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That belief in God, is no different than belief in aliens, for those who claim to see them, belief in Big Foot, for those who claimed to have witnessed it, belief in Loch Ness, for those who claim to have pictured it?

What I mean to say is, Aliens, Big Foot, LochNess, are not provable as of yet, except to those who believe, so God, is not provable except to those who believe?

So how can any intelligent Atheist assert their BELIEF there is no God is factual? If you dont believe in God, its fine, but how is it you can tell ANY of us this is something you KNOW to be true, when you can readily admit, you can not know everything?

I believe in God, I have no PROOF to share, so logicaly I can not KNOW he exists, no more than you can KNOW he does not.

2006-12-19 06:02:28 · 8 answers · asked by sweetie_baby 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Okay, sick of the Burden of proof. I agreed my side is unprovable, I am not looking to win you over, Im just wondering how SOME atheist can so readily claim in FACT.

2006-12-19 06:10:11 · update #1

Samuari Jack, it makes COMPLETE sense. And helps with the point, what is real to you, the dragons, would not be real to me. My question though, is how can I say it is a FACT they do not exist, if I can not myself KNOW they do not, I can only form a belief.

Not having proof does not make a negative a positive.

2006-12-19 06:13:41 · update #2

8 answers

But that isn't how we work.
For example, if I tell you that there are invisible purple flying dragons with lion heads living in my tool shed in the back yard, you have no proof otherwise. Of course, the burden of proof wouldn't be on you, it would be on me for making such a statement. The intelligent thing to do in that situation would be to NOT believe me. In fact, it would be quite odd if you did believe me without question or comment.
Now, if I got one hundred of my neighbors to swear that I'm telling the truth, it still wouldn't make sense to jump to the conclusion that there are invisible dragons in my shed. You'd probably wonder what was going on, why so many people were willing to accept such a silly idea, but it still wouldn't (hopefully) be enough for you to accept this notion. You'd want proof. Right?
Does this make any sense to you?

Edit: I'm not sure how to proceed. My point wasn't in saying what I believe, I was trying to get accross to you how people evaluate things. It is a natural and human process to disregard those things which have no supporting evidence. Whether you are buying a car, choosing a vacation spot, or discussing god, people don't simply accept everything we hear. Otherwise, we'd believe in every religion.
Ultimately, the religion that people choose is the one that "feels" right. Obviously, this isn't a reliable source for choosing: People "feel" right about things all the time and they frequently turn out to be wrong.
So, "factually", it's true that there is no evidence to support the existence of god. It's based entirely upon faith....it is, in fact, flying in the face of all evidence to the contrary.

2006-12-19 06:09:50 · answer #1 · answered by Samurai Jack 6 · 1 0

Nobody is asking for proof that God exists. We're just saying that if you don't have it, you can't expect us to believe in Him. If David Copperfield says he can make the Statue of Liberty disappear, and then shows you he did it, do you automatically believe that? Of course not. So you can't say "here's this book God wrote, and there's millions of people who believe He's real, and we all exist and someone must have created us, so therefore God is real."

There is no "fact" that God exists or doesn't exist. We can't prove or disprove it, and anyone who asks an Atheist to prove God does not exist is as bad as an Atheist who asks you to prove He does. Neither one of you can do that. But here's the difference... Atheists don't go around acting like they've been wronged because of your belief in God, like we're being persecuted for our beliefs (or lack thereof, if you prefer). We simply want you to accept us as we are and stop trying to always make us believe the same thing you do when you have nothing to show us, nothing to prove it, nothing to offer as incentive except what you believe. And when we don't believe, too, you think we're rejecting you along with your beliefs. Wow, that was rambling and incoherent, but I hope you understood some of it.

2006-12-19 14:18:33 · answer #2 · answered by sacredvanity 5 · 3 0

As you so rightly point out, the believ in God is not provable, however that is why it is called FAITH, i.e. the belief in something that cannot be detected by our senses

2006-12-19 14:20:17 · answer #3 · answered by Big Ben 3 · 1 0

Some of us Atheist's belive in a god of some sort. Others like my self dont. Some of us and me think that the things in your bible are to hard to belive so why should we. You can not tell me that when you read your bible you dont think some of the things in there a BS.

2006-12-19 14:07:46 · answer #4 · answered by chelci2003 2 · 0 1

What one believes in with absolute conviction cannot but be one's own truth. What does it really matter what others believe for as you know when your final moment comes you and you alone will live it.

2006-12-19 14:06:12 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Darling, you can believe in bigfoot, god, aliens--whatever you want--it's who you are that matters to me, not what you believe

I believe you are a good person--believing in god is part of what makes you so--little else matters to me

2006-12-19 14:07:33 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

It's called the burdon of proof sweetie. You have to prove to the scientific community that this babling, incoherent mess you call the bible is actually the word of an allmighty, jealous, and childish being that takes amusement in dicking around with us lowely humans.

2006-12-19 14:06:18 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

When prayer works beyond the laws of probability and coincidence....we'll talk.

2006-12-19 14:06:34 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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