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regarding a different question, christians said that the bible is about love thus cannot be from satan. but they think satan is a deciever, and as a deciever would u tell people what they want to hear or what they dont want to hear? how would you decieve people if u were in his shoes?

do you think satan cannot speak truth and cannot show "love" or "compassion". if you do you are dismissing his ability to decieve arent u?

comments please? (keep them respectful as my question is respectful.)

2006-12-19 05:50:21 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

16 answers

Several ways to go on this; I'll highlight two 'views' only.

1- Satan; 'The Deceiver'-
Satan is a term that is not original to either the Hebrews or the early Christians. the term actually comes from Ha-Shatan (Hebrew) and Shait'an (Arabic). The original wording is 'Lucifier' and 'The Devil'; both of which have the same job in th original Hebrew texts.... as 'The Adversary' or "The Accuser". His job (I think we can say 'He' without offending anyone hopefully) was to 'test Gods subjects'. Read Job sometime from the perspective that the Devil was trying to 'break' Job and God was just watching him until the end. This is the original Hebrew interpretation of the events surrounding Job. the Devil is not evil but actually acting on God's command. The Arabic word Shait'an is literally 'The Adversary' or 'The Prosecutor'.....

2- Satan; not creating the Bible
Let's say for giggles that all of the above is not true and the modern idea of a dude with red skin, a forked tail, and a pitchfork is the correct image. For more giggles, let's say that ALL of the above is not true and he is really bent on 'confusing us with lies'. Let's go WAY out there and say the Gospel of John is right and the first THREE Gospels are wrong.... that there is an Apocalypse is coming, and the Devil already walks among us.

If I were the Devil and I wanted to sow as much confusion as possible in as little time possible and cause the greatest damage amongst mankind..... I'd publish the Bible and offer just enough proof that is was real. I'd sit back for 1000 years and watch humanity destroy itself over one passage of this book and laugh until I cried rivers of lava.

2006-12-19 06:10:53 · answer #1 · answered by wolf560 5 · 0 1

Most everything that is said about Satan cannot be found in the Bible, except for little snippets that refer to this "deceiver." The same goes for Hell - most everything that Christians know about the two cannot be found in the Bible, but was written at later times by people like Dante and Milton, who were feeding on the stories which had probably been told all along, and which have their roots long before Christianity began.

The idea of Satan doesn't really work within the context of an Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omniscient being. If Satan can deceive, then he has some power over God's world, which would thereby limit God's power in some way.

But, if we say Satan exists, then he must be able to speak truth, show love, show compassion, etc, otherwise, as you said, he would have no way to deceive. Satan would be the being that is able to twist words and feelings into the exact opposite of what they originally meaned, and to do that would require a great deal of empathy and understanding of the human mind.

2006-12-19 05:57:33 · answer #2 · answered by waefijfaewfew 3 · 1 0

I never want to be in Satan's shoes, but I can tell you I will not find any pleasure in deceiving someone. We all find ourselves in ticklish situations at times and have to figure ways to get out of them, however, I am not known for diplomacy so I tend to blurt out whatever is on my mind. I have rubbed many people the wrong way because of this.

No, Satan cannot speak truth, nor can he show 'love' or 'compassion'. You obviously see 'love' as some form of deception, hence your reasoning viz. "if you do you are dismissing his ability to decieve aren't u?" Is that what you do when you love someone? Deceive them? And where in the world did you ever learn that truth is deceptive?

Please do not misunderstand me, I will never disrespect you. As I said, I speak my mind. That's the truth!

2006-12-19 06:07:25 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It's not about what people WANT to hear, but what they NEED to hear, which may not be what they want to hear! If I were in Satan's shoes, I would tell people nice, soothing lies that make people feel good about the bad things they're doing.

What Satan tells people is a lot like rat poison. If you look at the ingredient list, rat poison actually contains 99.99% good food that rats like, and 0.01% poison. That's what Satan does - he mixes lies in with the truth so people swallow it and die.

And no, Satan cannot show love or compassion, because he hates humanity with a passion. The more of us he can kill, the better.

2006-12-19 06:01:07 · answer #4 · answered by FUNdie 7 · 1 0

I did not own a bible on the day of my salvation and did not buy one untill 3 days latter... When I went to the store I was confronted by many different translations and styles and colors and type fonts etc etc etc... I absolutly believe I was led by God to the one He wanted me to have... I have been reading in it for 6 1/2 yrs now... I can say with certainty that satan has nothing to do with what is in The True Christian Bible.... I knew about evil long befor I came to God... I can see many deceptions of satan today that are deceiving even True Christians... But The Bible is not one of them.

2006-12-19 06:00:15 · answer #5 · answered by idahomike2 6 · 1 0

you give satan far too much credit...he may decieve people with the illusion of compassion or power but its just that an illusion. The main propblem that I see with most christians is they see satan as having power...all he can do tempt...satan has no power other than what is allowed to him by god and there fore would be in his will and plan

2006-12-19 05:55:06 · answer #6 · answered by Robert K 5 · 2 0

do you think satan cannot speak truth and cannot show "love" or "compassion

Satan is evil. There is no compassion or love with him. Only manipulation to believe he is full of love. He cannot be trusted and is the master of disguise and manipulation. Not my own opinion, my source is the bible.

2006-12-19 06:05:56 · answer #7 · answered by ♣DreamDancer♣ 5 · 0 0

Satan has had a lot of practice deceiving people and has many tricks. Of course he can offer a form of love (redefined) which coddles the flesh, and will promise them anything to take them away from the truth in Christ.

2006-12-19 05:58:41 · answer #8 · answered by John 4 · 1 0

People are always underestimating Our Father Below. If you want to read the only good example of "spritual warfare" I've ever seen, I recommend "The Screwtape Letters" by C.S. Lewis. This is truly a brilliant bit of religious satire, well worth the read.

2006-12-19 05:55:56 · answer #9 · answered by B SIDE 6 · 2 0

that is my agency conception that the Christian faith, like each and every others has it truly is theological base in what you call folklore. the undeniable truth that God sound so like sturdy and devil so like evil type of tells it inquisitive about me. i do not doubt for one second that 2 thousand years or so in the past Jesus lived and develop right into a very smart guy. He would were waiting to heal hitherto incurable diseases, he would have grew to develop into water into wine which i myself do with the addition of a few more beneficial elements. area of that is that Jesus develop right into a very charismatic personality who appeared to be almost large human, the style of guy who may obviously attraction to potential finished enemies. human beings being as they're have exaggerated those powers down the generations till the undesirable lad has develop into superhuman. 2 thousand years in the past we believed that the solar, Moon, climate the position Gods, we the position rather damned undemanding. For me, theology lays down an ideas-blowing thanks to stay and isn't any longer to be taken too actually. i desire i'm incorrect, i desire there's a lifestyles ever after and that i believe that God will take me into his fingers for attempting to stay this lifestyles the perfect i am going to. i believe he will be at liberty that I actually have used the perfect present he gave to human beings. The present to imagine issues out and not in any respect merely handle blind faith. John

2016-11-27 20:17:23 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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