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I always see non-Christians upset about some acts committed by Christians.
Please,what do we do against you that brings you harm/discomfort,and what are ways that we can help the Christians and non-Christians get along easier without someone having to forsake their beliefs?

2006-12-19 12:47:28 · 37 answers · asked by Myaloo 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Thank you!

2006-12-19 12:47:44 · update #1

37 answers

the default assumption that only their point of view is the correct one

2006-12-19 13:02:57 · answer #1 · answered by Nick F 6 · 0 0

I get along with everyone, even if I do not agree with them (their beliefs are their rights). I think it is not so much that we Wiccans are upset with Christians but rather the other way around. I am not easily upset about much of anything, and the same will probably go for most of those who believe as I do. What I would like to see (but know it never will) is for all Christians to learn what we are truly about. Stop making assumptions based on archaic ideas and heresay. Open your minds & hearts. We do not worship the devil. We do our best for humanity and the environment. Please refer to our rede "do as you will but harm none" (simply put). It is not just something that we fall back on, it is the way we live 24/7. In general we will not criticize your (or anyone elses religion) and would really appreciate the same in return. At the mere mention of Wicca or "witchcraft" some automatically give us a "thumbs down". We feel that everyone has the right to believe as they want, that what is right for one does not have to be right for another. I have many Christian friends, and in "real life" (not 360) they accept me for the person I am, not how I worship. If we were being influenced or led by the devil, why would he teach us how to use healing herbs and why would he want us to advocate saving the earth? Why would he want us to use our very being to help others? Doesn't that sound more like of "God" than of "Satan"? Can we be so mislead that we spend our entire lives doing good things for people & nature and helping in any way that we can that we are actually doing the work of the "devil"?!?
"A mind is like a parachute, works best when open"

2006-12-19 13:50:37 · answer #2 · answered by Enchanted Gypsy 6 · 0 0

Oh, sweetie, there's several things Christians do that work my nerves.

You may or may not have anything to do with them. Christians are individuals, and they don't all act the same. That said, here's a few things...

1. If you want to 'witness', then ASK, "Can I talk to you about Jesus/God/The Bible/my religion?"

If I say, "No," then that's it. Please don't look at me funny, ask why, or try to talk to me about it anyway. An acceptable response would be, "OK, if you change your mind, let me know."
Then continue to treat me like you'd treat anyone else.

2. Don't try to make laws or wage war based on your beliefs.

3. When you see a Christian behaving badly, you might consider telling him so. Even the Bible says you should. Denounce political figures that make statements against atheism. Speak out against the laws that forbid an atheist to hold office or testify in court.

4. Stop trying to get ID in the school system. It is not science.

5. Do not tell me that I was never a "true" Christian because if I was I would not have converted to atheism. "True Christian" should not even be in your vocabulary anyway - it's a judgment about what's in a person's heart and mind, and if I remember correctly, that's a major no-no.

6. Do not assert that atheists are unhappy, sad, mad at God, closet Christians, or that we don't understand the Bible. Most of us have made the same arguments for Christianity in the past that you now make.

7. Learn about evolution from the scientific community. Learn about what it says and what it doesn't. I think that many people refuse to read it from sources other than the likes of Answers in Genesis, because if they did, they would realize that all their arguments have been addressed at length and are not valid.

8. PLEASE do not ask why we are here in this section, why are there still apes, or say that evolution is "just a theory. It's really getting old. Also - Pascal's Wager is tired.

9. We are not scared of fruit, least of all bananas.

10. Ask more questions like this... ones that are asked with the attitude of really wanting to understand and learn about something.

2006-12-19 12:58:38 · answer #3 · answered by Snark 7 · 0 0

If anyone upsets me, be it Christian or otherwise, it's when they tell me I'm wrong. We are all on neutral ground here - none of us have any proof beyond what we hold personally in our hearts and our spirits, and we cannot share that unfortunately.

I understand that many Christians believe that the Bible tells them to "spread the word." But the problem is, I think, that they misinterpret what word it is they are meant to spread. Don't point out others' sins - you have your own. Don't tell people they're going to Hell - you don't know that for sure (God is the judge). Don't tell me to prove or disprove anything - I can't, and neither can you.

Let's all just agree to disagree. If you want to know how we feel about something, ask. If you don't, don't bother asking, because we WILL tell you. Just try and be less absolute about things. I understand that we don't always do that, but speaking for myself, even if I don't always say "in my opinion," or "I think," or something similar before everything I talk about that I believe, I do mean it as an opinion, not as a sharing of facts. Grant us, or at least me, the same courtesy.

That's all I want.

And thank you for asking!

2006-12-19 13:08:47 · answer #4 · answered by Lady of the Pink 5 · 0 0


I would consider myself somewhat non-Christian (I am a Christmas-celebrating agnostic.)

A lot of non-Christians get upset when they see what appears to be a false piety or hypocracy with Christians.

Personally, I feel that the best people I have ever met come from strong Christian backgrounds, but at the same time I feel that what I describe above is how some of the more high-profile religious types come across.

I think more non-Christians would like to see more high-profile Christians actually behave in a manner modest and humble, like Christ, rather than smugly act as though they are exclusive members of a special club that is the only "correct" one to be a member of.

