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I am going through a very tough time these days dealing with spiritual issues that I feel no better about than I did when I was much younger. I would like to believe... more than anything but I guess you could say I'm "agnostic".

I have read numerous times how someone has had something happen to them in their life, be it a NDE, sensing or seeing an Angel of some sorts... perhaps some kind of "vision" or just something that improved their faith and they can't fully understand and explain it.

Have you ever had any such event that strengthened or enhanced your faith? And how.

Thanks in advance


2006-12-19 14:47:14 · 16 answers · asked by David S 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

16 answers

People of all faiths and atheists have NDE's. People in Saudi Arabia tend to see Muhammad. People in Kansas tend to see Jesus...you get the point. These "visions" people have are simply their brains firing while they are unconscious. Kind of like a lucid dream, but I imagine more profound considering the stress the body and mind is under.

I don't know why you would want to believe Yahweh(assuming that is the god you are talking about) exists. According to the plain text that would mean that billions of people are going to be eternally tortured. Some of whom will undoubtedly be your friends and loved ones...not for being bad people even, but for an honest held belief. I recommend reading a Bible cover to cover and deciding for yourself whether or not you want worpship the monster described in that book.


<< Ex-Christian

2006-12-19 15:01:40 · answer #1 · answered by AiW 5 · 0 0

I was raised by athiests. Until I reached college God was as real to me as Santa Claus or the easter bunny. Then, I started getting to know some other people and their beliefs. It really opened my eyes to the idea. Over the past few years I have met more and more people who have had an impact on me and slowly I started opening up to Christianity more and more. Finally I married a devout Christian and learned from his what it's really about. I started seeing that some of the things I before would have taken as chance or coincidence are really acts of God. When I finally opened my heart and welcomed Jesus, I was filled with peace, joy, and love that I had never experienced before. I feel like a different person in a lot of ways, like i'm looking through a different filter. I am much happier now and wish for the spirit of Christ to fill every soul as it has filled mine. Don't loose faith. Just open your heart and let God in.

2006-12-19 23:10:46 · answer #2 · answered by Kodachrome 1 · 0 0

For many years, I always believed that God would never send anyone to hell and that everyone went to heaven. I always believed in Jesus, and I prayed every night, but it was more out of 'routine'. And I was also kind of making a God for myself...a God that never let anyone go to hell, even if they were an unbeliever or a murderer..i believed heaven was a second chance. I also could not stand church...or the Bible. I never enjoyed what was said in the Bible about homosexuality and alcohol and things like that...so therefore, I chose to never read it.

Then, I started having horrible anxiety. It was terrible...my mind was driving me crazy. I would never go to my classes in college because the panic attacks were so bad. And the anxiety was about God. What if God wants me to do this? What if God wants me to do that? For a little while, I said to myself, 'Sarah don't worry God sends everyone to Heaven', and I was happy...but then I was upset again for some wierd reason a few days later. I was getting panic attacks again. Soon enough, I turned to the Bible. The thought just popped in my head one night: 'go check the bible'.

Reading Bible verses was SUCH a comfort for me, and I found myself loving it more and more. I accepted Jesus as my savior and I accepted the God in the Bible. I did not have a Bible, so I just looked up verses online. One day, I woke up and was definately compelled to purchase a Bible, so I did. I have read so much of it already, It is amazing how much I understand it now, as opposed to before when I could not even stand reading it.

After reading the Bible, its like I cannot turn away. Before, when I would read parts of the Bible, it was so easy for me to just turn away. So easy. But now, I cannot. I truly truly know that this is the Holy Spirit, doing its job. It led me to purchase a Bible and has changed my heart in so many ways. I read my Bible all the time now, and I trust God with all of my worries. My anxiety has been greatly reduced, too :) Just seeing how much I have changed is proof enough for me. I see that it was all God's plan: the time I had spent not accepting the true God, the times of my anxiety, have all led me to the Bible. And I truly cannot turn away.

You say you want to believe more than anything, so here is my advice to you.

Firstly, I would just say a prayer...pray to God to help you understand the Bible, and explain your situation...and ask Him to help you have an open heart. He may answer right away, He may not. And when you feel compelled to read the Bible, then go for it. I am sure you will be amazed at how comforting it is...how it will lift up your spirits. And if you truly, truly want to believe, but you need help, God will offer you help, and He will penetrate so deep into your heart that soon, there will be no doubt in your mind that God exists...that God has the power to change hearts and lives everywhere.

Hope this helps you :)


2006-12-20 02:53:39 · answer #3 · answered by Sarah H 1 · 0 0

I believe God puts us in the position to do good things for other people, but He gives us the choice to act or not. There have been several instances in my life when I could almost feel him tapping me on the shoulder and saying, "Go ahead - you can do this." Those are the times when I most felt God in my life. Maybe I should be more aware of those times.

2006-12-19 23:04:33 · answer #4 · answered by fcas80 7 · 0 0

something happens everyday to enhance my faith. they are too numerous to tell. Being on this site really enhances my faith. It shows me all God's predictions for the future are true. Everything is going as planned.

2006-12-19 22:49:34 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well I dont have anything big and miraculous to say, even thought big and miraculous things have happened throughout my life, but jus yesterday my friend had lost his keys and had called me about it, so I prayed for him and in my prayer I was like Lord jus send the Spirit to him and guide his footsteps to where they keys were, an so I hung up an was waklin across my room when the phone rang, an when I answered my friend was like I FOUND THEY KEYS!!! an he was sayin how it was wierd cus he felt like a force leading him to them, to a place (where he had checked already) an he didnt think them to be there but the force was too undeniable. So I thank GOd for that and hope that can help you at least a little

2006-12-19 22:55:05 · answer #6 · answered by pastor2Be 3 · 0 1

Brother you can start with just trying to talk to God. Be honest with Him about all your struggles. signs and wonders don't usually strengthen ones faith as we would believe because faith is based on the unseen. Reach out to God and be real and He will reach out to you.

2006-12-19 22:52:50 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Always! from the first time I prayed till the time I saw a vision of jesus. Now and then it seems the spirit of peace comes upon me.

2006-12-19 22:51:11 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

yes at one point i was stayin with my grandma while my mom got back on her feet and my mom was goin though alot and she stayed prayin all the time and then one day some how we still dont know how her car payment was payed and also she got a job two days later and that gave me faith way more then what i already had

2006-12-19 22:52:18 · answer #9 · answered by CiCi 2 · 0 1

Everytime I wake up and see that my kids are still alive and so is my husband, in othe words everyday I wake up to another day.

2006-12-19 22:49:51 · answer #10 · answered by This is just my opinion! 4 · 1 0

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