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The book is "What Islam is All About" by Yahiya Emerick. It's a great book which makes clear the beauty and teachings of Islam. But I'm appalled by its treatment of other religions.

It says:
"The Bible, in fact, is a jumbled-up mixture of many legends, fables, biographies, stories, tribal histories and ancient poems and such. No one who reads it gets the impression it is from Allah. In fact, Christians and Jews readily admit that it was put together by the hands of men long after the time of the Prophets. They even admit it is full of mistakes, contradictions, and untrue things! They just ignore those parts and say it doesn't matter."

This is such an unfair description of the Bible. Most Christians and Jews DO get the impression it is from God, so that part is a lie. And most Christians and Jews that I know do NOT say it has mistakes and contradictions. While it may indeed have mistakes and contradictions, it is incorrect to say that Jews and Christians "admit" this.

2006-12-19 09:41:20 · 17 answers · asked by Heron By The Sea 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

It says also,
"It is not hard to understand why Christians have such mistaken ideas about angels when you consider that these are the same people who believe that Allah is divided up into parts, or that He was born of a human mother or that He had to kill himself and go to hell before he could forgive us."

Is this necessary to speak so flippantly about other religions to build your own up?
This book is designed for Junior High or High School kids I think.
Is this the way we should be presenting our religion to kids? By putting down the others?

2006-12-19 09:43:15 · update #1

Chippy - yes, I'm quite aware that this happens in books about other religions too. I don't support it in ANY book. I'm not saying this is unique to an Islamic book. I'm know Muslims who have full respect for other religions. It's just this one book, that's all. I'm using it as an example, because I happen to be currently reading it.

2006-12-19 09:46:57 · update #2

17 answers

True Islam believes in validity of Christians. In fact the Holy Koran(sic) tells Muslims to seek out Christians because they are learned people. It also teaches not to boast of your religion or you speak against God.

Both religions are guilty of this. Just as there are those on the Christian side who argue that Islam is evil there are Muslims who argue Christianity is the same. Unfortunately we live in a world where moderates are ridiculed for being fence riders and extremists speak with the loudest voices.....

but the above entry is wrong. No written version of the Quran is right because it was delivered by speech for many more years than the written version, in fact many consider the written version to be only a guide and not the unadulterated word of Allah

2006-12-19 09:50:17 · answer #1 · answered by mike e 2 · 3 2

I'm a moslem, so I will try to clarify what is meant. See, Quran claims to be the unadulterated book of God. By that what I mean is that every word that was uttered by the Angel Gabriel on behalf of God to Prophet Mohammad was memorized by him. This was latter written down verbatim by the scribes (since Mohammad was illiterate - in fact the first verse ever delivered by Gabrield was "Read", to which Mohammad obviously took it literally and replied "Sorry, I can't!").

So the idea with the Quran is that the words you read in that book are exactly the word of God as delivered in Arabic, and not of any apostles or transliterated by Kings into different languages.

Which one would u rather believe to be more exact copy of the message, something that exists today in the original language and which was written down exactly as the Angles delivered it, or something that has survived several editions, translations and which was not even originally written down while Jesus or Moses were alive?

Quran is not ridiculing the Bible or Torah (old testament), it is stating the facts (historically), as a matter of fact, Moslems respect and honor these books and revere them equally.

2006-12-19 09:50:10 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Hello: Well for starters I do agree that Islam has gotten a terrible rap for a couple of causes, nevertheless I can guarantee you that no less than Americans are identical possibility haters...What I imply through that is: If I am say a white Christian that occurs to be a racist then I could now not simplest be hateful of Islam, however of alternative Christian religions, the Jews, and anybody that wasn't now not simplest white...however most often a designated sort of white folks. if any person is solely simple unaware of others ideals then I believe they could be similarly nervous without reference to the faith. However, the tenant of Islam concerning the holy struggle...it's no less than performed up in our tradition and in spite of the terrible s#!+ that our extra trendy religions have performed ago...I have no idea that we have got whatever just like the jihad. We do have the tip of instances...I believe thats kinda distinct, nevertheless I admit lack of awareness to so much of Islams teachings. As for united, nah. I can guarantee you that we worry and distrust every different no less than up to we do you. Really having the complete "terrorist" label getting connected practically solely to Islam's fans does not support the organization regardless that. For what its valued at, keep in mind the Spanish Inquisition? I am certain a few nonetheless hate us for that and it used to be 450 years in the past and 3000+ miles away, however I imply Religions now not supposed to be fully rational. shalom Rev Phil

2016-09-03 13:48:50 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

sister!! i have to say that ANY knowledgeable christian or a Jew would admit that the above description of the bible is pretty accurate.

the average christian may disagree. but the description is accurate as far as i know.

