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I just read that a woman was beaten in a bus in Jerusalem by the Orthodox "modesty patrol". I wonder if the difference between orthodox jews and Muslim fundamentalists is just a matter of degree.

2006-12-19 04:33:14 · 11 answers · asked by Dr. Sabetudo 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

11 answers

Where did you read that? "Modesty patrol" sounds more like the Saudi religious police than anything that exists in Israel. If it DID happen (it's only reasonable to assume that it didn't, given the long history of anti-Semitic libels, the suspiciously close resemblance of the incident you describe to real stories of Saudi police, and the fact that you don't cite any sources) I can guarantee you that it wasn't something sanctioned by the Israeli government or by any religious authority - it would be a crime, plain and simple, from both the perspectives of Israeli law, and from that of Jewish religious law.

Could you share where you read about this incident? It sounds pretty fishy to me.

2006-12-20 17:28:27 · answer #1 · answered by Daniel 5 · 0 0

Sometimes our own preconceptions shade the way we read or think about things. I get the impression, perhaps unjustified, that you operate on a secular=tolerant, religious=intolerant paradigm. That is probably how your life experience has taught you things work.

The problem is that life experience anywhere in the world cannot help you figure the State of Israel out.

In the State of Israel the paradigm is different. It's more:

secular=pushy and desirous of forcing others to be secular even through violence,


religious=wanting others to be religious but will leave them alone untill they invade religious space aggressively or cross a line they are probably unaware of then all hell breaks loose.

It's a wild country.

It's more likely that a secular woman, probably a soldier or ex-soldier purposely boarded a bus the religious people had paid to get on because it seperated the genders, and decided she would break the rule to make a point rather than get on the mixed seating bus that just went by or just go have a perfectly nice seat by an elderly woman who would tell her how Europe used to be and probably hand her a cracker or cookie.

She then went to the front of the bus and sat down beside a startled 90 year old man. He yelled she should go to the women's section or get on another bus. She yelled no and started quoting wild philosophy about equal rights, without ever thinking this is about capitalist choice, and this man paid to sit with only other men, and there are plenty of busses she can get on and sit with a man if she wants.

She then started using horrible profanity, calling them leaches and roaches, even dropped the word Nazi a couple times, because that's what Israeli's do. Some Gur Chasid stood up and told her to get off because this bus is theirs. She took a swing at him with some gay Krav Magra technique she learned in Army Secretary school, which doesn't really work. His friends then grabbed her and carried her off the bus, sat her at the very next bus stop. They got back on the bus and it drove away.

She started pretending not to cry, because that's undignified in Israel. Somebody noticed she was, and she told them the Haredim had beaten her up. Since they teach kids in Israeli public schools and colleges to hate religious people and Arabs, because both hate Israel and caused the holocaust, they didn't question it.

Another regular bus came, and she got on, looked where she wanted to sit, and sat beside a woman, because nobody wants to sit by a strange man in jeans that are too tight, who's wearing a sleavless purple T-shirt with "Men's Wear" written on the front in rhinestones, and who's hair is too greasy because he slicks it with olive oil. (That's how secular Israeli men dress.)

How do I know that's what happened? Because it happens everyday. This is a messed up place, and you can't use it to figure out the relationship between things in the normal world.

Anyways, the devoutly religious all act similarly, and they all have a point where they will go to fisticuffs if pushed beyond that point. It doesn't matter what the religion is. Even secular political stances can be a "religion" in this regard. Go into a gay bar and politely explain why homosexual marriage is wrong, and you'll get the same reaction.

2006-12-19 08:25:04 · answer #2 · answered by 0 3 · 0 0

No being a practisng Jew doesnt make you an orthodox Jew. im no longer Jewish so i dont understand the version yet i think of Orthodox Jews are stricter than different communities. Mnay Christians are labelled as fundamentalists, go searching this internet site you will see so plenty greater Christians being called fundamentalists than 'religious' And why is being called a fundamentalist an insult besides??

2016-10-18 11:58:34 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

They are different religions, both don't condone that type of behavior, but like inall religions, and everything, you will find some extremeists that take it too far. That sounds like what this is. Orthodox, and fundamentalists would be the ones to take it really seriously, most then should not react like that, but there are always some who know they are rigt and willing to do anything to make others do the same.

2006-12-19 04:37:33 · answer #4 · answered by bdearone 2 · 0 0

Here is the difference. before the story was even confirmed as accurate, All different religious authorities condemned the perpetrators of this act and the act itself, while if it were to have been Muslims, you'd get Imams and Mullahs saying things like "An immodestly dressed woman causes the man to lose control, so if he rapes her, it is her fault, not his".. And actually PRAISING the actions of the few extremists, not condemning anything.

2006-12-21 10:09:04 · answer #5 · answered by XX 6 · 0 0

That is nothing. There is a story of Jewish CHILDREN on a fieldtrip who were beaten with stones by Muslim people.

Just go to www.thereligionofpeace.com

You will begin to see that Jewish people don't go around suicide bombing their own people, Buddhist, Christians, Americans, etc....it is only one religion that people follow and kill in the name of. Hope that website helps.

And people who say that the Christian religion preaches violence in the Bible...they need to step back and see WHO is blowing WHO up, and then dancing in the street about the deaths.

2006-12-19 04:38:07 · answer #6 · answered by Crizzle Gizzle 4 · 1 0

There are people all over the world looking for an excuse to violently kill someone. Religion is always a convenient excuse

2006-12-19 04:36:01 · answer #7 · answered by A 6 · 0 0

being a fundamentalist is good, it means you adhere to the fundamentals of your religion, what is wrong with that?

A lot of the killing etc. is not based in either religion

2006-12-19 04:35:08 · answer #8 · answered by hello 1 · 0 0

both are lies told to children to make them behave. They notions just stick with them past the age of reason.

2006-12-19 04:37:01 · answer #9 · answered by B Rob 1 · 0 0

Different name same mindset.

2006-12-19 04:34:28 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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