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I have always loved animals, especially dogs, ever since I was little. My whole life, I have never been a baby person. I just don't think they are that cute. I'm recently 8 months pregnant and I do want kids, but I'm worried that I wont love my child as much as my dog. My dog is extremely attached to me as I am to her. Has anyone ever experienced this sort of thing before?

2006-12-19 08:16:38 · 12 answers · asked by trish_1109 1 in Pets Dogs

12 answers

That unconditional love for your child will hit you when you least expect it.

I had my son when I turned 20 (I'm 31 now). I was never a baby person. Always an animal person like you. I didn't feel the instant bond that everyone talks about. I didn't want to hold him all the time, I was tired after giving birth and I just wanted to sleep. He was cute, and I was shocked about the blond hair (?) but I really just wanted to sleep.

When it was time for me to be released he had a fever and had to stay an extra 2 days. Upon leaving I stopped by the nursery just in time to see the nurses pricking my son's foot for blood. He screamed and I lost it. I had no idea that it would hurt me so much to see him in pain. I realized at that moment that I did have the bond that mothers talk about. It just manifests differently for everyone I think.

I wouldn't worry too much. It'll all balance out for you. You won't believe how much love you'll have (and probably already do have) for this baby once it's born. It will smack you right in the face.

Your fears are normal. I couldn't imagine my life being stuck going to elementary school plays and parent-teacher conferences, little league games and youth football. now that he's 11, I can't imagine life without him. We met some of our closest friends through our son's sports.

OK, so I might have been able to finish school and become a DVM, but hey, life happens and I wouldn't change a thing.

Relax! Just learn how to walk the dog while you're pushing the stoller! It's an art, really. :)

Congratualtions on your baby!!

2006-12-19 08:26:46 · answer #1 · answered by KJ 5 · 5 0

I've asked a lot of people this same question. I'm not a kid person, so I won't be having any. I'm an animal lover through and through, and always have been. Most people tell me it's different when you have your own kids and I'm sure it is. Some people tell me they end up loving their baby more, and others tell me that the love is very similar if not the same. I would run into a burning building to save my dog...I don't think you can love much more than that. So if you feel like that with your dog, I'm sure the love will be similar to how you feel about your baby. I'd love to hear an update on how it panned out for you!! :)

2006-12-20 02:59:01 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I think this a natural feeling. I have a dog that I love so much that sometimes I wonder if we had a child, would I love him/her as much as the dog? But knowing how much I love my dog, I am fairly confident that I can love a child as much or even more. The bond we have with our animals is very special. It increases our capacity to love.
Maybe you are feeling anxious about the birth of your baby. The mother-child bond is very intense. I am sure you will feel the love for your baby grow each day. All babies are not cute but your baby will be the cutest! at least to you ;)
Best of luck!

2006-12-19 17:25:56 · answer #3 · answered by Bunni18 1 · 1 1

My husband and I are planning on trying to have a baby within the next year or so and I have been worried about the same thing. My little dog was born with a number of birth defects, so we had to bottle feed her and she had several surgeries. She has always slept with us and goes with us just about everywhere. I have asked a lot of parents what they think and they say that you absolutely love the baby more than the pet.

2006-12-19 16:21:38 · answer #4 · answered by Alexis M 1 · 2 1

Exactly.And I found that altho I love my kids the dog was always cleaner,more well behaved in public,cost me less,and never disrespected me.
I'm a grandma now and everytime I tell my husband I want to have a baby he asks "What kind of dog do you want now?"
I don't mean to scare you.I went thru it just fine and so will you.Once the baby's in your arms your fears will go away.
The worst that'll happen is your kids will grow up telling people that you love the dog more than them like mine do to this day.That was always a big joke in our house.Whenever that line gets tossed out there I'm quick to reply "the dog listened a whole lot better and did'nt destroy as much as you kids did and it did'nt get me called to the principles office EVER"

2006-12-19 20:23:04 · answer #5 · answered by misbehavin165 5 · 1 2

I have always said I would rather have dogs instead of kids. I just don't have that motherly instinct when it comes to kids. I love my little niece, who only a toddler herself. I just couldn't never have my own. Selfish reasons. Dogs can be like any other member of your family, and I have always wanted my dogs to be my kids.

Not that I would treated them like babies. Dogs need to be dogs. Doesn't mean you don't love them.

2006-12-19 16:33:03 · answer #6 · answered by Kikyo 1 · 1 1

I am a mother of four and love dogs. I would lay down my own life for my kids....I wouldn't do that for my dog. You will have a different love for your baby than you have for your dog.

2006-12-19 16:41:30 · answer #7 · answered by dmgmck1999 2 · 2 1

I believe when you have your child and your dog everything will work out! you can learn to love both!

2006-12-19 16:21:22 · answer #8 · answered by gurlee 2 · 1 0

believe me i am a dog lover too but i know that you will be attached to your own baby because she will be yours and not someone elses

2006-12-19 16:24:57 · answer #9 · answered by puppy_freak333 2 · 1 0

I think that as soon as you have your baby, you'll love it. you'll also keep loving your dog. It'll turn out to be a good balance. Good luck with the baby!

2006-12-19 16:19:40 · answer #10 · answered by Emily A 3 · 2 1

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