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Do you find it annoying when home schoolers (not all) are always seem to be bragging about how much smarter they are then public/private schoolers, and how much more well mannered and respectful they are just because their home schooled.

I don't know about you but that really annoys me.

And I'm gonna say this again, not all home schoolers do this but a lot do.

2006-12-19 08:22:26 · 27 answers · asked by Sleekbyrid 1 in Education & Reference Home Schooling

27 answers

yes, it's just as annoying when homeschoolers do it as when public school parents do it. and almost as annoying as when public schooling parents say that their kids are better socialized.

Why can't people just live their lives and stop categorizing everything as 'better' or 'worse' than "The way I do it"? It is what it is....and it's getting kind of cliche on yahoo answers because that seems to be the same question, over and over and over and over....

2006-12-19 09:10:52 · answer #1 · answered by ? 6 · 6 0

Yes, it is annoying. It's annoying when anyone brags. I think what is annoying is that those homeschoolers who do this seem to have a double standard. They of course are entitled to brag, after all they really are superior. Take the answer that says, "Actually, all kids do. It's just that when homeschoolers say it, it's true. All kids do." Uh, no they don't. If my kids bragged about their superiority, as that user does, I'd sit them down and tell them that's bad manners. Those kids whose parents are raising narcissistic brats who are told all day about the inferiority of others brag. Yes, there are plenty of homeschooling parents who are raising little ego-maniacs. But it isn't just the homeschoolers who are. It's a lot of indulgent parents. However, when any one BUT a homeschooler does it, they are attacked. People of all types have bad manners.

2014-05-24 09:37:26 · answer #2 · answered by bb 5 · 1 0

I know a few homeschoolers and most of the reason's that homeschoolers homeschool is for religious reasons or that the schools are no longer for kids. Its crazy the politcs that are going on in these schools.
The parents of homeschooled children DO NOT put the schooling last. They put it first and then incorporate it into daily routine.Example: make a double batch of something in the kitchen. let the child figure out the right measurments of ingredients.
In almost all areas there are homeschool associations that put things together for the kids to have "socializing" and activities so the "real world" as someone put it is not a shock.
To get back to your original question, I have never heard a homeschooler brag but I have seen many homeschoolers smarter then the public school counterparts and you know why that is??? Cause the parents aren't kicked out of the kids education like they are when the kids go outside of the home for school..........

2006-12-19 11:02:53 · answer #3 · answered by bigmommaj70 2 · 1 0

It's unfortunate that a few people always seem to make a good situation "stink." Its like that with a lot of things these days. It only takes a few to give the wrong impression about something.
I would like to suggest that you keep your mind open and understand that not all homeschoolers are that way. I home schooled my daughter for the last two years of high school and even before, I taught her manners, respect for others and courtesy. And don't let those few students fool you. Homeschoolers are not any smarter. Because they are only students and not amongst a class of 25 plus, then of course they will get more one-on-one attention. Anyone, under those conditions would do better - but its not brain, its environment.
Shame on those homeschoolers who give the institution of homeschooling a bad name. If I ever caught my daughter bragging like that she would be in "hot water." And just a little note to those who may be wondering about homeschooling - sometimes a parent, like me, will homeschool out of necessity.
My daughter became ill and was missing too many days from school. I had recently retired and could teach her so she would be able to keep up with her peers.

2006-12-20 22:40:44 · answer #4 · answered by Cecelia G 1 · 2 0

I would say they do it because they are pretty constantly being attacked for getting a sub par education. Are all homeschoolers smarter than all public or private schoolers, no of course not. But they are not all poorly educated and social misfits either. And sometimes being at home provides a better oppourtunity for children to learn as they need to to thrive.

Also, if you don't want to hear what homeschoolers have to say, stop reading the homeschool section of this board. You are not forced to read things that bother you.

