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"We all create our own reality"
Quantum physics as the physics of possibility.--"In the beginningwas the void, teeming with infinite possibilities, of which you are one"
"have you ever seen yourself through the eyes of someone else that you have become and looked at yourself through the eyes of the ultimate observer?"
"How can you continue to see the world as real when the self that is determining it as real is intangible?"
If we all create our own reality do 'we' create a collective reality in which each of us can have an influence over the 'reality' of others?
In answering this maybe consider witchcraft, telekenesis and any other phenomena that can't be reasonably explained.

2006-12-19 04:34:31 · 19 answers · asked by plop 3 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy


2006-12-19 04:35:41 · update #1

t3h1--Not sure what you are refering me to?
Not really looking for answers,just like to see responses. Thank you

2006-12-19 04:44:31 · update #2

NOOBNTLEY--I am sure none of your thoughts are sub-intellect. Don't be so harsh on yourself.
P.S. Do you stalk me? I will e-mail you niceness in good time.

2006-12-19 04:50:13 · update #3

NOOBNTLEY--I just had a look at the 'wikipedia' article you kindly left.
What you need to explain is, what in my thoughts determines this label? Can you answer adequately? Or is it just a cheap insult?

2006-12-19 04:55:03 · update #4

Pain does not answer the question of reality.

2006-12-19 04:57:15 · update #5

NOBLEBENTLEY--Strawmen-That is good, what? Of course i took the advice of a 17yo boy who has a grudge with the world, thus making him insecure and to deflect from his own insecurities, tries to bring others into his own insecurity. I am not applicable.

2006-12-19 05:19:32 · update #6

KNOBBNTLEY--You have never produced anything worth note to refute anything i have posted. Why don't you try? Just try. Refute what is said. Of course i cannot write my thoughts and have never claimed to, yet persons, such as yourself, believe they know what i think based on afew words on yahoo. Please refute the few words on your own, with your own words.

2006-12-19 05:24:40 · update #7

EFES_HAZE---I enjoy football sometimes. Only sometimes as i support Hibs.

2006-12-19 05:27:38 · update #8

ANTHONYPA--You seem to be suggesting that when i shut my eyes, it is not real and what the eyes see are to be taken as fact. Whan eyes are closed and an object is thought of, the same brain processes occur. The brain sees before the eyes.

2006-12-19 05:43:23 · update #9

NOOBNTELY--AGAIN, you are full of wise sords and knowledge. You relieve your insecurity by being condescending( although you are not that good at that and it is your greatest skill). When are you 18? Are you emancipated yet? I am not insecure, if i was i would not reply.

2006-12-19 05:47:08 · update #10

NOOBELENTELY--I don't care. I really don't care. Why do you care?
I find it hard to follow your words, maybe this is why you usually keep your posts short?
OK, i am insecure, really really insecure, so. You have made me this way. I can't believe i have become enlightened to my insecurity by a 17yo. Why have you done this to me? Please relent. I am bullied into submission.
Oh yeah, why do you keep using your age as an excuse for your ignorance? When will you come of age? When will your age stop holding you back? I use your age because YOU use it as an excuse.
I enjoy discussing things. Unfortunately all you give me to discuss is your insults. Don't dish them out if you can't handle them yourself. I call you different names cos' it is funny.Noblebently hahaha--SEE.Funny.
Cheer up,it can't be that bad?
OH yeah, i am not arguing with a 17yo, i am replying to the words that appear on my screen. As far as i know you could be a lot older. You certainly seem very clever for a 17yo.

2006-12-19 07:10:40 · update #11

ANTHONYPA--I do not deny the existence of the mentioned policeman or the 3:0 scoreline.I could however question the reality of the match?

Anyway. What i MAY be suggesting is that the 'collective' reality determines the 3:0 scoreline. The collective 'will' of the participants in the match (fans, players management, listeners over the radio etc.) all participate in the match to some degree. The 'collective' energies cereate the match and the score. Of course this is entirely hypothetical. Again this is not necessarily my belief, but an idea.
Witchcraft is practiced and evident in it's practice. As is telekenesis. I am sure we are all aware of Uri Geller's claims to have moved the ball as Gary McCallister stepped up to take the penalty against England in the Euro Championships. Ridiculous claim, maybe. This is not proof, but a simple idea.
As for the policeman, I can only speak from my own objective reality, of which the 'policeman' was part of, as i am part of yours?

2006-12-20 03:36:39 · update #12

19 answers

What the f*ck do I know!!!!!!

2006-12-19 06:26:07 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

We do not create our own reality though we may choose our own particular description of reality.

That there are real, objectively real, things is shown by the involuntary nature of our perceptions. What we see we see not through choice.

