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I have 2 of them right now and this is for those who are against the breed. Do you judge case by case? Do you just look at the dog and decide that it is a horrible animal? What causes you to call a pit a bad dog. Statistics have shown that chows and rotties are just as dangerous as pits. I love all the dogs and believe that the breeds danger level is purely on their size apposed to the "breed". When different human races were attacked and judged on different levels it was always bad. When wild animals were hunted for being "bad" it always was recanted and now they are protected. Has killing and attacking what we don't understand or are afraid of EVER helped ANYTHING in history? Judge the deed NOT the breed.

2006-12-19 09:09:40 · 24 answers · asked by Krazycricket 2 in Pets Dogs

24 answers

All breeds of dog as attacked someone so if that is how you judge you should not like any breed. The baby whos toes were chewed off parents were in the same room asleep when it happened, it was a six week old puppy and there is douht if the puppy did it. The woman who sold the puppy said it did not even have all its milk teeth. It is now beleived that the parents were taking drugs. Puppy or human in the wrong. At six weeks no dog is aggresive. The person whos uncle's pit is aggressive, he sounds like the kind of owner the rest of us who have pits hate. He needs to do something about the dog, now, it needs to be put down. A lab nearly took my nephew eye out he had to be in hosptil for a week and it took an operation to save the eye. Should all labs be killed.There is an extravagant amount of bad information out there about Pits and Rotties. Did you know that the American Temperament Test Society rates their temperaments at above average and at about the same level as Golden Retrievers?? Here’s how they stack up along with some other popular breeds:

Average Rating of all Breeds in this study: 81.0%
Cardigan Welsh Corgi 76.8%
Shih Tzu 76.9%
Old English Sheepdog 77.8%
Beagle 78.2%
Cocker Spaniel 81.5%
Rottweiler 82.3%
Golden Retriever 83.2%
American Pit Bull Terrier 83.4%
Mixed Breed 85.1%

In the ATT test, a dog is put through a series of confrontational situations. Any sign of panic or aggression leads to failure of the test. The achievement of pit bulls and Rottweilers in this study disproves once and for all the old tired belief that they are inherently aggressive to people. (Thanks to Bad Rap Pit Rescue for this resource)

To be fair, these dogs aren’t for everyone - no one breed is universally appropriate for every person. Pits and Rotties, like every dog and dog owner, should go through at least basic obedience training together. Pits and Rotties require a lot of activity, a lot of love and attention, and an owner who understands dogs or is willing to learn. They are loving, loyal and gorgeous dogs. Don’t believe the hype!

2006-12-19 10:47:28 · answer #1 · answered by raven blackwing 6 · 2 0

I think people need to educate themselves on any breed they are thinking of getting and make their choice of animal based on that. Pitbulls do have a bad rap because of bad and/or irresponsbile owners. They are sweet animals who are very loyal and affectionate, especially to their people (and they really are some of the cutest dogs on the planet). Unfortunately some people who own them confuse the fact that because their dogs are so sweet & loveable at home that they will be that way in all situations. That just isn't the case. Bottom line, when a little or mid-sized dog attacks, it hurts, bruises, etc. When a pit attacks it can do major damage or cause death. I have no problem w/responsible people owning them and giving them good homes but I do have a problem when they bring them to the dog park. Yes, the dogs are sweet but they can easily become carried away when playing (as other dogs can but most other dogs can't kill). Let's face it, they were originally bred for dog to dog combat and when their instincts kick in there is nothing that can stop it.

A friend of mine does a lot of work with a Pit rescue organization here in the Bay Area, Bad Rap - www.badrap.org. It's a great resource for anyone who is interested in the breed or anyone who hates the breed just because of all they hear about them. They have a great article about pits and the dog park - all pit owners should read.

2006-12-19 21:45:35 · answer #2 · answered by KC Napa 2 · 0 0

I don't condemn an entire breed but it has been proven time and again that when these large breed dogs attack they can do tremendous damage. It is not that they are more viscous than other breeds it is the amount of damage they can cause when they turn. People have DIED! That is not something to take lightly. The problem comes in when you pair a large powerful dog with an irresponsible owner. I, personally would never have one of these large breed dogs, pit bull, Rottweiler, doberman pincher, chow (pit bull with hair), mastiff, etc around young children. Children, while playing or frightened emit high pitched squeals that can trigger any dog's hunter/prey instincts with disastrous results. That is not to say that my Yorkshire Terrier won't bite because I know that he will. The difference is in the type of damage he can do compared to a pit bull.

