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Assuming that there is a Heaven and a Hell where will you end up? Knowing that God is holy and will let nothing into his holy presence that would defile his kingdom, where will you end up. If somebody murdered your mothers and the person got away with it in court, you would think the judge is not being fair, right?The bottom line the judge will not let him go free, if he is just. Say you commited a crime, the judge will punish you for it right? Same as God looking at sin, it deserves to be punished. But say somebody comes in and pays your fine for you so you can be free and you do not have to go to prison. That is what Jesus did for us on the cross so our sins can be forgiven as we are all sinners and born into it. Yes Belief in Jesus is a choice you make in this life. If you believe in him and confess your sins you will be forgiven, and turn from your ways., you will pass from death into life Listen folks, Hell was not created for Humans, it was created for Satan and his demons.

2006-12-19 11:50:21 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

9 answers

You poor, poor frightened little thing. How absolutely sad and pathetic it must be to live a life where you depend on an ancient storybook to know who you are, what you are, and what you must do.

News flash!!! I am not guilty of anything. I do not require redemption. I take responsibility for my actions, and I accept the consequences. I do not need some prescribed system of beliefs written by a bunch of primitive, ignorant goat herders to know right from wrong, or how to live my life. Jesus did NOTHING for me. If he actually existed, he was a clever man who fooled a lot of people into thinking he was a deity. Big deal. He wasn't the first person to do this, and he won't be the last. Humans are the most gullible, easily manipulated creatures on this planet, and you my dear, exemplify these qualities.

Enjoy your fuzzy little cocoon of faith. I hope it shelters you and keeps you safe from any actual reality, because you are clearly incapable of defining life, or your own destiny, on your own terms.

What a waste of a human being.

2006-12-19 12:11:28 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I don't really care where I would end up. They're both equally illogical and they're both equally bad in the long run. The Biblical version of Hell is cruel and unusual -- a punishment that lasts forever can only be classified as torture. The Biblical version of Heaven is boring and ridiculous -- seriously, eternal life? An eternity doing what, worshipping God? Not a trillion years, not a quadrillion years, not 10^10^10^100^100^100^100 years, but an ETERNITY? I would absolutely lose my mind doing one thing and being in one place for that long, and so would everyone else, whether they understand it or realize it or not. I would be driven insane in that kind of situation. So it's a lose/lose situation as far as I'm concerned.

2006-12-19 12:00:20 · answer #2 · answered by . 7 · 1 0

I am neither an Atheist nor a Christian. It's wonderful that you have this carefully created belief structure that you are so happy with that you are willing to proselityze to all of us ad nauseum about how we are all going to hell if we don't adopt your particular belief system.

That's all fine and good - only I don't believe in your belief system.

I don't believe in Heaven or Hell, in imaginary firends or bearded men with "Plans".

I am a Buddhist and as such I do not have "Belief" I have knowledge. I do not have "Faith" I have practice. I do not have the "Community" I have the Dharma. Buddhism does not require any faith as there is nothing miraculous to believe IN. No walking on water, no healing of the blind, nothing except the enlightenment (adulthood) of the species.

We believe that there is suffering, and there is freedom from suffering - Buddhism is about the journey from Suffering to Freedom from Suffering; That's it.

We all realize you have deeply held beliefs, however it is totally wrong of you to push your beliefs onto other people. I'm very happy that you have a belief system that allows you to feel comforted, Good for you. Please don't tell me, however, that I'm going to hell, because I don't believe what you do. That's obnoxious.

2006-12-19 12:04:36 · answer #3 · answered by mytraver 3 · 1 0

"I live on what is real, more real than this life." What, exactly, is "more real"? How can something be more real than real? Being ambiguously cryptic doesn't prove that your god exists. "Now since you do not have the faith, can you prove to me Heaven, Hell does not exist? " I don't have to. The burden of proof rests upon the one making the positive claim... namely, you. But you don't seem to have the intellectual capacity to understand that. "I have had experiences that I will not tell you about." Good, because they'll just prove you're a delusional nut. Anecdotal evidence isn't proof of anything. "You cannot disprove the supernarural,just because it has not been revield to you." I'm not trying to, but you can't prove it either. If you can, do it. Claiming that you've been "revealed to" doesn't make you sound like anything less than delusional. "Like if I am taling on the phone to someone about my bills, I cannot see that person but I believe she is there because I am talking to her." Your IQ is telling on you here. Argumentum ad Ignorantium plus lack of common sense. Everyone knows how a telephone works. You don't BELIEVE she is there, you KNOW she is there because you have concrete proof that she exists. You can't talk to God over the telephone. "Same with the bible you were not there when the great flood flooded the earth, you were not there when God made man...." Neither were you, skippy. So how can you subscribe to those beliefs yourself? You have no proof either.

2016-05-22 22:24:17 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

First you tell us to assume that there is a heaven and hell, then you speak as if they actually exist, and if so that we atheists actually believe in such places. IF there was a hell, I'd probably end up there, but I'm not worried about it. Why? For the same reason why you're not worried about going to Hades.

2006-12-19 12:00:54 · answer #5 · answered by =_= 5 · 1 0

I am not an atheist, but I think you are a Christian. Let me ask you, where in the Bible does it have the word 'hell'? It does not have that word. I highly recommend you not say that because there is no such place called 'hell.' '
However, there is a place where the 'other' people will go, and that is the lake of fire. Please use the correct term.

2006-12-19 11:54:00 · answer #6 · answered by Hannah 3 · 2 0

This is irrelevant. It isn't about what's just or fair. It's about believing or not believing. Just because I don't believe in a higher power doesn't mean that I am unjust or unfair or that I would let a murderer roam free. You are speaking more of a question of morality. Unfortunately, most religious believers think that morality and religion go hand in hand, but they don't. Rethink your questions and assumptions please.

2006-12-19 11:59:44 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Basically you're using a threat to get us to believe. The main thing is "there is a hell and you don't wanna go there, so believe."

If there is a god and THIS is the best he's got - just a big threat? He can kiss my asse

2006-12-19 11:57:39 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I don't worship the character of any book, and you will never convince me that an everliving, omnipotent God would ever need people to write a book for it.

2006-12-19 11:57:25 · answer #9 · answered by Sara 5 · 0 0

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