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Can anyone tell me why Christians think that Jesus is god when he never claimed that? Otherwise it would be stated clearly and unambiguously in the Bible but it is not.
You can find him calling himself Son of God but others are also called sons of God in the Bible (for example Adam). He never said something "I am your God". So why Christians assume that he is God??? After all, the divinity of Jesus is the foundation of Christianity and if it is true, then there must be a clear and open statement in the Bible that Jesus is God. I do not mean to hurt anyone's feelings. My respect two all Christians. It is just the question I wanted to ask for a long time. Many thanks to all those who will answer.

2006-12-19 11:32:21 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

29 answers

Nope. That's why it is called "faith".

2006-12-19 11:36:02 · answer #1 · answered by Clear thinker 3 · 1 3

The concept of the trinity is not a scriptural one. It was introduced I believe in the 4th century. It was indeed a deviation from true Christian teachings.
Jame 3:17 say that the wisdom from above is "easy to be in-treated", that is it is comprehensible or reasonable.
Doesn't it make more sense to fit the scripture to the context than to take a few scriptures and try to fit them into the context, as you can see that is what trinitarianism does. Ex: when Jesus said he and the father are one he used this in the context of expressing the oneness of the congregation, and also the oneness of marriage. Please see John 17:21,22, Jesus here uses the same Greek word for one, as he does in the other scriptures that were brought out. Greek word is (hen).

I think people hold on to this because it was instilled in them; not by reason, but rather emotion.

2006-12-19 20:25:48 · answer #2 · answered by nicky 3 · 5 2

I agree w/nichole, the concept of the trinity is not a scriptural one.
Please see: Matt. 26:39, John 8:17,18, Col 1:15,16, Mark 13:32, Matt. 20:20-23, 1 Cor. 11:3, 1 Cor. 15:27,28 "For he hath put all things under his feet. But when he saith all things are put under him, it is manifest that he is excepted , which did put all things under him. (28) "And when all things shall be subdued unto him that put all things under him, that God may be all in all."

Jesus reflected his Father perfectly--so he could thus say I and the Father are one. Jesus also learned OBEDIENCE from the things he suffered.
John 6:38, (he says he does his Father's will),
Heb. 5:7 "Who in the days of his flesh, when he had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save him from death, and was heard in that he feared" Heb. 5:8 as well, John 12:27,28, John 10:30(oneness, like husband and wife) Gal. 4:4--I know there was another scripture where Jesus said that people would deny him that sent him. Indeed that is what people are doing. Sad indeed!

2006-12-19 21:25:46 · answer #3 · answered by madkat 2 · 4 1

I actually looked into this a while back, and I agree with you, nicholuv and madcat.
John 8:58: ...truly, I say to you before Abraham was, I am(Greek, ego'eimi) The question is of proper rendering--I AM or I am--verse 57 says that his disciples were asking about his age; Of course Jesus was before Abraham. Please note that ego'eimi' is NEVER applied to the holy spirit. Also this Greek verb eimi is also used to express existence as a predicate-noted by historians.
This is where it is important not to take things out of context. I could go on but I am too tired.

2006-12-19 22:06:08 · answer #4 · answered by mike 2 · 3 1

Maybe this will help you, John 14: 6-7 says "Jesus said to him, " I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father, except through me. If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; and from now on you know Him and have seen Him"

2006-12-19 19:55:10 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Well bro first of all i am not christian and really i dont know much about Bible. But , in general its upto you whom you should consider your god. Its just illogical to belive someone God because someone says you to do so. So basically the God you are worshipping also dosent have any proof that they had been God. So nobody can believe God on the proofs. Its YOU who has to find the God in one or the other . Whether you find it in Jesus or your mother or your son or anyone. God is everywhere the only thing is to realise him near, feel his smell , believe in his existence. That is what i am trying to do and many other are on the way as well. You wanna try , give it!!!!!!!!!!!1

2006-12-19 19:39:44 · answer #6 · answered by Gary Microx 1 · 3 3

Back in the days Jesus was around, it was against the law to say such things as 'I am God'. Therefore Jesus was here to teach the world the Word of God.

In everything Jesus said, the religious leaders would try and catch him out. However Jesus was smart and knew what was lawfully allowed to be said. If He came straight out and said I AM GOD! The leaders would have enough proof to kill Him right there and then.

It was only when He had completed His task that he admitted He was not from this world and He was a King of the World. For this, they could kill Him.

2006-12-19 19:53:46 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

What is your issue?? Tell me something if it did say hey you(your name) and said I am your god and you better worship me. Would you actually believe it? NO, you would say "prove to me God wrote that" or Where did Cain get his wife. Over looking all of the evidence God has given you of his existence and That JESUS is the son of God and only by repenting of your sins and putting your faith in Christ will you enter the kingdom of God. The bible says people will be willingly ignorant in the last days. I am not judging you or scolding you. just saying open your eyes, look past the irrelevant and see the truth. because the truth will set you free.

2006-12-19 19:45:28 · answer #8 · answered by chris z 2 · 1 3

I believe in God in three persons The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. I was always wondering about that for long time until someone explain to me about it. I am not that good at explaining things. All I know Jesus never claim to be God.

2006-12-19 19:37:21 · answer #9 · answered by Deaf Cowgirl 27 2 · 1 4

But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:

I Peter 3:15
King James Version

2006-12-19 19:42:33 · answer #10 · answered by arvin_ian 4 · 2 2

I have said this a thousand times, jesus never said he is God, but son, and in some places he said your father in heaven, going by this, we are all God's children.
The problem is TRINITY! The most complex mathematics i have ever seen.
Even the pope cannot fully explain what TRINITY means!

2006-12-19 19:42:04 · answer #11 · answered by guru 3 · 3 2

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