the bible contains MANY scientific errors and contradictions and not to mention the inappropriate stories that any decent man can not read to his wife or daughter.

do we believe that the bible is 100% corrupted? no.

the revelations sent before the Quran the injeel/Gospel of Jesus Christ (pbuh) for instance was NOT written down. Jesus (pbuh) preached it but it was not contained in a book as it was revealed unlike the Quran which was memorized exactly as it was revealed unto the holy prophet (pbuh). for example, when the prophet was asked by some christian missionaries about the concept of God. right on the spot he received a revelation from God telling him--"1. Say: He is Allah, the One and Only;"

"2. Allah, the Eternal, Absolute;"

3. He begetteth not, nor is He begotten;"

4. And there is none like unto Him." Surat Al Ikhlas/unity/sincerity oneness of Allah. notice how the chapter starts with the word "Say"!! it's Allah talking.

so the Quran is ONLY the revelation revealed unto the prophet and the historical context of each surah/chapter is written down in separate books. therefore to understand the Quran you also have to refer to the history books or commentary.

we also have the Hadiths ( oral tradition of the prophet [pbuh]) which is contained in other books like sahih bukhari and sahih Muslim and others.

the bible contains words of God, words of the Prophets, words of the disciples and words of the historians. the bible is NOT the word of God and that's why you see contradictions and scientific errors.
"Will they not then ponder on the Qur'an? If it had been from other than Allah, they would have found therein much incongruity." --The Qur'an, Sura 4:82

2006-12-20 14:30:31 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Islam and Christianity are two brothers that have been at odds with one another since Ishmael (Islam) and Isaac (Christianity) and Esau (Islam) and Jacob (Christianity). Unfortunately they still are! Ishmael and Isaac were born of the same father (Abraham) and Ishmael was born first (by right should have been the one to receive his father's inheritance) but, God chose Isaac instead and Ishmael and mother were sent out of Abraham's house to fend for themselves in the desert. Ishmael by nature was no-doubt hurt, jealous and upset by his father's decision. As was Esau over Jacob getting his inheritance. Esau married into Ishmael's family and the rest is history. And as for the Bible being contradictory I do not believe that the Bible is full of anything but what God wants it to be . . . the Truth. But because people like Paul and Timothy (for example) are speaking to two diverse and different groups of people (Gentiles and Jews) they are each giving what each respective group can adhere to and accept. But each is telling the truth of it's respective accounts.
Bless You

2006-12-19 10:22:08 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

She wrote her opinion, sure her description isn't objective (but who's is nowadays), go to youtube, and check was the Christian Pastor who became and Imam said about the Bible. We as Muslims don't believe that current Gospel and Torah are completely accurate but the original revelation was from God.

If they want to see contradiction in the Bible,

GE 1:31 God was pleased with his creation.
GE 6:5-6 God was not pleased with his creation.

GE 2:15-17, 3:4-6 It is wrong to want to be able to tell good from evil.
HE 5:13-14 It is immature to be unable to tell good from evil.

GE 6:19-22, 7:8-9, 7:14-16 Two of each kind are to be taken, and are taken, aboard Noah's Ark.
GE 7:2-5 Seven pairs of some kinds are to be taken (and are taken) aboard the Ark.

Good day

2006-12-19 09:46:04 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

Islam is the last religion and its the right and true one cause its guarded by god
any way the Islam doesn't make low for any other holy books but there is facts we cant all Deny but we can say may be that's the writer's point of view cause he is human and that book isn't a holy book so he is free to write we he want but if you want to know the Islam read the holy quran visit
take care

2006-12-19 09:50:19 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

oh my goodness not that?!?!?!?! im sure theres NO book of christianity that ridicules other religions?!?

cmon dude, get real. no religion likes any other religions. get used to it.

guess what, many people misunderstand islamic culture too. and jewish culture... and even atheists are misunderstood by people who arent atheists. shrug it off and ignore it. turn the other cheek a lil.

society has been about putting down others to build ones self up, bullies have been around throughout all of time. people at work gossip about others to make themselves feel better. its just a fact of life.

2006-12-19 09:44:28 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

It's ironic that Islam claims the Torah and Bible are Holy also, but they are the ones that pick and choose which parts of it are acceptable. The say Jesus is just a prophet. They say Jesus was never crucified. So instead they follow a lying, killing, rapist and child molester like Muhammad. They say the atrocities he committed were acceptable during his time. Then they say he would stand the test of time. Only Jesus was and is sinless. No prophets were needed after He died to save us all.

Merry Christmas and God Bless.

2006-12-19 09:57:30 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

The Bible is the word of God. The Qu'ran is the teachings of a man who was not in agreement with God. Though the Qu'ran teachs the Torah and Bible are the holy word of God.

2006-12-19 09:48:49 · answer #10 · answered by djmantx 7 · 0 3

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