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I've sinned. Not like killing someone but some pretty big sins in the eyes of Christianity. Should I be forgiven?

Should I be forgiven if I'm not sure I believe what I did was a sin?

What do you think?

How do I learn to forgive if I am angry?

Any quotes or suggested further reading would be great - not just biblical ones either! Although of course these are always helpful...

2006-12-19 04:39:34 · 22 answers · asked by Searching 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

22 answers

Unfortunately this is not a simple answer.

Should you be forgiven?

By Christians : yes, only God can judge.

By God : more complicated. First if you don't believe you have sinned, why is there a need for forgiveness? Second, have you repented? Third, have you accepted Jesus as your savior and asked that you be changed? And finally, if you have done these things, know you have sinned (because the Holy Spirit will convict you of this upon accepting Jesus in your heart) and asked forgiveness then Yes you will be forgiven.

How do you learn to forgive if you are angry? Anger is not a real emotion. What is behind the anger? You need to heal the hurt first, the anger will just go away.

God Bless and pray!!!

2006-12-19 04:49:48 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

You know, I'm pretty angry and I've been struggling with my anger for some time. It's just building inside of me and I'm just now starting to take the steps to over come that so that I can build my foundation for having a healthy relationship in Christ.

The part about "Should I be forgiven if I'm not sure I believe what I did was a sin?" thing, I think that you should do some research in the right places about what you've done. You need to think about who you've sinned against, and try not to focus your personal beliefs on the situation. It's hard to change your mind or view things differently after you've been taught something or after you've formed your own opinions. But learning and growing is what Christianity is about.
We all fall short, and we all have sins, but it was through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ that we can have victory over those sins. God is our healer and redeemer; we are blood-bought children of God, and remember that no matter what you've done, Jesus died to save you, and only you if it were.

Blessed be the name of the Lord! Have faith and keep strong in your search for the answers.

2006-12-19 05:00:37 · answer #2 · answered by Aimee 2 · 0 0

Sins aren't sins in the "eyes of Christianity." Yes, there are judgmental people out there who can give themselves all kinds of labels, but the fact is, a sin is a sin against God and in His eyes. Even David, after he had had Uriah the Hittite murdered and took his wife, once he was confronted, confessed "Against You (God), You only, have I sinned" (Psalm 51.4).

If the question is, SHOULD I be forgiven, the answer is "no." If the question is, CAN I be forgiven, then the answer is a resounding "YES!" Again in Psalm 51, the BIBLE teaches that God will not despise a broken and contrite heart.

Now, if you really have been forgiven for something huge, how can you not forgive someone else? They haven't sinned against you, but against God. If you are forgiven this enormous debt, how can you not forgive someone else their small debt against you? See Matthew 18.

For further reading, I recommend anything by A.W. Tozer, John Piper, and James Dobson.

2006-12-19 04:51:26 · answer #3 · answered by brainiac5 2 · 1 0

Everyone can be forgiven, as far as you not sure if what you did was a sin...well that would be between you and God. It is very hard to forgive while you are angry. I know I have been there. It just takes some time. When you are hurt or angry, you just need time to reflect, then you can eventually forgive.

2006-12-19 04:44:19 · answer #4 · answered by Sunspot Baby 4 · 0 0

If you are truly sorry for what you did, and don't wish to sin that way again, then you are forgiven. If you are Catholic, you may want to go to confession. You don't have to go to confession for God to forgive you, but I am Catholic and I like going to confession because it reminds me of God's forgiveness and mercy and His love for me.

Also, if your sin has hurt or offended any other human being, then you need to apologize to them directly. If for some reason, it is not possible, then pray to God that this person will forgive you.

Forgiving other people is difficult, and it often takes time. Many people mistakenly believe that if you forgive someone (say, an ex-boyfriend or girlfriend) that you have to be willing to take them back into your life and associate with them again. This is not necessarily the case. Forgiveness means that in your heart you no longer feel anger or resentment towards them; and that you don't let the hurt they caused you ruin your life.
When you stay angry at people, you are continuing to let them hurt you even though their actions were in the past. You have to be willing to let go and move on.

I recently discovered that I finally have forgiven someone who hurt me and who I hurt many years ago. I'll spare you the details of what happened, but I eventually came to realize that if I ran into him at a party or on the train, I would be able to have a civil conversation with him without feeling angry about what happened in the past. I don't think I want to contact him or become friends with him again, but in my heart I know I have forgiven him and moved on.