Just to be clear, I am not one of those people that think all pit bulls should be banned. I do think that people who choose to own them and other breeds mentioned here should be held accountable if their dogs harm someone and should be made to keep them confined or under their control at all times. Often the first time their dogs harm someone it is an innocent child and the owner had no clue that the dog would do such a thing.

2006-12-19 17:28:42 · answer #3 · answered by PRS 6 · 3 0

I love Pits. i have a pit right now and he is the biggest baby, you could ask for. I think it has a lot to do with people being afraid of the unknown and hearing the horrible things, they never want to hear the good deeds these animals have done. I also think a lot of the attacks Pits have been involved in is from people being stupid. Hasn't anyone heard dont corner a dog or get in a dogs face. You have to take precautions with every breed of dog, small dogs can be just as aggressive as the big ones, and I also have a border collie and she is more aggressive than my pit we have to lock her up when people come over. My pit (Buck) wants everyone to love on him. He is only offended if you dont say hello and pet his head or give him give a big hug when you come thru the front door.

2006-12-19 22:51:21 · answer #4 · answered by eli_947 1 · 0 0

I don't judge the dog at all because I know it isn't the dogs fault, ever, and never will be. Even if the dog was born and bred to be aggressive this was the act of a human breeding it. I disagree with anyone who says it has everything to do with how the dog was brought up. In reality, good dog owners know to buy from a reputable breeder who has been breeding quality dogs for years. If you buy a Pit bull and have no idea of it's background, raise it anyway you like and it can still pose a bite risk as with any dog.

2006-12-19 17:16:33 · answer #5 · answered by Mandy 2 · 2 1

I believe that all dogs, just like all people, have unique personalities. No breed is all good or all bad. I've seen sweet, loving, gentle pit bulls that I'd trust my child with any day. By the same token I've seen aggressive dogs of all types -- from pits, to collies, to pomeranians! -- that I wouldn't leave my child alone with for an instant.

It is a combination of factors that make up any dog's temperament, and I think the breed has only mild influence on it. Far more important is the way the dog was raised and trained.

It's my opinion that fearing a particular breed just because they ARE that breed is not much different than fearing a person just because they're a different color than yourself, and makes just as little sense, really.

2006-12-19 17:19:55 · answer #6 · answered by goddessdawnie 3 · 1 2

You said it yourself ,Statistics have shown that chows and rotties are just as dangerous as pits. I don't think i should fear walking down my street because of an animal who is dangerous.It has no right to bother me when im not bothering it.I don't really blame the animal tho.It was bread to be a killer.It was not mean to be a pet.I support a ban against pits in my town and as far as other breeds with bad reps, ban them as well or make home owners and owners of such animals purchase insurance to cover damages caused by there dangerous creatures.

2006-12-19 17:24:48 · answer #7 · answered by Gee 1 · 3 0

In response to madamspud. I guess that means you will never ever own a dog. All dogs bite, it is just a fact of life. And to blame pits just because they get more media attention is dumb. All dogs can be great pets and all dogs have the capability of being mean and aggressive. Pits just get a bum wrap because most people only see the big strong jaws and the size of them. At the clinic I worked for some of our best behaved, sweetest dogs were pits, and some of our worst were chihuahuas and other small dogs, So I dont want to here that all pits are evil killing machines because thats a load of pooh. The people who say that are uninformed and will never know the joy of having a great companion dog. Their loss!

2006-12-19 17:22:51 · answer #8 · answered by Ryne's proud mommy 4 · 0 2

Very True my mother was always against them for no reason and she is against Rottweilers.I got a Pit Bull Rottweiler mix when I moved out of the house.Boy did I prove her Wrong, My dog is SO Good. I love them but I am terrified of Westys one bit me when I was young and bad I had to get Lots of stitches but nothing was done to the dog. when the same thing happened to a friend but by a Pit Bull the dog was PUT DOWN!!! and I agree with Mandy and Jase(2 and 7answers up)

2006-12-19 17:17:36 · answer #9 · answered by Indigo 2 · 1 0

I am sorry but i think people should have a special license to own several breeds of dogs... example: pitbulls, rottweilers, dobermans etc... I was recently attacked by a 1 year old rotty and it was unprovoked... I did nothing!! those type of dogs are to much for most people to handle. Even as puppies they should be trained and handled alot... They have more of a tendancy to be aggressive than most... plus they could do more damage than most... I do agree that its usually the owner and poodles could be as aggresive as a pitbull... but my stand still is no I dont think the average Joe should own those type of dogs...sorry...smile...

2006-12-19 17:46:56 · answer #10 · answered by marnibrown1 5 · 2 0

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