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While our great leader, Bush, has been distracted settling an old score with Saddam, the tiny country of N Korea has been busy building WMD's. Their people don't realize that the Korean war has been over for decades because they have been completely isolated from the rest of the world. They have been brain-washed by their volatile & dangerous leader, whom they worship as if he were a god, that the US is an evil empire that must be eradicated. How do you suppose our government is handling this, and what do you think can be done to prevent an attack?

2006-12-19 12:36:43 · 15 answers · asked by mstrywmn 7 in Politics & Government Military

15 answers

"They have been brain-washed by their volatile & dangerous leader, whom they worship as if he were a god" this sounds kind of like some of the neo-conservs here. We need to just stay out of other people's business. But they do hate us and think we are evil. fo a good reason we keep sticking our nose in where we dont belong. since this is so they may feel the need to get rid of us. if we feel they are a great threat we should just nuke them. stay away and just blow them all up. (if we feel that strongly towards them, i personally don't)

2006-12-19 12:41:46 · answer #1 · answered by summer love 3 · 1 1

I believe that a third WW is inevitable but I really don't think it will happend for some time. Kim Jung ILL is just mad cause he is getting enough attention. Yes, He has fired long rang missile but with no real success. Most of the missiles he fired didn't even leave the ground, or leave his country. I think it was only 8 that landed in the sea near japan. Could he have hit Japan, I believe so, but what you have to think about is the countries location. Iran and N Korea. The are not close enough to each other to make a united front in a War. You can't compare Germany and Japan to N Korea and Iran, different times different weapons. N Korea is surrounded By S korea, china and the Seas. US has forces in S Korea ready willing and able to plow into N Korea. And yes China was a Allie to N Korea during the Korean War but as of late the China government has shown that they do not support Kim jung ILL. I really think Kim Jung Ill is a smart man and realizes his chances of wining much less surviving a War when he doesn't have China to Back him. Iran I don't know to much about, but I do know that if we invade Iran like we did Iraq we will lose many more troops then we have in Iraq. Iran has watched our troops and our way of operation and they know what works and what doesn't. The Iraqi's are smart and fast learners, but worst of all they have no fear of Dying. It is hard to fight a man when he has no fear of dying. I feel that is How Iran army is as well. So are we on the brink of WWIII, No I really don't think so, I don't think we will so another WW for a really long time. There will have to be a bigger Country that will oppose the US and all of our Allies. North Korea and Iran aren't big enough to take on German, France, Italy, and The US. Just those forces alone could wipe out the two countries in a short time. Ok Now I feel like I'm rambling. But I don't think anyone should worry about a WW until you see a stronger force take a more of a Dominant stance against the US.

2016-05-22 22:29:34 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

WW III "IS" coming, the world is broken and there is no peaceful way to fix it, people say rely on diplomacy, well from what I can and have seen diplomacy is in large part what got us into this
mess. How? when the west tries to be diplomatic all it does is signal our weakness to the opposition. When we went into Iraq we had a good head of steam, then we got diplomatic, game lost,
we had Iran scared until they realized we weren't actually serious, game lost, we've been jerking around with North Korea for over half a century, to what end, we tried to be diplomatic and sign an agreement with them which they honored for about 5 minutes, now they have nukes, so much for diplomacy.Even China, it's stealing us blind by manipulating it's currency, it's stealing our intellectual property to the tune of tens of billions of dollars and what do we do? flap our gums, and they're laughing at us.World War 3 is coming it's just a matter of when and who is going to start it, at this point I think Iran will go after Israel and the Jews will turn them to dust, but with Amedinajad losing some ground in recent elections maybe things will change there. Then there's Al Quida and it's minions they are doing everything they can to get a nuke and if they do they'll use it, then it's off to the races. It may even be Pakistan, which is another Iran waiting to happen, and they already have nukes, and the Taliban, so there are a number of ways how it will start, but unfortunately it will start

2006-12-19 13:03:42 · answer #3 · answered by booboo 7 · 0 0

Gosh, whatever happened to the old days, when anti-war people held teach-ins to get their FACTS straight?