It may be distorted by the situation or our natures but we can still deduce an objective reality from that. Eg:

1 Person A saw an enjoyable football match
2 Person B saw an unenjoyable football match

this can be deduced from:

3 Person A supports Everton
4 Person B supports Liverpool
5 Everton beat Liverpool

The objective fact is that Everton beat Liverpool and it matters not a jot that the only thing we have to go on is the totally biased reports of Person A and Person B. The biased reports are logically entailed by the premises 3, 4 and 5. Neither Person could help their perception of the match - so its objectively real: Everton beat the Shite!

So an objective reality exists.
We can have knowledge of it even if we are working from subjective perceptions.
So we do not create this reality
So neither do we create a collective reality

And to answer the question "what is reality":

Reality is that from which all points of view can be deduced

[Edit] How on earth you get from my argument to a suggestion that "when i shut my eyes, it is not real" I do not know. I made no mention of shutting of eyes. To say "if I drink beer I will get drunk" does not suggest "if I drink wine I will NOT get drunk". The first statement does not speak about wine in any shape or form, yet it is a good refutation of the idea "people don't get drunk". I demonstrated the existence of an objective reality (ie not created by us) by giving an example of it - this does not deny other examples. Certainly as objective reality exists independently of us it will continue to exist when we shut our eyes.

"Whan eyes are closed and an object is thought of, the same brain processes occur. The brain sees before the eyes." Yes, you can voluntarily think about things. Just as you can voluntarily move your hand behind your back. If a policeman comes up to you and puts your hand behind your back involuntarily it's a good argument for establishing the existence of the policeman. That you can, at other times, put your hand in the same position has no relevance to the question of whether or not the policeman exist.

You can run through the match again in your mind, voluntarily. You can even imagine that Liverpool won - it doesn't change the reality that Everton beat Liverpool 3:0. You can create your own view, you can create "sights" in your mind. You cannot create your own reality.

2006-12-19 05:19:17 · answer #2 · answered by anthonypaullloyd 5 · 1 0

Okay, I only wish we could create our own reality. I'd be happy. As far as telekenesis, I've tried it and can't make it work. I did see something on the discovery channel. They put this computer chip into this guys brain that allowed him to control the mouse only using his brain. It was really cool. They then took the chip out of his brain and amazingly enough he could still move the mouse...only using his brain! In my mind that proves that it can be done and you can train your brain to control things somehow.Who knows what else can be done. Now if I could just figure out how without becoming an experiment for scientist.
Maybe we don't have these powers because it the hands of the wrong person it would be a dangerous thing.

2006-12-19 04:49:36 · answer #3 · answered by So'sYerFace 4 · 0 0

Forget about what is reality, What is not reality. You have created your own reality but you have to validate it and accept the consequences of it.
Quarks, photons and quazars have their own reality which we bring into consciousness (our reality) and validate their existence. What about astral projection. I don't mean remote viewing, I mean on a subconscious level. Are dreams reality?

If I think I'm dreaming existence does that mean it's real or not? Suppose I wake up alone with nothing else in existence but me and my thoughts.

Is self equal to belief, consciousness, thought or emotion? All the above are variables therefore is reality constant and empiricle or can it get sucked into the Event Horizon?

Reality started with a Big Bang but what about the Silence preceeding it. That's the reality. When you can hear that Silence you can see, hear and feel reality.

2006-12-26 04:30:54 · answer #4 · answered by Knobby Knobville 4 · 0 0

Reality is of host and structural nature, provides stability, consistency, and a place to exist or to keep an identity or to produce a new identity. It has a special language, needs to be translated to us through a medium, signs and symbols.
It is always hidden as our worldly body with all its senses available, cannot perceive it. It is always covered by an outer shell
of aesthetics,the transitional part of reality. You will not find any element/identity without a shell/cover. Anything more closer to reality you will find a more stronger shell around it.
We cover our reproductive organs due to closer to reality. Women are one step ahead than men close to reality, so they are supposed to cover more.
This whole universe is a projection of a real one. so we may divide reality into different types.
-Absolute and ultimate reality; the ultimate creator, God.
-Created reality in real shape, the original self of us and the actual universe.
-The projected reality, this universe and all within it, all the creatures; that all is on its test run, will be examined by God in hereafter.

2006-12-22 18:08:08 · answer #5 · answered by Ishfaq A 3 · 1 1

for a start it is not online, you have to turn of the pc/laptop and get out there - so says the foll who is answering a question online.

There is only one reality, and that is yours. Mine is subject to your interpretation of it, when I try to explain it, it is held back to some degree not only by my mastery of my medium (language) but your understanding of that same language. Also the accuracy of the spell checker, and my typing skills - so my reality ultimatly becomes your subject translation of it, within your own mind.

For all I know, I could be typing to you in a dream I am having, or you are having.

drop the lap-top n your toes, if it hurts, you know that the dream is at least a very good one, or that it could be reality at last.

