Alright so I wondered if this was a serious question and checked out the other questions you asked and EVERY question centered around your height.
You made a claim that your a Stanford psychology student. I'm a pre-med student focusing on psych/neuro. OBVIOUSLY you have been introduced to a multitude of options on getting help so why the hell aren't you using them? Height is not that big of an issue. However, if you choose to focus on that, it will fester and it will grow and it will manifest itself into what you feel today. Obviously this problem has caused you to become maladaptive to everything in life. So get help. Get help with this problem. I'm sure you've heard it a million times, and I'm sure you, as a fellow psych student, are probably aware that you should do so so damnit get some help.
Have you considered BDD?
From the good ol' trusty DSM-IV
Diagnostic criteria for 300.7 Body Dysmorphic Disorder
A. Preoccupation with an imagined defect in appearance. If a slight physical anomaly is present, the person's concern is markedly excessive.
B. The preoccupation causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioniong.
C. The preoccupation is not better accounted for by another mental disorder (e.g., dissatisfaction with body shape and size in Anorexia Nervosa)
Sounds like you've met all three criteria from what I've read from your other questions. And even if this isn't it, then still go get help. It's ok to get help.
You can have a million friends and none of that will matter unless you're friends with yourself. You cannot find or thrive in anything until you accept yourself, Please...go get help.
Best of luck.
2006-12-19 14:18:07
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
You're 23. Your life has hardly started yet. Just look at it this way: if you ended it all now, you'll never be able to see a day when things will get better. And it's okay that you're a virgin. People just make sex look like some kind of thing you need to do. Save it for a guy/girl that you truly love.
I'm 16 and trust me, tons of people have had sex at my school, but out of all of those, I choose to keep my legs closed. Sex isn't something you need. And being 5 foot 5 is no reason to kill yourself. I'm only 5 foot 1 and get picked on about it quite a bit, but after a while it's like 'who cares?'. So what if you're not some 6 foot 8 guy? I know quite a few guys/girl that are into shorter guys. It gets tired seeing the freaky 6 foot guys.
Just don't do anything you'd regret. People get depressed, they have bad days. I may be young, but I know what depression is. I tried to end it all once, and I regret ever thinking it. Things get better.
2006-12-19 14:25:59
answer #2
answered by ☆Tąrą☆ 3
Everyone's here for a reason. Everyone. I suggest you figure out what yours is. Anyway, what makes you think your life (life?) will improve after you die? Besides, it's been a few years since I've had a girlfriend, and I'm not depressed. There are other things in life, you know. Many of the greatest spiritual masters were single and celibate.
As for euthanasia, most suicide attempts (especially by the depressed) are really calls for help. I'd hate to see so many people killed whose lives could be saved (and happy) with a little help.
2006-12-19 14:05:04
answer #3
answered by rabid_scientist 5
I used to feel that way. The reason that euthanasia is not legal here or most other places, is because it is just plain wrong. There is hope, you just have to find it within yourself. Since you are still alive, that means that there is a little spark left. I was there, right where you are, less than two years ago. After my most recent, failed suicide attempt, an obligatory hospital stay, and a stupid doctor saying that I would never get better, I got really pissssed off and did something about it. Read my story if you're interested and email me if you like. You don't have to be miserable... help is out there. I picked and clawed my way out of that rut after nearly five years of it and so can you....
2006-12-19 14:04:14
answer #4
answered by Mr. Peachy® 7
You're doing this to yourself. You're taking a case of low self-esteem and trying to equate it to the definition of euthanasia.
You sit around and compare yourself to others "Oh no Im a virgin, others arent. Oh no I'm short. Oh no, I've never had a girlfriend. Oh no I am judging others in a negative light for things they can't control (cripple). Oh no I am going to dislike someone because they've found something in their life that makes them HAPPY (religion)."
Get over yourself, man. Life is as hard as you make it, especially when you don't have REAL pain such as a terminal illness. You can wake up everyday and go to work. Others can't open their eyes without it being extremely painful. You don't have it bad.
Don't judge other people and call them stupid. They're happy being goofy or naive. You're not happy being whatever you think you are. Which one do you think most people would pick: to be you or the other person?
