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Well, here is the dilema... my family is super-catholic... but I don't really feel that is the right path for me in life.

I am more of a spiritual person by nature and I have chosen to follow a pagan religion called wicca. I am afraid that if I tell my family then they will disown me for working hand-in-hand with the devil. No matter how I have tried to even bring up the topic of ANY pagan religion they all scream, rant and rave about blasphemy!

Any advice?

2006-12-19 08:04:54 · 26 answers · asked by Shannon Leigh 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

26 answers

I was raised Catholic and left. I'm a Christian but have some problems with organized religion as a whole. You could point out some of the obvious pagan aspects of their beliefs to show that you haven't wandered too far away from their faith. They pray to more than just God. They worship idols. They recite and chant. Personally I don't blame you for leaving Catholicism, but do you really want to leave Jesus? Take time and explore and then be true to yourself regardless of what others think. That's all any of us can do. Good luck.

Merry Christmas.

2006-12-19 08:15:39 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If you live at home or are dependent on them for financial assistance be quiet about your choice - if you are on your own - it shouldn't matter. An adults spirituality is between them and their god(s) and Wicca is so confused by the religious right it is better to be still than face the confusion and injure your family relationship. If you look at the religious rights "understanding" of Wicca or any alternative belief system you will see why your parents and family will wig - just know that you are on the path you are meant to be on and don't worry about them. Good Luck and Blessed be.

2006-12-19 08:12:51 · answer #2 · answered by Walking on Sunshine 7 · 1 1

Do you live in a free country that cherishes freedom of religion? You shouldn't have to pretend to be something you aren't, and no one who cares about you should want you to.

Be who you are. Ask your parents to set aside some time for you to discuss something with them in private, then tell them that you've decided that being Wiccan satisfies your spiritual needs better than Catholicism. Avoid being defensive or aggressive about it, but also don't be apologetic. Make sure they understand exactly what Wicca is and what being Wiccan means. They'll likely have mistaken ideas about the faith, as many here obviously have. Be prepared to answer questions about how you reached the conclusion that the Wiccan faith is for you. Your parents care about you, so naturally they're going to be concerned that you make a good decision. Be prepared to show them why it is the best move for you.

2006-12-19 08:09:47 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

I admire you for being able to think for yourself and make your own choices.
A lot of people who choose a pagan path have this same issue. Some of had great success and some have been disowned.
It sounds to me like you may end up being the latter considering that you've already tried to bring up the topic of paganism.

You may want to ask yourself if it's really worth it at this time for you to share your spiritual path with them.

Your path is truly your own and it isn't essential that you share it in order to honor it.

Whatever you decide, may you be blessed in your walk.

2006-12-19 08:32:49 · answer #4 · answered by Kallan 7 · 0 0

Tricky question. On the one hand, you are entitled to make your own decisions about your religion. On the other, if you keep it a secret from your family, it will eat away at you.

I sympathize. My family is super Lutheran, and I didn't tell them that I stopped believing in Christianity for awhile. But, I finally couldn't live with myself just going through the motions anymore at church. My policy was that I wasn't going to lie to anyone about my religious beliefs, but that I wouldn't volunteer any information either. I finally told my parents which was very hard, since it really upset them. I haven't really told many people in my extended family yet.

This is my advice. You have to fight for your own beliefs and own voice. That might mean disappointing people who you care about, but if you try to ignore your own true feelings and beliefs, and conform to a religion that other people want you to follow, you will end up becoming very unhappy, bitter, and depressed. So, it's one or the other.

Make up your mind that other people cannot tell you what to believe. You can talk to your family about this, but remember, you aren't obliged to justify your beliefs to others. I made the mistake of trying to argue the reasons why I believed what I did. I only realized later after a long time that it is impossible to convince Christians that their apologetical arguments do not hold water.

Form friendships and ties with other like-minded people. This will give you strength when people in your family challenge your beliefs. And finally, explain to your family that your relationship with them cannot be dependent on your religious views. You and they have a bond of blood first, religion comes second.

You're not alone. Good luck!

2006-12-19 08:32:36 · answer #5 · answered by Underground Man 6 · 1 1

yeah. go to this wesite and apply (only if you can spend a weekend in Maryland). www.mount2007.com It will give you spiritual guidence and you will be able to make up your mind. If your parents wont let you, show them the website and they will. I'm not saying that it will bring you to the religion you want, but I don't know exactly what it will do for you either. maybe you will feel like God wants you to be pagan. I personally hope not but that's his choice for you not mine. Good luck.

2006-12-19 08:43:02 · answer #6 · answered by Catholic 14 5 · 0 0

Try moving out first. While you live under their roof, you will have problems.

However, before you change, examine the faith and your old faith. Make sure that it's right for you. Could it just be that you're tired of being uber-religious? Moving out again is the best bet. I hated being Catholic when I lived at home, but when I moved out and had a choice (and five years as a Wiccan) I found that I enjoyed being Catholic more. I just hated being forced into churhc and when it was my choice, I no longer dispised my choosen religion.

2006-12-19 08:09:47 · answer #7 · answered by sister steph 6 · 1 1

truthfully, from what you describe your loved ones would not sound like they are certainly working in direction of what the Church teaches and believes. With that being mentioned, i beg you to locate the Catholic faith on your individual. This accomplishes 3 issues. One it delivers the prospect to make certain in case your loved ones is unquestionably working in direction of what Catholicism particularly is and delivers the understanding to make certain if the Church teachings tournament your individual view. Secondly it might get your mothers and fathers off your lower back slightly as they're going to view you as going interior the superb direction. ultimately after having analyzing the Church teachings and nonetheless disagree with them it has offered you time so which you do no longer ought to worry approximately being kicked out for no longer believing the comparable way.

2016-10-18 12:13:01 · answer #8 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Well you could become a Bahai

Wink wink
, but if your gonna do the Wicca thing and your family is super catholic, Don't tell them.

Why intentionally ruin your relationship, and hurt both you and them in the process.

Baha'u'llah tells us religion should never be the source of strife or contention.


2006-12-19 08:08:25 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Here is the thing....I believe (and was told by my father years ago) that your parents love you no matter what. They may be taken aback at first, but in time, they will still love you. No one will ever love you more than your parents. Tell them the truth, and explain the reason you are making this choice. Most parents understand that their children won't be just like them.

Further, if they "disown" you, which they won't, then you know that they certainly are abusive people and don't deserve your time, worry, or attention.

Be yourself. They love you for you. These are people who changed your diapers for heavens sake....they can handle it.

I had to tell my Catholic family that I am a voodooist. And now, after they got used to it, they ask me things about it all the time, or share stories they have heard.

They may not like your choice, but they are going to have to respect it.

2006-12-19 08:09:15 · answer #10 · answered by nottashygirl 6 · 3 2

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