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I am looking for a 35 mm (non digital) camera to purchase for photography purposes. I have a digital camera, but I would like a regular 35 mm as well.

2006-12-19 05:00:27 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Arts & Humanities Visual Arts Photography

14 answers

I have a Nikon N55 SLR camera which has been quite a nice camera for me. It was about 200 dollars, also, its equal is the Cannon SLR (don't know the specific name) and is also around $200, has basically the same fucntions, lense, etc.

2006-12-19 05:22:53 · answer #1 · answered by -- 4 · 0 0

The best non-digitals are usually made by
- Nikon (who also make the best Digitals)
- Canon
- Pentax
- Olympus
- Minolta (now "Konica/Minolta", now taken over by Sony?)

As everyone seems to be slinging their film cameras to go Digital you should be able to pick up a perfectly good second-hand SLR film camera from one of these brands dirt cheap, like maybe £30 - £40 (pretty much the same as a new 35mm compact film camera).

Another all time great is the Rollei B35, which is a 35mm compact with the kinda features you'd find on an SLR camera (except you only have a normal viewfinder, not a view finder that shows you what the lens sees)...... though I have learned they have a tendency for getting jammed up mechanisms, as the 2nd camera i was ever given to use (and my first proper camera after I started off with a 110mm film camera) was my Mum's old Rollei......... but despite this they still have quite alot of fans.
I certainly miss using it, since it's replacement was a fixed focus 35mm compact by Olympus....... and I was sure as hell glad to get adjustable focus again when i bought my Fuji digital compact earlier this year.

2006-12-20 02:18:27 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

All of the major brands perform about the same in reality, but that doesn't mean they are all equal. The main reason to choose one of the main two brands (Canon and Nikon) is that they have a huge range of lenses and accessories available for them, at a wide range of prices, and from a wide range of suppliers. It's also easy to rent equipment for them.

If you choose a smaller brand, you're limited to their smaller product line, and there is a real risk that they could go out of business, particularly considering the sea-change happening in the industry because of digital SLRs.

On a side note, Nikon will cease film camera production in the near future. This is probably because digital can take almost identical quality pictures at the 35mm level, and anyone demanding higher quality is probably using a medium or large format camera anyway.

If you want to go cheap, consider a used film camera, which should take very nice pictures for little money. The canon EOS Elan series can be picked up for not much money at all. Just remember that you want to consider future compatibility with any cameras you might buy. Most people stick with one camera maker because they've invested so much money in lenses which can last a lifetime, but change camera bodies as they wear out.

Also, consider a D-SLR if you don't already have one, simply because you'll save so much money on film and developing. While I want a film option, I'll likely go with medium or large format.

2006-12-19 05:46:10 · answer #3 · answered by DocNice 2 · 1 0

Kehkohjones is right on the money. I also have a Nikon N80 and absolutely love it. It has a really good weight without being cluncky and the ease of switching from auto to semi or fully manual was a big selling point for me. I would also like to add that you can get other brands of lenses for your camera besides those made by that company. Years ago there was a big difference in the quality of these as compared to a Nikkor, etc. but there are many good lenses on the market now. If you are needing to save money I suggest this route. Try Tamron, Quanteray, Sigma, etc. Go to you're local Ritz, Wolf, Tall's, etc. and hold and shoot with different models and find out what feels best for you. You can then go online to find the best prices. Happy shooting!

2006-12-19 20:19:13 · answer #4 · answered by cherokeekaraoke 4 · 0 0

If you’re looking for an inexpensive but very reliable and versatile film camera, nothing beats a Nikon N80 with the Nikkor AF 28-105mm f/3.5-5.6D lens for beginners and advanced beginners and semi-pros.

I've found a few N80 cameras and the suggested lenses at the best prices at: www.keh.com and my friends and relatives who are all still using film, NOT digital cameras.

The N80 can be used manually (you set the aperture and the shutter speed with either auto-focus or manual focus), semi-automatic (either in aperture priority or shutter speed priority; with manual focus OR auto-focus), or in total automatic mode where it sets the aperture and shutter speed, either auto-focus or manual focus. The N80 sets the film's ISO for you automatically, and advance the film as you take an image and rewind the roll as you take the last image. The N80 is made ergonomically and it is a sturdy camera with a no-nonsense feel and also has three metering modes (center-weighted, spot metering as well as 3-D matrix metering).