2006-12-19 12:56:18 · answer #5 · answered by K. D. M. 6 · 1 0

Well for starters, don't talk to us as if we're a different species whose logic is impossible to understand. I do understand what you believe. That doesn't mean I accept it as true, but I've tried. I expect no more from that than you.

And there are more than just christians and non-christians. I am an agnostic. I'm sure an islamic extremist might want something completely different from you, but it all stems from the same thing: Understand and respect other people's beliefs, even if you don't agree with them. You can try to change our minds all you want, though I can't see you having much sucess with that. Just first understand what we think and why we think it.

2006-12-19 12:57:49 · answer #6 · answered by IndigoShades 2 · 1 0

What I'm about to say isn't directed toward you in particular, but to all Christians who have done any of the following things:

1) Stop bashing gays.
2) Stop spreading lies about evolution (if you don't agree with it, then fine, but I've seen people trying to convince others on this forum that the world is 6,000 years old and that men and dinosaurs co-existed -- no it's not, and no they didn't, I'm sorry).
3) Stop referring to "unbelievers" as any of the following: Lost, confused, hopeless, depressed, angry, bitter, or best of all, "influenced by Satan".
4) Cut it out with the "you're going to Hell!" thing. (If Hell really exists and I'm really going there, then leave it between me and the big guy upstairs. I don't need anyone else to tell me what my eternal destiny is going to be).
5) Stop being so condescending all the time.
6) Stop quoting the Bible to prove your point. That doesn't convince us.

There are probably more but that's all I have the energy to think of right now.

2006-12-19 12:57:10 · answer #7 · answered by . 7 · 2 0

I think it's sweet of you to post a question like this.
As a pagan, I've found a lot of christians who are as nice as you and just want to get along with others.

The problem that upsets most of us is the "you're going to bust hell wide open" attitude we get from christians, and the superiority complex that comes with it. We're treated either as total idiots (and my experience is that most atheists, agnostics, satanists and pagans are extremely intelligent and well-read) or that we're simply ignorant of the "truth" as it is seen by christians.

Most of us have read your bible cover to cover more than once (personally, I've read it over 50 times and studied it in depth)..which is more than I can say for the majority of the "believers" I've encountered on this forum. Most of us know church history better than believers, and we have made an informed choice about Jesus and "salvation". Unfortunately, most christians perpetuate lies about what we believe based on ignorance and lack of education on what it is we do believe- for example, saying that witches worship satan and that witchcraft is evil. Even satanists are not "devil-worshippers". I know this, because I've educated myself to their beliefs as well as yours.

From a pagan perspective, I'm happy to let you continue to believe what you believe without trying to educate you as to the "error of your ways" in your belief system. I can respectfully agree to disagree with you and still like you as a person.

So here it is in a nutshell:
1. Start respecting us as people who are educated and well-read.
2. Educate yourselves as to what it is we do believe and practice, and stop perpetuating the lies that you've heard from the pulpit or other christians about us.
3. Agree to disagree and leave it at that. If we want to know the "way to salvation", we'll ask you for it.
4. Respect the fact that we don't want you to forsake your beliefs and do the same for us.

That's it.. not a lot.. just common decency, really.

2006-12-19 13:07:36 · answer #8 · answered by Kallan 7 · 0 0

Myaloo, I like you a lot and I'll be as nice as I can about this.

It is disturbing to those who do not believe in god to have the belief in god treated as a given. I have been told that I am a filthy person, and that my children are going to hell.

I have been threatened and mocked because of my beliefs.

I don't mind healthy discussion. I don't mind if my friends have beliefs that are different from mine. But I do not judge them for their beliefs, tell them that horrible things are going to happen to them unless they change. I don't care who they sleep with, whether they go to church or if they believe god and Jesus are the same or not.

I do not wish to see religious law become secular law. To have only one faith in this country undermines its foundations.

I know and respect many Christians, but I do not respect any of those who use what they believe to be the word of god to spread hatred and bigotry against other people.


2006-12-19 12:55:36 · answer #9 · answered by Chickyn in a Handbasket 6 · 2 0

I think most non christians get upset because you believe you have to CONVERT. I was raised catholic - I heard all the hype when I was younger, that if you dont convert sinners, its your own soul at stake. Also, non christians believe christians to be niave, weak, for believing utterly in the bible and that particular way of life. I know for a fact that it takes great personal strength to follow the way, and that all christians believe utterly in it, but its not for me. I know the bible isnt true, about 95% of all recorded history is a blatant lie, the majority of the bible included. I am sympathetic to everyones faith - Believe what saves you, what deepens your thoughts and brings you nearer to the creator, but god hates dogma. Dont ever say your faith is better than mine. All religions follow the one god, there is only one creator, called by many names. One day the world will realize this, and maybe then we can live in peace.

2006-12-19 12:55:30 · answer #10 · answered by kalikapsychosis 2 · 0 1

We are all just people. Some get along. Some don't. I don't see anymore to it that that. I respect your believes. But I just don't believe the way you do. That's O.K. I believe their is a God. I'm just not arrogant enough to say that I know it for sure. I think faith should be a private thing, and not something you try and force the world to believe in.

2006-12-19 12:57:28 · answer #11 · answered by flip4449 5 · 0 0

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