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This is what vestigial organs are...


2006-12-19 07:59:26 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

28 answers

There is no point. If someone believes then they are operating on faith and cannot be swayed. No matter what evidence or proof you give them.

Penn and Teller started their show on the bible with that idea.

I agree with you, however. The anatomy of many different animals (humans included) have vestigal organs and limbs. These are remnants left over from eons of evolutionary development.

Poking at the creationist beliefs is like teaching a pig to sing. Waste of your time and annoys the pig.

2006-12-19 08:04:12 · answer #1 · answered by A.Mercer 7 · 2 2

There was a very important logical error in the evolutionist claim regarding vestigial organs. This claim was that the vestigial organs in living things were inherited from their ancestors. However, some of the alleged "vestigial" organs are not found in the species alleged to be the ancestors of human beings. For example, the appendix does not exist in some ape species that are said to be ancestors of man. The famous biologist H. Enoch, who challenged the theory of vestigial organs, expressed this logical error as follows:

Apes possess an appendix, whereas their less immediate relatives, the lower apes, do not; but it appears again among the still lower mammals such as the opossum. How can the evolutionists account for this?

Beside all of this, the claim that an organ which is not used atrophies and disappears over time carries a logical inconsistency within it. Darwin was aware of this inconsistency, and made the following confession in The Origin of Species:

There remains, however, this difficulty. After an organ has ceased being used, and has become in consequence much reduced, how can it be still further reduced in size until the merest vestige is left; and how can it be finally quite obliterated? It is scarcely possible that disuse can go on producing any further effect after the organ has once been rendered functionless. Some additional explanation is here requisite which I cannot give.

Simply put, the scenario of vestigial organs put forward by evolutionists contains a number of serious logical flaws, and has in any case been proven to be scientifically untrue. There exists not one inherited vestigial organ in the human body.

2006-12-19 16:12:41 · answer #2 · answered by Jose 3 · 2 1

No arguments about them. They are there.
The descriptive they use are and I quote..
Vestigial structures are often referred to as vestigial organs, though not all of them are "actually organs."
"the reason for their existence has long been speculated upon"
"which is thought to be"
A lot of observation techniques are used to discuss why they are there and to what purpose they were there for.
The mere existence of them does not prove evolution.
If you stop blood flow in a finger to the point where it becomes useless, this under definition is a vestigial digit.
The example they show, goose bumps, is said to be left over from a hairy condition used to scare away bigger predators.
That is fine for current animals but another plausible and common explanation is for heat retention. This is a valid reaction to the cold.
The wikipedia can be edited to content so be careful what you read. It may have a few skewed arguments.

2006-12-19 16:10:54 · answer #3 · answered by dyke_in_heat 4 · 1 1

Good question
The vermiform appendix is a vestige of the cecum, an organ that was used to digest cellulose by humans' herbivorous ancestors. Analogous organs in other animals similar to humans continue to perform that function, whereas other meat-eating animals may have similarly diminished appendices. The modern functionality of the appendix is still controversial in the field of human physiology, although most scientists and physicians believe that it has little or no function.

The above is from wikipedia and talks about the appendix not being necessary. Man was originally created and vegetarian and there was no death in the beginning. In the end man and animal will go back to being vegetarian.. The bible says that the lion will again eat hay and lay down with the lamb.

There are answers for everything God does if we study enough and submit to him. Trying to shoot at the christians with stuff like this doesn't work unless they have not studied or very new to christianity.

The evolutionists believing that we are excavating billions of years of sediment when we unearth dino bones is ridiculous. They are nowhere deep enough for them to be so old. Also believing in a big bang of something that created the universe. What was it that went bang and where did it come from??? No answers on that one, YOU have to take it by (heaven forbid) FAITH. It takes more faith to be an atheist than it does to be a christian..

2006-12-19 16:01:13 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

I'd like to know the answer to that question too. And how do they explain the fact that more and more children are being born without wisdom teeth (they are no longer needed) appendixes (again, an organ without a use) and with one fewer bone in the coxxyx (our vestigial tail).
So how DO they explain these and other irrefutable examples of Evolution?

2006-12-19 16:03:54 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I know what a vestigial organ is. I do not argue their existence. I will not argue with an 'evolutionist' at all. Believe what you will. One thing my pastor teaches is that when someone doesn't want to be saved or enter the kingdom of God, leave them be. I suggest you practice the same thing. If people do not want to believe in your theory of evolution, leave them be.

2006-12-19 16:11:11 · answer #6 · answered by Darryl L 4 · 1 1

Vestigial organs at one time they said served no propose. But now Science is looking at them and seeing that they may have a propose after all.


2006-12-19 16:02:54 · answer #7 · answered by Kenneth G 6 · 2 2

Evolution is a process. Certainly, God, or any entity capable of visiting us from outside our solar system could have used evolution (or quick fix evolution) to seed us 550 million years ago.(The Cambrian Explosion of life forms on Earth.)

The 6 day story - was not 6 (24 hour periods), it was 6 stages or eons of time. In my day, I was a good dancer. Does that mean that I was a good dancer for only 24 hours some time in the past?

Aren't you surpised that Moses 3500 years ago knew about the stages needed to form earth and evolve us?
How could he have possibly known?
And, what about Eve being cloned? How could Moses have possibly known that was "scientifically" possible?

Makes you stop and think, provided you are open-minded.

PS: Bubba preachers explain it as "I represent God, I interpret the Bible, and anything I say, is just like God talking to you."

2006-12-19 16:08:01 · answer #8 · answered by MrsOcultyThomas 6 · 1 2

They don't try. So-called 'vestigial organs' are supposedly left-overs from our evolutionary trip. They are misidentified. Another error in science.

2006-12-19 16:06:54 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Some ardent creationists I know say that vestigial organs and fossils were made by God to test our faith.

It's dumb I know, but you asked...

2006-12-19 16:01:44 · answer #10 · answered by Sean 7 · 4 1

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