The options and features are similar to the more expensive pro-level camera, Nikon F100, but at a much more affordable price tag for a sturdy and ergonomically built camera.

I recommend the Nikkor AF 28-105mm f/3.5-5.6D zoom lens, the most versatile lenses put out by Nikon, which can be used as a wide angle, a regular lens, a portrait lens, a short telephoto lens and as a macro-lens, too. Nikkor lenses are known for their superior build and superior glass formula. An alternative lens is the Nikkor AF 35-105mm f/3.5-5.6D(macro) lens, a bit older, more affordable but equally as good.

If, you can also afford to get the Nikkor AF 50mm f/1.8D lens (about $70-$75 used), you will also have an excellent emergency lens for low-light situations that is easy to carry and will save the day when you most need a fast lens; this lens is also good for portraits and yields tremendous image detail quality.

You will not outgrow this camera nor the recommended lenses anytime soon. The features are there to help you, not to confuse you; an additional feature is the on-demand grid lines to help you keep the horizon level when shooting landscapes and/or seascapes (I keep the grid lines on at all times on both of my N80 camera bodies).

Be sure to also get the instructions manual and Hogan's book on the N80, which is also very, very handy and most helpful. Check out this site: http://www.photosig.com/articles/1227/article

When you buy a camera, you're buying into a lens system for future purchases, and some camera brands change their lens mount every few years, which limits the camera owner and his/her creative needs; Nikon has NOT changed its lens mount since 1959 and has no plans on changing it, either. So, you can, basically, mount any lens made since 1959 and those to be made in the future, with the only restrictions that you cannot get auto-focus from manual lenses or metering from those without the contacts to send info back and forth to the camera.

Lenses normally outlast cameras unless submerged in water or dropped on a hard surface or deliberately abused/misused; so, don't hesitate to buy a used if the lens is good quality (no dents or obvious signs of abuse/misuse) from a reputable place.

If you're not sure on what camera to get, go to any camera shop and ask to see the N80 and compare it with any other camera brand/model you may be considering; hold them both in your hands and look through the viewfinder and see which feels more comfortable in your hands. Then, go to www.keh.com and see what you find there and be ready to buy the minute you see what you like because their merchandise doesn't stay on their shelves very long. If you don't see what you like, go back every few days until you find it (they get new merchandise every day).

Good luck and best wishes.

2006-12-19 06:20:34 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

All of the film cameras I own and love are no longer in production. I would HIGHLY recommend, if you can find them, A Nikon N65 or N80 (N65 is more user friendly, N80 is for pros with no auto settings) or if you really want to get your hands dirty, hunt down a Pentax K1000 - if you can get one in good condition, they are fantastic workhorse cameras. Best part is, they make you think about ALL aspects of photography - while using my digital SLR I've gotten lazy and only think about composition. Hope that helps some!

2006-12-20 09:05:26 · answer #6 · answered by myaddictiontofire 5 · 0 0

Go with Canon or Nikon. The lenses may fit a future DSLR purchase. Check compatibilty with the digital offerings before deciding.

2006-12-19 08:25:53 · answer #7 · answered by Bob 6 · 0 0

Fujifilm Finepix A920 I've got the E900 and it's the best camera I've ever had. It's easy to use wit hexcellent battery life and superb quality photos. By the way Battery life is an important thing to consider as my Olympus ate them in no time at all!

2016-03-29 00:22:10 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I like Canon EOS Rebel K2 - SLR camera - 35mm or
Olympus Stylus Epic Zoom 170 QD - Point & Shoot / Zoom camera - 35mm

2006-12-19 06:17:14 · answer #9 · answered by justmejimw 7 · 0 0

Why? Film will be obsolete in a few years and even now you can buy what used to be high end 35mm cameras from pawn shops and camera stores for next to nothing.

Put you money into a better digital or more memory for the one you have... don't waste it on 35mm. If you want 35mm, buy a disposable one.


2006-12-19 08:22:57 · answer #10 · answered by beauxPatrick 4 · 1 2

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