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2006-12-19 13:32:29 · 20 answers · asked by AVATARD 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

20 answers

... I could no longer identify with fear. (of any kind).

2006-12-19 13:41:45 · answer #1 · answered by MyPreshus 7 · 2 0

I didn't knows about finding god or gods, but when I found my God, the Creator of the universe who loved me so much that He did not think it too much to leave His palace and throne in heaven, be born in a manger and suffered insult, suffering and death to give me life eternal and the privilege of living with Him forever in the future, I was jubilant with joy undescribable to anyone who never experienced it. I worked in Sarawak in the past, and visited the most isolated place deep in the jungle of Borneo. You have to go by a small mission Cessna airplane for an hour, then on a canoe with an out board motor for two hours, and finally walked for almost eight hours. Those people in that jungle never saw a car, let alone an airplane. So when I told them that there was something called a jumbo jet made of metal, which is as big as their longhouse, and that it can carry as many people as those who are living there, plus baggages, plus at least the same weight in fuel as the passengers, and fly from Singapore to New York, more than halfway around the world, they looked at me with an expression that says: You must be either a fool or think that we are fools!
Yes, that is only a very simple example of how impossible it is to explain the joy of finding God. "This is what the Bible say:
For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God."

So back to the question, How did you know it when you found God? I was sure about it, but I am afraid it would be futile to try to convince you or anyone else who are not inclined to accept it.

2006-12-19 21:56:43 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Dear Serj, I personally belived in God, before I became a christian, so findindg a belife in God wasnt a problem with me, this was common knowledge. I can However testify to the salvation I found in God through his son Jesus Christ.

I was your average, person, a very “nice guy.” I loved my mom and dad, had a decent home, played little league, and even went to church. Whenever I thought about life after death I had no fears at all. After all, I believed in God and Jesus… and I thought I was a pretty good person. I felt that if anyone could end up in Heaven, I probably would. Then came the shock of a lifetime! Let me explain by asking you a couple of questions…
Have you ever lied (even once--fibs, white lies, etc.)? Ever stolen (anything--the value is irrelevant)? Jesus said, "Whoever looks upon a woman to lust after her, has committed adultery already with her in his heart." Have you ever looked with lust? If you have said "Yes" to these three questions, by your own admission, you are a lying, thieving, adulterer at heart; and we’ve only looked at three of the Ten Commandments.
What a shock! God didn’t see me as the “nice guy” I imagined myself to be… and he doesn’t see you that way either. Nothing you’ve ever done is hid from His holy eyes. Will you be innocent or guilty on the Day of Judgment? Listen to your conscience. You know that you will be guilty, and therefore end up in Hell. That’s not God’s will. He provided a way for you and I to be forgiven.
He sent His Son to take our punishment: "God commended His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." He was bruised for our iniquities. Jesus then rose from the dead and defeated death.
Your own so-called “goodness” can’t get you into heaven any more than mine could. Jesus is the only way to Heaven. He is the "Door," the only "mediator." There is salvation in no other name, The BIble says if you repent and trust in Jesus, God will forgive you and grant you everlasting life. I have repented and I know today im soundly saved.
God Bless

2006-12-19 21:42:29 · answer #3 · answered by WDJD 3 · 0 0

God works in mysterious ways. I'm not sure when i actually found Him because I have had Him in my heart always. Sometimes I would forget that He was there and I had lost touch but God was with me all the time.Whenever I need Him ,all I have to do is call,He's always at home to answer His phone.He may not answer me right a way but I know in my heart that He received my message.God has always been in my heart, I can't remember a time when He wasn't.

2006-12-19 21:44:06 · answer #4 · answered by shuggabhugga05 4 · 0 0

Just like you know that you are alive right now. you can see, feel, hear, think and so on.When you find God-or better put-when you are born again-you will know it just as well. Several things you will notice:
1.You will have a desire to tell someone.
2. You will love Christians
3. You will desire to read the Bible.
4. you will be sensitive to sin-right away. Not that you will never sin again, but you will be overly aware of it.
5. You will desire to have fellowship with God.

2006-12-19 21:41:00 · answer #5 · answered by Mr Marc 3 · 0 0

Everything changes.
Your heart, your peace of mind, your spirit is greatly lifted and filled with a joy in the truth of God. I saw everything differently.
It is the most exciting, best thing that can happen to you because so many great things are revealed to your mind and heart - life makes sense, you know you are in God's care for life and know where you are going. The world does not knows this - but those who love Jesus know his love and freedom.

2006-12-19 21:38:04 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I guess the word that best describes it is "dumfounded". I felt like I had been so stupid, and I was ashamed. It was like a light came on in my mind. The God of which I'm speaking is Jesus Christ.

2006-12-19 21:40:29 · answer #7 · answered by nancy jo 5 · 0 0

When you have officially decided to that you have no need to base reality on logic and reason you'll find God. Trust me, you can't miss him, he'll be the one looking for a hand out.

2006-12-19 21:42:40 · answer #8 · answered by Pogo 2 · 1 0

i knew it when i found GOD because of the peace that came into my heart soul and body. i see things that he does for me and everyone else everyday. i pray a lot and prayers are answered.
it only takes the faith of a mustard seed for GOD to come into your life.

2006-12-19 21:36:27 · answer #9 · answered by c504play 4 · 1 0

When I found Poseidon, he filled my heart with his love.
Now as you know, Poseidon is the 1 true God of the Sea. If you don't accept him he will cast you into the abyss where ghoulish seamonsters and hellish screams will torment your very soul.
Why run the risk?

2006-12-19 21:39:04 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I felt a new heart, I new i was ok no matter what and i felt purpose in life. Everything I saw was like I had new eyes.


2006-12-19 21:35:59 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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