2006-12-19 04:52:09 · answer #6 · answered by DAVID C 6 · 0 1

ReaLITY, is about seeing what is happening around you, as
well as living in the now and then....The past can impact on the
reality you live in as well.....Like a collective reality, that sometimes things connect you to people, you do not even know...
And you know things that happen, that you thought were not
even going to impact on you.....or know about a person from a
touch a smile a window in their soul....Sometimes you can see
in others their pain, as well as their longing. We are not intangible,
and sometimes we can turn around and stare at ourselves
squarely through the eyes of others. We can also sometimes,
discern small shifts which have an impact on what happens in
our lives...Sometimes our lives become intertwined in the lives
of others in the most unexpected ways, and we feel the things
that we should not.....Observing things around you, can heighten
your senses in the strangest of ways...You can look at someone,
and see what is happening to someone somewhere else, yup,
this has happened to me often.....Being infinite, can sometimes
have nothing to do with life and death as a whole, but with the
soul of the individual, as we travel through whatever life throws
at us......Reality impacts on us all, can we create our own, no
because life sometimes throws you a curveball and you are
forced to react at a seconds notice...A life and death decision
can sometimes take only a second.............................................

What we have done for people in our lives influences what
people will ultimately do for you, if you give, others will give
to you etc....if you do something wrong, sometimes you seal
your fate - yup!!!have seen this happen to people that I know.
Not the way to go, live everyday and give of yourself and life
will be good to you, at that moment that you need help someone
you do not know will throw out an invisible lifeline and drag you
onboard with them....You can sometimes see a thought or an
outcome to something based on the day before, or your life,
or some invisible cord that threads itself through time..................

Other phenomena, yes, the other two stay away from, they will
not bring any good into your life at all.............................................

The mind can be trained to seek out others to connect with at
a truly mental level...If this happens, be prepared for life to really
bowl you over or throw you all over the show................................

I cannot believe what has happened to me due to something,
that I cannot explain to anyone even myself...................................
over the last 2 years of my life especially......But, for the whole
of my life I have had this premonition thing off pat..........................
But, you can not always either be there or be right all the time......

Sometimes in dreams we see what is going to happen, and
have a really hard time doing anything about it until it has
happened, this is the worst type of thing, because you really
only have control over somethings in your own life, and cannot
necessarily help others, which should be the reason you go
forward in some respects...Seeing things through others eyes,
can be darnright scary.................................................................

I know this has been happening to me all my life....It has saved me countless times, but need to hone this more..........................

2006-12-22 19:01:56 · answer #7 · answered by gorglin 5 · 1 1

Starving before the wages come on the 10 th of the month!!!

2006-12-19 04:45:40 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The alternative to all this mind bending angst, is to go round the pub and have a pint. You could talk about something more realistic and meaningful like football (that's' Soccer by the way) or why women do what they do or think how they think (that's unfathomable). But don't talk about Cricket.

2006-12-19 05:24:15 · answer #9 · answered by efes_haze 5 · 1 2

my own explanation of reality:

what is here, now. What has been experienced and what is believed to be the truth and existence for an individual.

So if someone believes, he/she is seeing someone...for them thats reality...

2006-12-19 04:43:58 · answer #10 · answered by Miss. Me 2 · 0 0

pseudo intellectual



yeah ur strawmen wont work on me



"I am sure none of your thoughts are sub-intellect. Don't be so harsh on yourself."

looks like you took my advice...maybe that is why you have stopped sending me hate mails?...hehehe....insecure shitt



if a smoker tells you to quit smoking, his advice doesnt become wrong because he himself smokes....stop making a fool of yourself...everytime you respond to my answer you validate the fact that you are hopelessly insecure.

here, this will help -



ad hominem AGAIN? ROFL...reminds me of 5th grade


"You relieve your insecurity by being condescending"

lol its not fun anymore...you dont seem to follow what im saying.


1)if a smoker tells you to quit smoking, his advice doesnt become wrong because he himself smokes

2)everytime you respond to my answer you validate the fact that you are hopelessly insecure

these 2 sentences should tell you that i acccept im insecure...you, on the other hand, are in denial...but its very evident that youre insecure because you keep responding to my answer...

"When are you 18? Are you emancipated yet?"
i dunno what this has to do with ANYTHING

"I am not insecure, if i was i would not reply"
this is exactly what an insecure person does...if you werent insecure, you wouldnt care what a "17yo" thinks of you......a CEO wont pick a fight with the janitor because he peed on his Mercedes...in fact!, you yourself dont completely believe that you arent insecure and that is why you continue to argue with me...and its NOT EVEN an arguement...its FULL of fallacies

"you are full of wise sords and knowledge"

you have practically GIVEN UP! you are so desperate that you call me an 18 yo and ask me if im emacipated or not...or you call me noblebentley or knobntley...pathetic!


ok you win.

2006-12-19 04:45:35 · answer #11 · answered by Spiderpig 3 · 4 2

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