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In the conduct of the war for 4 years we have had a little over 3,000 KIAs. During WW II we lost an average of over 8,000 KIA per month. How did we wind up with such a crop pacifists as now exists in this country. Seems like the lesson of Neville Chamberlain in England with his proclamatiom of "peace in our time", after he returned with a peace assurance from Adolph Hitler, has been forgotten.

2006-12-19 14:16:23 · 18 answers · asked by Walter H 1 in Politics & Government Military

18 answers

Hey Walter, I understand what you are feeling, I remember watching TV in the 60's and hearing body counts from Viet Nam. I also saw many of the POWs when they returned from Viet Nam in the 70's.

I don't think these kids don't remember Hitler promised - I think they have not been taught.

So many are criticizing Bush for his actions, yet I have heard no one propose what would have been a viable alternative to his actions.

We have not had a significant attack since 9/11. No one seems to realize that by keeping the terrorist off balance in the Middle East, it is more difficult for them to plan attacks here.

And last but not least, the people who served our country in the past, are the ones that have protected the freedom of speech that these people have today. To bad they don't appreciate it.

2006-12-19 14:29:12 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 6 2

Sorry, everyone, but the beauty of being anti-war is that you don't need to have first hand experience of war to know that war is hell. In other words, I didn't witness slavery in this country, but I know it happened. Why? Because it has a tendency to crop up in every American history textbook we read in school, and when I found out about it for the very first time, I was shocked. So I learned that slavery is hell and formed my belief that slavery is hell, both without having actually been a slave.

To get back to the war, what the war supporters still don't understand is that now that we've deposed Saddam Hussein---who had no involvement in the 9-11 attacks, by the way---and we've pretty much figured out that his WMD's aren't where we thought they were, we no longer have any real reason to be there, and we are not winning anything there by baby-sitting a civil war, as Thomas Friedman once put it.

Furthermore, this idea that we're fighting them over there so we don't have to fight them here is a complete and utter fallacy. The terrorists got what they wanted on 9/11, and does anyone here truly believe that after an attack of that magnitude, they may one day try to blow up Phoenix, Arizona, or the Sears tower, or hijack planes again? Don't you think that the real reason why there hasn't been another attack is that we've come up bigger and better security measures and we will come up with more in the future, and not because we declared war on Iraq?

2006-12-19 23:13:58 · answer #2 · answered by smoke16507 3 · 1 1

We made the mistake of letting hippies teach in our schools. Deliberately or intentionally a left leaning teacher will result in left leaning students. Then this belief is passed on like any genetic disorder. By complaining about the military and their noble profession these Democrats get time on television, interviewed for papers, and are discussed on the radio. As far as not visiting the battlefield... that would slap them in the face with a cold hard slab of reality that their fragile hippy beliefs just could not comprehend. The policy of the hippy is compromise and avoiding confrontation. Its better for a regiem to slaughter millions of their own than raise a finger to stop the carnage. They are just delighted and dancing that there wasnt a war, despite the loss of defenseless innocent lives. These morons want to believe that these blood hungry dictatorships can be converted by conversation and burning candles. Don't go to war to save lives but booby trap a worksite and kill a guy trying to feed his family. Remember the 'Hands across America' show? Would not more good have been done by putting the money into a trust for the cause instead of financing the daisy heads actually joining hands. Fell short by the way. The war could have been over long ago if the US didn't waste so much time trying to placate the world community. Besides, these whiny little hippies need a cause to complain about that they cannot do anything about. They need the problem, but will always avoid the viable solution. They have so little in their own life that they have to join in a cause to have a reason to live, but not to fix it, but to have someone else fix it. Then they can complain about the method of the solution. In short its because they are a bunch of sissy-ninnies.

2006-12-19 22:38:02 · answer #3 · answered by vaughndhume 3 · 4 2

I don't have to be a woman to know childbirth is painful.
Fact: On average, for every 1 combatant killed in war, there are 8 civilians killed.
But I guess that's ok with you as long as we win.
When we learn how to change the world without killing people, then we will have matured and gained wisdom.
Look how long the fighting has gone on in the middle east, and the only thing each side has to show for it is a lot of dead bodies.

2006-12-19 23:20:56 · answer #4 · answered by opjames 4 · 0 0

I believe that it is because most active duty or prior military have already played the game and know what it is about. We served and we are proud of everyone in uniform. Why for one second would we want them to feel looked down on, that is our family. Its easy for someone who has never served a day to sit on the sidelines and tell us what we are doing wrong, but when your in that moment, sometimes there is not a right answer or a wrong, it is just simply taking care of yourself and your family. Perhaps if we brought the draft back and made everyone serve a day wearing a uniform then they would learn to speak a little more eloquently about our military.

2006-12-20 10:19:08 · answer #5 · answered by jamie d 1 · 0 0

You assume too much. Some of us anti-war activists served in the military and think that war is hardly ever the resolution to a dispute.

"So many are criticizing Bush for his actions, yet I have heard no one propose what would have been a viable alternative to his actions."

A better alternative would have been not to invade Iraq. Worse but still better than what we got would have been to invade with enough forces to occupy the country and prevent all of the anarchy that happened.

I don't mind dying for my country, but I would mind dying because the leadership acted stupidly.

2006-12-19 23:19:19 · answer #6 · answered by Michael C 1 · 1 0

as u can see from the liberal answerers, they simply hate america. u asked the question in such a deft way that they tried to hide that fact. i commend u sir.

but everytime one of them says saddam had nothing to do with terror. its a lie. plain and simple. when their democrat president said it they went along. but the fact is they hate God fearing church going republicans more than they hate the terrorists.

also whenever they mention the iraqi deaths in their answer they show where they are coming from. to equate the people we are fighting with our own soldiers demonstrates just how rabidly anti the united states they are.

but this is going to bring down their party as it no longer holds any reason whatsoever. either that or the moderates of the party will take it back. either way these nuts are going to be disapointed.

2006-12-20 00:37:32 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Because whining is the only way those people can try and over come their shortcomings. They know they could never hack it in the Military, so they whine and cry, saying how bad it is, or that the Military Recruiters trick people into joining, or that our boys are losing the war in Iraq, or that our bad soldiers are picking on the poor terrorists, etc. etc. The louder they cry the more they are trying to make up for being a complete failure as a human being. I automatically disregard anything a NON-Vet has to say about the military, it saves me time, so that I can think of them as a complete idiot faster that way. Hmmm... Funny how most politicians are Non-Vets.

2006-12-19 22:49:03 · answer #8 · answered by SGT. D 6 · 1 2

I partically agree with you as I have always believed freedom don't come cheap wheather it is WW2, .Korea, or Iraq, I don;t feel we should have invaded Iraq personally, but the Israeli's tricked our gov, again by telling our so called intelligence people that Saddam had W,M, D, so they conned the U,S into destroying their worst enemy, now we can't leave with out a clear victory. but, you evidently don't know what happened in Germany and England , as Chamberlain did go to Germany to seek a peaceful solution , then the P,M< of Germany came to London to finalize the process, unknowing to the Germans American President Roosevelt Illegally declared war on Germany . so when the German P.M. landed in London, the English Parliament had relieved Chamberlain and replaced him with Churchill, so the German P,M, was arrested and spent over 50 years in spanda prison ,until he died,Hitler hated Russia not England but England was allied with Russia and they damned sure paid for that BO BO.

2006-12-19 22:44:17 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

My mother was a "rabid anti-war activist" and she never had any military training. But, like my grandmother used to say, once you have 2 years of bombs being dropped over your head, your whole perception on the thing changes.

2006-12-19 22:28:30 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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