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There is ALWAYS a way to change things. It may take some time and a lot of patience but there are always ways to make your life better, even when it seems hopeless.

2006-12-19 07:35:40 · answer #1 · answered by *Cara* 7 · 6 5

Hating your life would add up to preventing you from changing things you want with yourself. Try loving what you do to achieve your goal or try looking for something you love more than just doing. It takes time, inspiration, patience and perseverance to be whree you want to go.
God may not help you along the way but surely if you ask, He will give you wisdom and understanding why there are times, you are not getting it at once or why some are lucky having it even without asking.
Look within yourself and ask, is changing things what you really need or is there a thing that you already have but just waiting to be developed or enhanced? Maybe you need someone to help you look better at the resources around you. Start loving yourself instead of the opposite.

2006-12-19 07:48:12 · answer #2 · answered by Rallie Florencio C 7 · 2 0

Realize you are not alone in this world. you just had 12 responses in 3 minutes. Most of these people care. Also, sometimes doing nothing actually may lead to changes around you, given time. If you are more specific about a few of the problems you are facing, you may be suprised that others may have a solution you haven't thought of yet. Keep your faith and have hope that things will change. I can think of times in my life when things were so terrible but given time and new circumstances things got better. It's also a good idea to try to develop a support system of friends. These friends are ones that you feel better when you are around them not worse. Throw us a few of the problems you are facing and we will be happy to help. Ignore the negative comments that some people have a tendency to respond with. These are like listening to some of the friends that make you feel worse when you are around them. People generally are very caring. Good luck and say a prayer.

2006-12-19 07:46:37 · answer #3 · answered by larry8837 2 · 1 0

Do you know there is something you can do to change your life? It starts with your heart. You must realize that there is no one uniquely like you a billion miles around you, and you are here for a reason - a good reason. And that no one can be anything close to you but you. You must come to the understanding that you are spirit, soul, and body. Your experiences belongs to you, but you do not have to bear all of them on your own. The oldest part of you is spirit and your spirit always existed in creation. That's eternal. You also need to realize that you need to be connected to the true source and origin of your spirit and this is with the awesome and Inspirational Spirit of God in the personality of Christ Jesus his son. God is a spirit. When the world was just a thought, Adam & Eve a dream, God said let there be light, and all living things that ever was, became a part of his creation: "before Abraham, was I am."
So start saying "I- am -a -part- of -God's -creation. I'll believe it w/you, and that your life can become filled with hope, peace, and love.
Christ even said "If any man comes to me and does not hate his family and his life, he cannot be my disciple." What do you have to loose? So close your eyes, get comfortable in a private place and say a word (talk) to your father because prayer changes things.

2006-12-19 08:55:08 · answer #4 · answered by Krumah 1 · 0 0

Hey im sorry if you feel down. Believe me when it tell you i bin there. First thing i can tell you is that You can change a lot of things! more then you think. Sometimes things take time to change you have to wait to see the better times.

When im stressed out this is what i do:
1) i work out at home or i go running in the park.
2) I clean and organize my room
3) I play video games to take my mind of stress.
4) When i feel better after doing those things i sit down with a clear mind and focus on what i can do to change things. There is always something you can do.
5) Reading some self help books can help DASH is good one.
6) wach the movie "first time felon." Its about a guy who is arrested for dealing drugs and then tries to lead a normal life but has a hard time doing it. Its based on a true story.

if you need someone to talk to email me nexusmoon@yahoo

2006-12-19 07:48:11 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

What to do?
Examine yourself, what is it that you hate in your life? That is the first step. It takes courage to change but change is in fact part of life, so the nature of life itself is change. Examine your life now, is it different from the life you lead as a child?

Allow yourself the time for this examination, make it a conscious step forward, and really sit quietly and think about the things you need to do in order to go forward. Have a plan and then break that up into small steps which makes reaching small goals easier. Allow time for this plan to be enabled. Over time your big plan will be realised by taking small positive steps towards it.

Look what's happened then in the small amount of time you've spent reading this, you've changed you're routine, you have initiated the change already, do you see what I meant by small steps now? Each step building on the other.

Is there something you want or need? Make plans to get there. I want to change jobs to earn more money? OK I need to get qualified, I need to get through the training in 4 years, OK, I need to get advice regarding cost, OK, I need to stay focused then when I finish I will get that job. Fine then you break it down further, 1st yr, 2nd yr, 3rd yr, last yr, new job. Then the next plan and the next and so on.

Soon you'll be making plans for other projects and soon after that you'll be so changed from today you won't recognise yourself. Making changes is part of Life, making planned changes is part of your growth as a person.

It all starts with what do I want to do, then follows with how do I go about doing it.

Try a change for the better change occurs anyway, it is a fuction of life.

There is always a better plan, and there is always a choice, choose today for a better tomorrow for yourself.....

Good luck....

2006-12-19 08:04:11 · answer #6 · answered by Gaz 5 · 1 0

Just remember that no matter how much I hurt, I am ethically forbidden from intentionally diminishing my own potential or of inflicting the pain my self-termination (such a lovely, sanitized term, isn't it?) upon family and loved ones.

I once reached a point in my life where I was laying face down in an empty room in my parents house, literally twitching and spasming because I was utterly overwhelmed with depression. I was down for about ten minutes. Then it occured to me that I couldn't lay there twitching forever, got up, watched some TV with my dad, and went back to the apartment.

I didn't want to get up. I didn't want to stop feeling the pain. I wanted to cease existing, utterly and totally. When I finally started getting things back together the next day -- it wasn't that I wanted to, I was simply going through the motions. Sometimes though... that's all you can do to get through. Don't stop going through the motions.

2006-12-19 07:40:38 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

There is always a way to change something about your life! There will never b a point to where there just is nothing that u can do to change something that is in your life or something about your life that u hate

2006-12-19 07:37:02 · answer #8 · answered by Ash 3 · 2 0

Melodie gives a good answer...though it won't really change anything except maybe your heart condition, or the way you perceive your life.....

Take stock of all the good in your life first....
Then ask yourself if all the good really does outshine the worst of the worst.....I'll bet it does.

I hate my job, and I hate being older and not having the money or the time to finish my education, I hate watching the days- then the years pass knowing I didn't achieve the dreams I once had. i didn't even get close.
But I have 6 kids and they are all good, healthy loving people. who care about the world around them, and me. So all the negative is swallowed up by the Good.
For me believing in someone greater than men helps alot more than people care to admit nowdays.

2006-12-19 07:46:29 · answer #9 · answered by tincre 4 · 1 0

I find it hard to believe there is "nothing" you can do to change things... unless you're completely paralyzed and in a coma, you have the ability to physically do something (running, working out, writing, singing, dancing, etc.), and mentally work on fostering positive thoughts to look at the good things in your life (for example - you're not paralyzed and in a coma. There are people who are.).

Life is what you make it. And while you may not be able to make huge changes in one fell swoop, enough little pebbles will eventually polish a rock smooth, too.

2006-12-19 07:40:29 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

There's always somthing you can do to improve your life and make positive change. Maybe you should start to write in a journal or just write your thoughts down in some form, u may end up with the next bestseller. Above allm these other answers are on point. TURN TO GOD! Pray and ask him to help you to gain insight as to what's making you unhappy and for him to make things a little better for you. If he brought you TO IT, then he'll bring you THRU IT! Hold ya head! GOD BLESS : )

2006-12-19 07:42:17 · answer #11 · answered by femcee2005 1 · 1 0

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