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I have talked to several athiests around the world and we have often discussed the various aspects of their belief versus mine. However one question which i have never gotten a good answer from them is... Why?

Why suffer through life? Why go the all the troubles of life, WHy bother living if it all ammounts to nothing. You came here by chance and by chance its all going to go away. Many have said that our existence means nothing but mere nanoseconds of the age of the universe. So then why bother? Why are you alive? What are you doing?

Us believers have a pupose, a will to live a, Reason to live, whats yours?

2006-12-19 05:08:21 · 32 answers · asked by Elite 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

32 answers

You had to go around the world too meet a few atheist, what happen has ignorance become a terminal disease.

Their reason for living is to give everyone else a hard time, misery loves company.

2006-12-19 05:16:39 · answer #1 · answered by Sean 7 · 1 3

My reason to live is because I have a gorgeous boyfriend (hopefully, husband some time soon) and the prospect of children, lovely friends and family, a career i enjoy, the appreciation of walking my dog on a warm summer's day. My atheism doesn't stop me appreciating all that but I just don't believe it came from God.

I also, personally speaking, have an inability to believe in God in the same way as I have an inability to do a long division sum. It's not a conscious decision. I can go to church and read the Bible and pretend I believed, but it wouldn't be true, so what would be the point?

2006-12-19 05:16:46 · answer #2 · answered by Katya-Zelen 5 · 3 0

Great question!!!! I can't answer it for you very well, in my short formed life with many atheist friends (I was a evolutionist for a long time, so me and the atheists got along for the most part, we had different views but none of us minded.) In all my talks with them they came up with about the same answer "We're here because we're here, we'll make the best of it, and then feed the worms." They really had no good answer for it. But I didn't have a good answer for it either considering I was an evolutionist. Life had no "real" meaning, and we all came up with the plan that suited us best. Now that I am a christian, I can see how unlogical it is to say "we're here, let's make the best of it." Honestly, what kind of life is that? Your here because your here, and you'll die because you'll die? No belief in anything? Please my atheist friends, focus, how can you say such a thing? How can you be married, and your wife has a baby, and you see your new born before you...and then you just believe he has NO purpose here? That he might as well be wormfood right now? I am sorry, but even as a evolutionist I wouldn't take that, that's half the reason I am not a christian. I vaule the human life, and I don't believe we are born without a purpose, and I don't believe we die without a purpose. Consider this before you shut it out my friends... If we are nothing but soon to be worm food, why on earth were we ever here? If the world has NO purpose, how is it here? If all of us are just here, because were here, HOW?!?! WHY?!?! Life is to precious to say it doesn't exist...and you never really live unless you have a purpose to live with... I beg you, just read the bible, "in the beginning...God created the HEAVEN AND THE EARTH." We were created with a purpose... Please, look into it...

God bless you all, and merry Christmas

2006-12-19 05:21:43 · answer #3 · answered by Kat 3 · 2 3

First of all, it's 'atheists', not 'athiests'.

"Why suffer through life?"
Who's suffering?

"Why go the all the troubles of life"
Because they're unavoidable for anyone. Sh!t happens.

"WHy bother living if it all ammounts to nothing."
Again... this is all you. If my life amounts to nothing, that's none of your business. My life will amount to my son living a better life, to my legacy living on in the people I have touched.

"You came here by chance and by chance its all going to go away."
I'm perfectly comfortable with that. Are you? No. That's why people cling to religion. They need a purpose to make them feel better.

"Us believers have a pupose, a will to live a, Reason to live, whats yours?"
Just because you have a Grand Poohbah doesn't mean those who don't believe in him don't have a purpose to live. What are you basing your arguments on?

2006-12-19 05:13:03 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

Now, you're making A LOT of assumptions. Just because they are non-believers, does not mean they go through anything differently than those who hold religious beliefs. They suffer through life JUST AS YOU DO & they go through all the troubles of life JUST AS YOU DO. They don't believe their lives amount to nothing...that's an igorant statement. They don't assume that they are here by chance just like you assume that you're here because a 'god' 'created' you. Most atheists are looking for the answers and truths that most religious just assume what is true because a book tells them so. Those who are atheists that make ignorant statements like 'We're just worm dirt.' or 'We live, die, & that's it' are just ignorant human beings and are no different than those who are in denial of the truth. I, as a non-believer, spend a lot of my free time researching, reading, contemplating, a lot questions that I have about life, about what goes on in this world....about everything! I never stop asking myself and others questions that most of us stopped asking as a child because we were discouraged by many adults who think our questions, when we were little, were just silly. And to your question as to 'why bother', 'why are you alive', & 'what are you doing'? Why bother? Because it is highly important for me to find out the questions to all my answers. Why am I alive? Because I have life. What am I doing? Searching for truths. My life is very fulfilling.