1. Korea is the "never-ending war", not Iraq. We've been there since the 1950's and there has been shooting almost every day. The USS Pueblo is still in their capitol.

2. Actually the Iraq war started with the Iran-Iraq war in the 1980's, and we've been there since 1990. Most didn't find the war objectionable until they (Democrats) found out that they could score political points to get themselves back in power.

3. Brainwashed. Uh, he simply said the same things that Clinton had been saying for 8 years. At what point did Clinton stop being correct? Did he lie too? Or where there really WMDs during the Clinton years? Why didn't you b*tch when Clinton made "regime change" the official Iran policy of the USA?

4. Even if Gore was POTUS (and that's a SCARY thought), we'd be arguing about Iraq, even if we didn't invade. If "stupid troops" Kerry would've been elected, we'd be having the same problems in Iraq. And, if Hillary (or Obama, or whatever) is elected, they'll be stuck in Iraq too.

2006-12-19 12:50:04 · answer #4 · answered by geek49203 6 · 1 1

Right now we are just sitting at "par for the course". There is always crap going on all over the world. People are just eating this stuff up right now because we have soldiers dying in Iraq.

Also, Americans have been hated all over the globe since the beginning of America. That some crazy dude in N. Korea wants thinks we should be "eradicated" as you say, is no big thing. People all over the world have always felt this way.

Relax, drink a beer, you will be fine. WW3, not even close.

2006-12-19 13:43:27 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Unfortunately, the US might just get the same effect as Greece did. We feel as though we are at the top of our game, like nobody could ever beat us. But someday, we will no longer be the leaders of this world as nothing lasts forever. I don't believe that we will fall to NK since NK doesn't really have much money to fund a war, and from what I remember hearing on the news China is not necessarily in support of NK. But for our survival, I would highly recommend that we gain a stronger bong with China (a MUCH stronger bond). Also, that we form an alliance and agreement with Russia, even though Russia is now povertous, it is once again on a rise back to being noticed.

Also, as crazy as this sounds, I believe that we should help in a reformation of Africa, it is a continent that is un-noticed and it is begging for unitement. And the same goes for south america. I truly believe that we should just unite all of this western hemisphere into one country. And I mean the ENTIRE western hemisphere, canada, US, mexico, south america. And eventually, the world.

2006-12-19 12:44:48 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I believe that they have been using the 6 party talks. From what I have been hearing China is waiting to complete their border fence(they do not think that their economy can handle the extra people crossing the border) before they put allot of pressure on N. Korea.
The real threat of WW3 is from Iran. The violence that is going on in Iraq is very organized. It is the work of a foreign government. Iran HAS SAID that they will be nuclear capable by March of '07'. They have also said that Israel must be wiped off the map. They also believe that hundreds of millions of people must die in order to bring back their prophet.
A suicidal person cannot be deterred. What worked with the USSR WILL NOT WORK WITH IRAN!!!!! The threat of being killed is a promise to them of going to paradise.
Iran is the threat not N. Korea.

2006-12-19 12:56:44 · answer #7 · answered by Today is the Day 4 · 0 0

The only things that can be done is to call on the PRC to be a moderating influence on the PDRK, and maintain the present deterrent. So the key to containing the PDRK is the US maintaining at least a working relationship with all the PDRK's neighbors. I don't think it's a good thing that the PDRK has the bomb; but history has shown us that countries with the bomb become more, not less responsible.

2006-12-19 20:57:16 · answer #8 · answered by michinoku2001 7 · 0 0

Yea it's inevitably there is going to be a great conflict i don't know where but it's coming for sure the worlds population is huge. SO get ready

2006-12-19 12:42:45 · answer #9 · answered by L J 4 · 1 1

You just don't get it. We've been in WWIII since the 1968 Munich Olympics and President Bush is finally taking the fight to them rather than hiding behind Monica's ample hips/lips.

2006-12-19 12:43:15 · answer #10 · answered by ? 5 · 2 2

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