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Do they realise that the average atheist was probably born into Christianity, was raised in it, studied it?
Actually, it wouldn't surprise me if atheists and agnostics knew MORE about Christianity than your generic Christian does.

2006-12-19 07:55:24 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

35 answers

I believe that a lot of christians are christians only because of their own ignorance of the true history of christianity and the bible, and their lack of knowledge of the bible itself beyond a few hand picked passages. I have talked to christians who have read the bible from cover to cover, who give me blank stares when I quoted passages detailing some of the horrendous deeds perpetrated by their god. The book is too rambling and irrelevant to present times to enable people to actual focus and absorb much of what they're 'reading'. How many people would be proud to be christians if they knew their movement
has committed more crimes against humanity than nazism? Coming to a conclusion about my belief system is not something I took lightly. I was raised a christian. I got to be an atheist, not simply by virtue of a well rounded scientific education, but by making the effort to study christianity from an unbiased historical perspective. I have yet to find a christian whose knowledge of christianity is equal to my own. I have no doubt that the average atheist knows more about christianity then the average christian.

2006-12-19 08:30:54 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Again, we come to this one. There are a lot of Christians who have never read the bible. Many of them don't care to, they just want to be led by someone. Ignorance to their own religion doesn't bother them, because they are simply trying to get into heaven.

There are a lot of atheists/agnostics who don't want to read the bible, either. They think its stupid, either because somebody told them it was or because they don't want to devote their life to anything like this.

The people who have made sound decisions are those who have read the book and either accepted or rejected it. There is a vast number of Atheists who haven't read the bible, and - sadly- come here to spout off. Same with christians. I think its too bad, because both sides should do their damn homework before arguing their points (I agree with you that there are probably more atheists and agnostics who understood the books than christians- a lot of christians just take power in numbers as an excuse to let someone else do the reading for them and expect to be backed up by their buddies). Its too bad, because the more educated we are the better we drive a point home... although I often wonder why we care...

2006-12-19 08:08:24 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

First of all, stop judging Christianity by looking at Christians. Look at Christ instead.

Second, I've never heard a Christian say that.

Third, the name of Christian doesn't qualify anyone to actually be a Christ follower. There's a big difference between church-goer and Christ follower. I think many atheists and agnostics don't understand that true Christians do understand that. They think they're saying something new when they make that point. It's nothing new, and we understand. There's a lot of 'wannabees' out there.

Fourth, if you were to debate with a true Christ follower, I think you'd get a different view of Christianity. But they are pretty darn rare. Jesus said it himself.

2006-12-19 08:02:25 · answer #3 · answered by L-dog =) 3 · 0 1

when it comes down to religion ignorance is bliss especially when talking about christians and muslims they just can't grasp the concept that somebody can read their holy books and not believe everything they read the way that they did and it's also ignorance on their behalf because they just assume atheists and agnostics don't know anything about the religion and that we are just being rebellious to their religion and god me as an agnostic i was a catholic and i was a protestant and i've read the islamic book the qu'ran 3 times and i've studied the satanic bible and certain other scriptures and i was atheist for a little time being when i was younger but i'm agnostic now as i can't prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that god exists or doesn't exist anyway as you can see i have some knowledge of some different religious faiths but they just choose to believe how they want to believe so therefore it's a wasted argument getting them to see that point of view

2006-12-19 08:12:38 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

I know very few christians that think that atheists and agnostics have not "heard the word" yet. I know many that wish they would heed the word. I know many who believe that there are whole people groups where "the word" is illegal and therefore that group has not heard it. But they are in oppressive areas.

Your store of knowlege concerning the volume of christians and atheists and agnostics seems very limited. Where do you get your statistics that the average atheist was born in christianity?

2006-12-19 08:00:01 · answer #5 · answered by epaphras_faith 4 · 2 1

I spent years thinking I believed in Christianity having been raised as one. Ultimately I stood back, looked at it with an open mind, and realized that there could not possibly be a god or a devil. I spent many long hours with knowledgeable people that did believe and kept asking them to prove to me a god existed. None could. The fact that ANY intelligent human being believes anything about a god existing boggles my mind.

2006-12-19 08:06:07 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Personally, I think almost everyone on earth today has heard the story. We were told to spread the word, far as I'm concerned that job is done. If you reject Him, that's your problem. We can't force anyone to believe, and I wouldn't try. What I don't get is why so many atheists hang out in the religion/spritual section when they have no religion and since they have no souls, no spirituality. Doesn't make sense that people would spend so much time in an area they have no intererst in, would be like me hanging out in the sewing section (if YA even has one), useless and boring.

2006-12-19 08:03:40 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

In general I would have to agree with you (speaking as an ex-Catholic and survivor of Catholic school). I think that's what scares Christians about us: We do know more about religion, and can see through the deceptions and contradictions. Religion in general and Christianity in particular is not interested in knowledge; if your flock is ignorant, it's easier for you to maintain your power and control. After all, the so-called fall from Eden happened after Adam and Eve had eaten from the TREE OF KNOWLEDGE. God, apparently, admires ignorance as well.

2006-12-19 08:04:26 · answer #8 · answered by link955 7 · 2 0

Sadly, you are correct. A lot of Christians do not study their faith and just go with the flow of Pat Roberson, Billy Graham, etc...I have studied my Christian faith, I know what I believe and why. Most Christians don't take the time to actually read books supporting the Christian faith and those Contradicting it. A lot really just don't care. But I think people should know what they believe and why.

2006-12-19 08:00:42 · answer #9 · answered by Aaron M 2 · 4 1

I left the Christian faith after perhaps fifteen years taking it very seriously, as an adult. And I agree, I know the bible and church history better than almost any Christian I encounter. (I trained bible study leaders.)

And it was in the knowledge, not the lack of it, that my decision emerged.

2006-12-19 08:06:02 · answer #10 · answered by Pedestal 42 7 · 1 0

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