Your cry for help won't be met with "OH NO DON'T DO IT!!!!" It will be met with "you better slap yourself and stop being a dumbass. Wake up and take a walk around your neighborhood. Enjoy the crisp air. Talk to people for once and actually care about what they say. Maybe then you'll find meaning in your life.
No girl will ever love you unless you love yourself. So take the first step, or eventually you will end your "misery" of self-loathing.
2006-12-19 14:07:46
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
These are main reasons are:
1. Religion, which effects policies related to this, more than you know, although we claim to be a "secular" society
2. The pharmaceutical industry, and medical companies make billions off depressed or mentally ill people, which would cut out their profits, if euthanasia was involved.
3. People are selfish, and they need a person to be around to please their wishes, and other issues, as they cannot fathom a person not being there.
4. Suicide is considered a "coward's" way out, when it is not.
5. Politicians, and other people do not want to loose their political careers, so they keep it "illegal," even though euthanasia is not murder.
6. People do not understand how bad mental illnesses are, they assume you can just take medication, therapy, etc., to make it better, when in many cases it will never get better, and your life is unbearable.
7. The belief only a "terminal" illness should apply to euthanasia.
8. People have an irrational belief that suffering leads to some greater good, even though it does not in many cases.
9. Philosophy, and other practices which consider life a "test" or part of a "greater" good, even though there is no credible evidence for this.
10. The belief we are all here for a "reason," even though there is no credible evidence for it. All evidence says life has no ultimate meaning or purpose as no credible evidence exist for it. If you checkout of life, they believe you miss this.
2015-08-24 12:38:37
answer #6
answered by ZEN 3
Euthanasia? Because depression can be helped. You don't need help killing yourself. You don't need a prescription, you can kill yourself with a variety of drugs available at your local pharmacy. Suicide is also illegal, by the way.
And you're not forced to stay alive - you can choose to kill yourself. Or you can choose to get help and not live a miserable existence.
If you're not happy, having a girlfriend will not make you happy. Girls want to date you because you are a decent human being. If you are morose and depressed, you probably aren't projecting a desirable image to most women. So get some therapy, possibly a referral to a psychiatrist, get better - then work on your relationships.
2006-12-19 14:41:48
answer #7
answered by blahblahblah 2
Being on a relationship or having a sex partners is not the key to happiness! It can be the worst...if your mentality stays the same: negative. What your asking for is suicide, and if you want to die think about this:anyway someday you will, and can't come back, then, why not try to make the best out of this "free" time on earth? There is sooo much to see and do. You may have emotional or chemical depression, and with some help you can learn how to see the bright side of being alive! If you want to be with somebody don't be afraid of rejection (we all have been rejected) and get out of your shelf little by little. Eventually you will meet someone (that may not be the one yet) and so on.
2006-12-19 15:16:54
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Um it's all in your perceptions. If YOU believe you're unacceptable, then that's what others will think.
Isn't there anything in your life you find good and enjoyable?
I know a lot of short guys who aren't virgins, who married and had families.
Depression isn't incurable. But it's up to you to get out of it.
2006-12-19 14:01:33
answer #9
answered by keyz 4
Sadness is a part of life. I don't believe in depression, depression is a label. Chemical imbalance arises from something: a lost dream, a disappointment. Some people are, to begin with, more prone to sadness than the others. Remember the Buddha, for example, great mystics, people with that extra sensitivity that make them vulnerable. But they also have great gifts (their compassion, spirituality, philosophical nature, kindess of heart)... Does it ring a bell to you, my dear? I have given aura consultations for years (I don't see the aura - well, maybe a little - but have a computer-based program called the Aura Imaging system). The aura of such people (including myself, and YOU, I have no doubt about it) have a lot of blue (light, indigo) and violet (also light and dark, pink). Its just how we are born. If we allow our sadness to be branded by a clinical name, call it depression, then it will become a sickness. It is not. Its just how we are. Oh,.and I forgot to say: these are the colours of the upper chakras. If in a good mood, they are lighter. If not, they are darker. (I know this answer may go against the beliefs of many people but I still wanted you to know this point of view too. And it is not to say that you should stop trying to find a better therapist for yourself.)
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2016-04-14 10:57:48
answer #10
answered by ? 4