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I was wondering if there is a button I can push or something. I can't stand this intellecualness keeping me away from God Almighty Holy Spirit Lord. I want to be dump. Is there a button or something?

2006-12-19 14:22:25 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

16 answers

How DUMP do you want to be?

love and blessings Don

2006-12-19 14:25:31 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No one dared so far to claim creating, or being able to create, any single thing, even a hair!! The Creator and The Sustainer of all these Creatures is One only; if there were more than one there would have been confusion in the heavens and the earth! That One is Allah (the only true God).

Can we find an explanation of the great universe? Is there any convincing interpretation of the secret of existence? We realize that no family can function properly without a responsible head, that no city can prosperously exist without sound administration, and that no state can survive without a leader of some kind. We also realize that nothing comes into being on its own. Moreover, we observe that the universe exists and functions in the most orderly manner, and that it has survived for hundreds of thousands of years. Can we, then, say that all this is accidental and haphazard? Can we attribute the existence of man and the whole world to mere chance.

In the world then there must be a Great Force in action to keep everything in order. In the beautiful nature there must be a Great Creator who creates the most charming pieces of art and produces everything for a special purpose in life. The deeply enlightened people recognize this creator and call him Allah 'God'. He is not human because no human can create or make another human. He is not an animal nor is He a plant. He is neither an idol nor is He a statue of any kind because none of these things can make itself or create anything else. He is different from all of these things, because He is the maker and keeper of them all. The maker of anything must be different from and greater than the things which he makes.

Imagine yourself in an aeroplane and you know it is
going to crash...

Who do you turn to for help then ?

Or on a ship in the sea, thrown helplessly up and down
by towering waves ...

There will have been a situation at one time or the
other in your life when you called upon your Creator
alone, forgetting everyone and everything else,
hoping, trusting, wishing that the Being you know in
your heart and soul that has power and control over all
things would help you. The only One you know can
save you!

Man cannot attain to his true humanity and acquire peace of mind unless he realises this aim for which he was created. But how can he do this! God, being merciful and Just, has helped him in many ways. He granted him an originally good nature that is inclined to know and serve its true Lord. He granted him a mind that possesses a moral sense and the ability to reason. He made the whole universe a natural book full of signs that lead a thinking person to God. But to make things more specific, to give him more detailed knowledge of his Lord, and to show him in a more detailed manner how to serve Him, God has been sending down verbal messages through His prophets chosen from among men, ever since the creation of man.


2006-12-19 22:29:12 · answer #2 · answered by BeHappy 5 · 0 1

My friend, if you are letting anything come between you and God you are already there. I since that you are smart and furthermore are being condescending to those of us whom you think are dump (which seems like a dyslexic palindrome).

I wish I could tell you how to believe, but that is something you will have to war out in yourself if you truly believe there is something to all this crazy religion stuff. Thomas was show the truth and told to stop doubting. Jesus also said we would be more blessed as we have never seen and yet believe.

List out to yourself all the points you find difficulty with and work them through. Even science smacks of faith when you go deep enough.

2006-12-19 22:45:09 · answer #3 · answered by crimthann69 6 · 0 0

Many people try and do just the opposite. They try and rationalize God away to justify not living by His standards. The evidence for the existence for God is much more compelling than the evidence against. I can't see how an intellectually honest person could resist the logical conclusion.

2006-12-19 22:39:12 · answer #4 · answered by sickblade 5 · 0 0


The believe in God button is about three cms. to the left of the parental lobe. Do not push too hard, and never use a screwdriver.

2006-12-19 22:26:36 · answer #5 · answered by Richard E 4 · 0 0

Sorry, there is no instant belief in God.
I wish there was for people who need it. I'd walk around pushing their buttons the whole day.

I suggest you find a Christian, a friend who you can discuss this with. A priest would be better.
It's difficult to describe my relationship with God, and how it really started. But I prayed. I asked for His help. I asked for whatever He thought I needed.

And he did help me. He helps me every day.

2006-12-19 22:29:36 · answer #6 · answered by Nicole 4 · 0 0

You can't fool God with a couple of spelling mistakes. Only when you truly abadon intellecualness and become dump will he accept you into his kingdom.

2006-12-19 22:27:42 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No button. Just stop letting your intellect be your God and go on an HONEST quest to determine if he is reality or myth.

2006-12-19 22:28:50 · answer #8 · answered by neptune 3 · 1 0

Frontal lobotomy is always a good first step when looking for a god to believe in.

2006-12-19 22:59:28 · answer #9 · answered by iknowtruthismine 7 · 0 0

Read the book of John in your Bible. God said if you really want to find him, then seek him with all your heart, and soul.

Heb 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

2006-12-19 22:41:51 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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