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I'm 13 and already ****** up pretty nicley. I cutt, I'm on anti-depressents, and I just got suspended for purchasing/ possesing drugs on school grounds. I'm in theropy.
I have also tried to commit suicide many times, and I've been running away since I was 8.
Is there hope for me, or is my next suicide attemt going to succeed.and I won't have to deal with this **** any more.

2006-12-19 15:30:52 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Mental Health

13 answers

Sure, there's hope. But it will require a good parent and a decent doctor to help you get there.

If you aren't already, keep a journal of your moods and what's going on. Ask your mom or dad to ask (insist!) the doctor re-evaluate you for something more than just depression. There are other medications which can help you with impulse control, and more importantly you might need a mood stabilizer. Cutting and thoughts of suicide could indicate bipolar or some other disorder which requires a different approach than antidepressants.

Medication isn't the only answer, of course, but it can be a very critical component in getting your life back in order. Stick with your therapy too.

2006-12-19 15:41:01 · answer #1 · answered by laurie888 3 · 1 0

I hate to be the one to tell you that it's normal for kids to do all of those things. And as much as you think you're a "rebel" or a "one of a kind", you actually have a lot in common with most of today's teens. Don't let preppy cheerleaders and the happy popular kids fool you, they have just as many problems as you do. And maybe you don't have any problems at all, like myself when I was that age. Trust me, from expeirience, dying isn't worth it. There's so much more to look forward to and you should take people's advice when we say that High School and Middle School suck. It's the most confusing time of your life and you have no idea what you want or who you are. Give it time. Suicide is a serious matter too, you not only affect yourself but think of all the people you'll leave behind as well. And as for depression, I'd like to tell you that after High School it goes away and never comes back but we all have our pit-falls and get a little depressed sometimes, that's just how things are. But cutting, is a serious cry for help and it makes people feel like they have control of their lives, when in actuality, you're completely out of control. It's like drugs, addictive, hard to quit, and can sometimes claim your own life. Like I said, all sorts of people do these things, whether they're 13 or 35, an addiction is an addiction. Seeking help is the best advice I can give you, if nothing else just talking to someone will help a lot. Good luck.

2006-12-19 15:48:49 · answer #2 · answered by *Ms Manners* 2 · 1 0

Oh baby, pleeease don't attempt suicide again!!!! There are people out there who will help you. Drugs are not the answer, either. Why are you running away? Is your home life all that bad? Please give your therapist time to help you. I have a daughter your age and I don't know what I would do if she did half of the things that you're doing to yourself. I hope your parents feel the same way about you, love. There is all the hope in the world for you babe, so please don't do any more harm to yourself, if not for yourself then for your parents/loved ones. I'm sure they love you. Somebody loves you, it can't be all bad. You're beautiful, and don't you let anyone tell you different, ok?
All my best wishes, love.

2006-12-19 15:51:02 · answer #3 · answered by kiwi_mum1966 5 · 1 0

13 sucks!! I'm 41 and can still remember hating that age. Believe it or not we all **** up.. some of us worse than others. AT your age your very impulsive and tend to act and then worry about the consequences. You just have to believe it will get better...and it will. Hang in there.Your life is what you make of it. Set some goals and for each one you achieve you will notice that little by little things will improve. It's never to late to say I'm sorry and never to late to ask for help. Good Luck

2006-12-19 15:51:21 · answer #4 · answered by GI 5 · 1 0

You've got to understand that hope, faith, destiny, and fate are all just cute little homo-sapien created concepts. Your life and your destiny is not pre-determined, and what you do in your life can be a reflexion of your personal strength and will to persevere, for whatever reason.

There is not necessarily a designated spot in the world for you; the world is mostly a very intense competition that us monkeys; I mean, homo-sapiens have created for ourselves.

Ultimately what I'm saying is that you and I are only small animals, organisms, by comparison to a much larger universe. Burning in hell for all of eternity after committing suice is simply a homo-sapien created concept, and if you truly believe that you will continue to suffer for the remainder of your life, there is not necessarily a reason as to why you should continue forward and continue torturing yourself.

Continue forward if you want to.

2006-12-19 17:37:02 · answer #5 · answered by Sir 3 · 0 1

STOP! THINK! Why do you want to die so bad? You need help. You are getting thearpy but you need someone whose is going through the same thing to help you cope. I am fourteen, and I have been cutting since I was twelve. DO NOT try to kill your self again because believe it or not, there are people in this world who understand and care. Take me for example; In seventh grade I tried to comit sucide three times. I think about trying again constinaly. I think twice everytime though becaue I know that there are people who need my advice an d help in this world like you. I know that life is hard and diffcult. BELIEVE me I do. I have been in foster homes since the age of eight or nine. When I was six or seven my uncle sexually abused my sister and I. I have been made fun of since I was held back in first grade for my hand writting. I only recently got three good friends. We are friends because they have been through simlar things as me. One was raped and abused as a child mutiple times. Her birth mother gave her up at a young age. One of my other friends was also sexually abused when sshe was younger. My other friend is a guy whom I am deeply in love with. But he is loveing my friend who was sexually abused and it really hurts. All four of us have cut. I am cutting still and in addition I have been putting eraser burns onto my skin. I want to die so very much, and I may be Bi-polar and have muptil personalitys. With all this pain and strife that has happened, I am still here because others need my help. I know you need my help; so if you need me ever e-mail me at wolves_are_not_bad@yahoo.com. I check my e-mail every day at school. in fact I am at scool right now.

2006-12-20 01:33:44 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

You are awful young to already been through so much.You need to get real help and its good that you are in therephy. I thinks that great, but it sounds like its not working, youre talking about committing suicide . Yes there is hope for you but you are the only one who can change your life, and decide that you want to live. Sure we all have problems but this is not the way to go about solving them.. Think about youre family and how they would feel about this. I hope that you can work this out, please think before you do anything.

2006-12-19 15:43:37 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

If you've tried to commit suicide many times, and are still here, then I would say that you don't really want to die. Probably just need some attention. There is hope, but it boils down to you. You make your own decisions.

2006-12-19 15:39:55 · answer #8 · answered by gtprinc1 3 · 0 1

Your hope isn't in the future... even though the future may be good. Your hope is in living in the moment.

Recognize that you are the hereness everything is passing through. Do this as often as you like.

2006-12-19 15:39:18 · answer #9 · answered by unseen_force_22 4 · 0 1

do you recognize what wish is? it particularly is accomplishing previous in the present day. it particularly is dreaming of the following day. it particularly is attempting a sparkling way. it particularly is pushing previous impossible. it particularly is pounding on the door. it particularly is questioning the respond. it particularly is often searching for greater. it particularly is rumours of a smash. it particularly is whispers of a treatment. A curler coaster holiday. Of remedies, uncertain.

2016-10-18 12:37:51 · answer #10 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

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