 2 · 0 0

Read more...Visit islamic websites..Turn a deaf ear to all those people who have nothing but lies about islam to tell you..Take a class, befriend a muslim, read the Holy Qur'an( you dont necesserily have to convert), Visit a mosque and talk to various imams etc. if you can.dont hesitate. they love it when people of other religions go to them to have the misconceptions of islam cleared up...There are lots of things you can do....i'm certainly very glad and extremely respectful of you, for very,very few people would do what you are doing.....Best of Luck!!

2006-12-19 19:44:05 · answer #10 · answered by Lamya 6 · 2 1

Because some how some where people realize that it is a good religion and people compare the arab culture with Islam.

2006-12-19 16:46:19 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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