2006-12-19 14:10:37 · answer #5 · answered by micheletmoore 4 · 1 1

After 13 years of homeschooling 5 children, I must honestly say that I have said that sort of thing, but not so much as to "Brag" as to defend why I do what I do. The attacks that homeschooling parents deal with might be part of the knee-jerk reaction to defend our choices. What makes it worse is often, those who are attacking have no idea what they are talking about--the old, "But how do your children learn social skills?" idiocy...and "Parents without degrees aren't qualified to teach their kids".... there may be those who DO brag...homeschoolers are just as imperfect and sometimes immature as their counterparts...
I think another thing that happens, with me anyway, is because I was so actively involved with what my kids were doing, and I KNEW how well they were doing, I was able to talk about it. Many (not all) parents are clueless as to what their kids are learning in school--those who have kids in public and private schools have the harder task to keep current on what their children are doing. I just don't see why people who travel the different road from "the norm" should have to be set up as targets for those who are on the path with the majority. Homeschooling parents should and must respect the choices of others to NOT homeschool, but the same should be true in the opposite direction.

2006-12-21 09:54:18 · answer #6 · answered by Gumbi 2 · 0 0

I find it off-putting when any kids say that their group (whether that be a school, a lifestyle, a race, a culture, whatever) is better. Makes me immediately feel protective of the other side, whatever it is.

On the other hand.......some kids might be saying this because they have low self-esteem, and it's their way to feel better about their choices and life situation.

On the third hand.....some kids say this to get attention or a reaction out of people.

On the fourth hand....some kids say these things in reaction to all the bad publicity that homeschoolers get. In order to deal with the general public opinion that homeschoolers are not smart and social freaks, they fend off these opinions by saying the opposite right up front.

On the fifth hand....what annoys us is actually where we are stuck ourselves. The things that we choose to bother us, tell us a lot about who we are and where our heads are.

2006-12-19 12:53:12 · answer #7 · answered by TammyT 3 · 0 0

i'm in grade 9 and that i'm homeschooled. i'm getting asked the question, "Oh do no longer you lose interest?" and "I see... how do you're making friends?" I often answer, "No, i do no longer lose interest, and that i make friends the comparable way each and every person else does." and then there are the those that ask, "Oh why could you go with for to be homeschooled?" and then I say. "because you learn greater suited, i can artwork on what i'd desire to artwork on and pass on once I are conscious of it as a substitute of purely doing it and not information or gaining knowledge of something." i'm unsure why human beings have one in each and every of those undesirable opinon of homeschoolers, i assume by using fact some each and every person is purely so close minded that they won't settle for something different than what they understand, and the majority have in no way been homeschooled so they do no longer understand something approximately it they only decide it unfairly.

2016-10-18 12:13:42 · answer #8 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

My daughter and son have indendent study aswell and they never talked
like that. They knew they were just like everybody else. My daughter graduated from school in 2004 and my son dropped out of school in 2006 and only needed 65 credits and he would of been done, he too knew he was just like everybody else. My nephew still being home school and doesn't think he is better
then anybody else. They do their work and take back get ABC
in their report cards and I am satisfy with that, as long as they
are not failing. My youngest is only 10 years old and is a straight
A Student, Honor Roll Student and She too does not think she
is all that. That is why she does not want to go to a GATE School.
She would want to stay in a regular school. As for other kids
whom act like like their **** don't stink, they sometime's act like
one of their parents or they just have their head far up their ***
that they think they have too have their nose high up in the air.

2006-12-19 09:41:07 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

No, it doesn't annoy me and I've never even seen a home schooler do it. Everyone, no matter where they're educated, makes the CHOICE to be respectful, how much to challenge themselves, what classes to take, etc. So no, it doesn't bother me at all.

2006-12-19 11:52:39 · answer #10 · answered by Jordan D 6 · 1 0

Maybe they are trying to keep their self-esteem up from people like the posters here that refer to them as "bad apples" and "freaks"? Just a thought.

I have to agree with Professor. I've recently gotten several Christmas newsletters for the holidays and almost all of them were "brag" letters about their public school kids. Not one of these were from or about homeschooled kids. I personally would never send out one of these, at least slightly over the top (some are almost gag-worthy!) brag-a-bonanzas unless you temper your accomplishments with at least some humility, humor, or levity with some of the things going on in the world right now.

But anyway, my point is, I think some in this homeschooling section seem obsessed with pointing out homeschooler's faults when I don't think homeschoolers have any worse faults certainly in this area than do public schooled.

2006-12-19 09:07:18 · answer #11 · answered by Karen 4 · 1 3

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