2006-12-19 05:30:36 · answer #5 · answered by Maureen B 4 · 0 1

I'm guessing you have not received a 'good' answer because you can not comprehend the idea that there is no god to begin with.

I'm not suffering either. Remember? I don't go to church.

You have a reason to die, not to live. To think that you are going to live for eternity sounds like a too good to be true promise. I'm thinking you should not correspond with Nigerian Bankers either.

2006-12-19 05:29:37 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

God actually tells us why people will not believe in Him in or follow His commandments
John 19-20
And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.

Basically men are evil, and if they believe that an almighty God can see all their wicked ways and that they will have to answer to somebody, this makes people angry. They do not want to answer to anyone, but themselves. Matter of fact God says that even if you speak the truth to an unbeliever that he will have no understanding of what you are saying and that we are not to argue with atheists or any other person to try and convince them. He specifically says that it is a bad thing to do this because if they come to Him with and unwilling heart it will not truly be a conversion. The ONLY thing you can do for an unsaved person is share with them what YOU believe about Jesus(witnessing) deter from arguing and then Pray Pray Pray for them that God will allow them to see the truth about His love for them. Man can convince no one of anything. But, through God anything is possible.

2006-12-19 05:36:55 · answer #7 · answered by Stacey B 2 · 2 1

Hi there.

Although your question was primarily for atheists, you did invite responses from Christians also. Thanks for the opportunity to put forward the Biblical viewpoint.

The biggest why that any Bible - believing Christian can ask is "Why has God chosen to do things the way that He has ?". After all, if God's sole purpose in creating man, allowing the fall and the subsequent entrance of sin & death into the world and sending His Son to die as an sin - atoning, redeeming sacrifice for His elect was to gain a people for Himself, why didn't He just create them perfectly obedient and save us all a lot of trouble ? Some might argue that God wanted us to choose Him of our own free will, but the Bible clearly teaches that the choosing, calling & saving of sinners is a work of God and that sinful man is utterly incapable of receiving Christ apart from God's help (Ephesians 2:1 - 10 is just one proof text).

I personally think that the reason God in His infinite wisdom has chosen to do things the way that He has is because it brings Him glory. One of the most profound passages in the Bible is Ephesians 3:10, which refers to "...the intent that the manifold wisdom of God might be made known by the church to the principalities and powers in the heavenly places". There is a whole host of powerful, heavenly (good & evil) angelic beings who are witnessing God's purposes being worked out through the redemption and living of saved sinners (the church). They are seeing His omniscience and omnipotence being displayed as He causes "...all things to work together for good to those who love (Him), who are called according to His purpose" (Romans 8:28).

Romans 9:22 - 24 speaks of God displaying both His wrath & power alongside His mercy on the vessels of wrath and the vessels of mercy respectively. He does this to bring glory to His awesome self.

Think about this - suppose that you were a supremely gifted pianist but you had never performed before an audience. Would you not derive greater satisfaction from displaying your ability before others ? This may be a poor illustration, but I believe that there is some truth to it. In Exodus 9:16, God said that He had raised up Pharaoh for the purpose of showing His power in him in order to be glorified.

What's the sensible response - to rebel against our creator by complaining that He is using us as His pawns in some cosmic game, or to bow before omnipotence and intellect far beyond anything that we have ever known ?

Romans 11:33 - 36.

May God bless you.

2006-12-19 05:47:38 · answer #8 · answered by Carlito 3 · 1 1

The answer to "why" is that obviously I was born. I'm on this roller coaster and there's no reason to get off.

As to your own reason, I don't see it as any more noble than my own. You believe there's a god and he set up this club on earth that gives your life purpose, I hope that belief gives you comfort and leads to some spiritual growth. It seems like a crutch and I can do without, thank you.

2006-12-19 05:21:50 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

If you need to believe in God and fear divine punishment just to have a reason to go on living in a decent way, I feel sorry for you. I live because this is the only chance I have. Why not try to learn and see and do as much as I can before the end? No God or heaven/hell is necessary.

2006-12-19 05:17:17 · answer #10 · answered by Subconsciousless 7 · 2 2

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