2006-12-19 04:52:57 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

We all sin without realising it. However, it's a good idea to pray for forgiveness just in case!! Yes, of course you need forgiveness when you know about it, otherwise the constant memory could blight your life. When God forgives He then forgets the sin - your slate is wiped clean - and that enables you also to stop worrying about it.. But how do you get that forgiveness? It is by belief in the sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross. His blood took the place, once and for all , of the blood of a sacrificed animal that, in Jewish tradition , was required to obtain forgiveness (but it then had to be repeated constantly).
As for your own anger, that itself needs forgiveness . When I feel anger I immediately talk to God about it, and then I cool off. Did you realise that you could talk to God? He's only as far away as you place Him.
One thing is definite. we cannot be forgiven if we, ourselves, do not forgive others. (The Lord's Prayer) Jesus sets an example in his agonising last moments, "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do".

2006-12-19 05:46:29 · answer #6 · answered by Malcolm 3 · 0 0

Great questions! the one that struck me most was learning to forgive...its always hard to forgive otheres when you are hurt by them... But it is what God commanded us to do. He commanded us to love our enemy's, and forgive those that pursicute us. But on to the questions...I can't answer if you should be forgiven or not, because I don't know the sin...nor the reason for the prompting of the question. If you are not sure it was a sin, in your eyes...well I can't answer that either... Only God knows what you've done, and its up to him... But maybe you should pray about it...see what God says, ask how come, why, if...Just ask about it, God will answer. Also, try looking up, whatever you did...in the bible. I haven't found a sin yet that isn't in there somewhere.:-)

Psalm 25:10-12 says "All the ways of the LORD are loving and faithful
for those who keep the demands of his covenant.

11 For the sake of your name, O LORD,
forgive my iniquity, though it is great.

12 Who, then, is the man that fears the LORD ?
He will instruct him in the way chosen for him"

Maybe your faults are great, or maybe they are few, but for the namesake of our Lord, ask for forgiveness.
Back to forgiving, God says to cast all your cares on him, for his burdon is like, and yours is heavy. Whatever you have trouble letting go of or forgiving...Give it to God, trust that he has it in his hands, and ask him for direction.

God bless you, and merry Christmas... I hope I helped.

2006-12-19 04:55:28 · answer #7 · answered by Kat 3 · 0 0

Who are you asking for forgiveness from God or man?

All sin promises to serve and to please, but only desires to enslave and dominate.

Forgiveness is always by grace it is never earned. If forgiveness were earned, we could earn forgiveness of sins. How could we ever do enough to pay back God for His Son? God's forgiveness is impossible to buy. Forgiveness is a result of perfect love. The beginning of both grace and mercy is forgiveness. Once you have been forgiven, forgive. Freely you have received forgiveness, freely forgive. Your greatest gift today is the gift of forgiveness, whether being given or received. Forgiving opens you up and withholding forgiveness closes you up. By forgiving you do yourself a service and not forgiving a disservice. It is one thing to pray for an answer and another to be the answer to prayer. Forgiveness is a mature trait of personal character and reflects the perfect love of our heavenly Father in us. Forgiveness is always given in word and in spirit, not just in word. You can open up a whole new world for someone, including yourself, by dying to your own feelings and letting God's Spirit work in your life.

2006-12-19 05:14:48 · answer #8 · answered by David R 3 · 0 0

fact: God is a forgiving god. fact: God will forgive you when you repent.

i do believe that u had sinned. but according to what u say u are not sure if what u did was wrong. forgiveness comes when u humble yourself and admit that u have sinned then forgiveness will be attained. one of the many problems of asking for forgiveness is our pride. there is only one judge... God.

pray and listen in the silence of our heart what God wants you to know. ask for His guidance and deliverance. surely, He will forgive you as He did before. He had laid down His life for you.

God bless

2006-12-19 05:02:29 · answer #9 · answered by ash 1 · 0 0

God loves you and cares about you and we can all be forgiven. If you'd like Biblical basis for it. Check out this link.

If you have any other questions or just some more specific ones feel free to email me at ray_lew52@yahoo.com

2006-12-19 04:49:02 · answer #10 · answered by Ryan B 2 · 0 0

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