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like the God of the Old Testament than the trinity God that Christians speak of. Nowhere in the OT did the Prophets mention the trinity. Isnt it just an invention of the church like the muslims say, and history puports to show?

2006-12-19 04:06:40 · 16 answers · asked by hello 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

The God in the Qur'an seems exactly the same as the God of the OT, doent this show that muslims are correct, and that Muhammad came to call people back to the worship of God, and correct the changes that people had made to Jesus's message?

2006-12-19 04:08:03 · update #1

16 answers

It was the Prophet Mohammed himself who attempted to negate the positive image of the Jew that had been prevalent earlier. According to historian Bernard Lewis, the Prophet Mohammed's original plan had been to induce the Jews to adopt Islam; when Mohammed began his rule at Medina in AD 622 he counted few supporters, so he adopted several Jewish practices-including daily prayer facing toward Jerusalem and the fast of Yom Kippur-in the hope of wooing the Jews. But the Jewish community rejected the Prophet Mohammed's religion, preferring to adhere to its own beliefs, whereupon Mohammed subsequently substituted Mecca for Jerusalem, and dropped many of the Jewish practices.

Jews faced the danger of incurring the wrath of a Muslim, in which case the Muslim could charge, however falsely, that the Jew had cursed Islam, an accusation against which the Jew could not defend himself. Islamic religious law decreed that, although murder of one Muslim by another Muslim was punishable by death, a Muslim who murdered a non-Muslim was given not the death penalty, but only the obligation to pay "blood money" to the family of the slain infidel. Even this punishment was unlikely, however, because the law held the testimony of a Jew or a Christian invalid against a Muslim, and the penalty could only be exacted under improbable conditions-when two Muslims were willing to testify against a brother Muslim for the sake of an infidel.

2006-12-20 23:49:53 · answer #1 · answered by Ivri_Anokhi 6 · 0 0

Your question, like the Koran itself, makes little sense. If you are using the OT as evidence, then you must accept it entirely. Why is Jesus' life and death foretold there, and not Muhammad's? Because Muhammad was a false prophet. Muhammad was named a prophet by his WIFE, not by God!

Jesus is the fulfillment of many OT prophecies and His life on earth marked the beginning of the New Covenant with God. His message was distorted by some people but not by everyone. We know that Muhammad heard a false version of it. Apparently he never bothered to learn the true facts, because he continued the falsehood.

Jesus' true teaching, His revelation and fulfillment of the New Covenant, still thrives in His faithful Christian church. As the OT teaches us in the book of Isaiah,

"6 For unto us a Child is born,
Unto us a Son is given;
And the government will be upon His shoulder.
And His name will be called
Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
7 Of the increase of His government and peace
There will be no end,
Upon the throne of David and over His kingdom,
To order it and establish it with judgment and justice
From that time forward, even forever.
The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this."

2006-12-19 05:26:27 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The word "trinity" isw a descriptive term, not mentioned in either the Old or the New Testament. However, while the principle of God in three persons is made very clear in the New Testament, the plurality of the Godhead can also be seen throughout the Old Testament - particularly in Genesis, the Psalms, and Isaiah.
A study of the name "the LORD" or "Yahveh", or "Jehovah", depending on your translation of the Bible, in the Old testament, can relate a number of references to YHVH to Jesus in the New Tesatament, in an amazing way.

2006-12-19 04:11:20 · answer #3 · answered by Mr Ed 7 · 1 0

mormons, muslims, jewish and christians, all declare to worship the comparable God, through fact of Abraham. Jewish understand abraham from the Torah and abraham knew God, Muslim;s understand abraham from abraham's son ishmael from Hagar. Christians are observed into the religion from the N.T, and for this reason understand the God of israel. And mormons declare to understand the God of the O.T. and N.T. Wiccans have faith interior the God (or Gods) and the Goddess, that their potential comes from nature, that their are good and undesirable witches, yet I even have been instructed it relatively is incorrect, yet whilst i replaced into wiccan, that's what i replaced into taught, so despite, that the rule of three applies, a curse can come back to thee thrice as undesirable. Joseph (gen. 50:25) left training for his bones/burial, Jesus did no longer (resurrection) Christianity is the only faith to make the declare of a risen Lord, no different faith has a Lord that rose from the ineffective.

2016-10-15 06:00:35 · answer #4 · answered by corbo 4 · 0 0

yes we have the same god , Christians , Muslims and Jews are worshiping the same god .

if you read the qur'an there is no conflicts about prophets story , its talk about Jesus(pbuh) in a honor way and there is an entire chapter named by his mother (Mariam).

qur'an absolutely order the people to submit to the only god which doesn't have any sons and ask us to not fall in what the people of the book fall in it before .

the Trinity is not true any one have a brain can know that,it is just came from a human's wide imagination , they deny jesus's (pbuh) real message .

2006-12-19 04:25:53 · answer #5 · answered by Alone 4 · 0 1

Do you watch History or the Explorer channels?? Please do with an open mind.... they claim that the church has been claiming this & that but the main question is that the jesus was against any worship... trinity issue came after jesus ... meaning that men may have misled themselves. I am not saying who is right or wrong, but I'm simply asking you to have an open mind. Jew, Christian or Muslim... it would not be determined by your faith whether you go to heave or hell... but it would be determined by the faith of your actions. May God/Allah/Yahway provide you with the true guidance.

2006-12-19 04:45:46 · answer #6 · answered by Aim4 3 · 1 0

It is important to focus on what unites people rather than what divides them. There is not need trying to start a war between the two religion. Every religion is as good as the other and no religion can claim sole ownership of God.

2006-12-19 04:11:52 · answer #7 · answered by Melody 3 · 0 0

Check out where God visits Abraham to tell him about the coming of Issac.

There are 3 beings. I don't know it they are all God or God and 2 angels, but He keeps saying "US" and the story describes them as "they". Kinda like "Let US make men in OUR own image." I think this story is interesting.

Well, in the OT God and David have a good relationship because David is a man after God's heart. But where do you see anything like that in the Koran. Where there is such love and depth of relationship.

My answer--you don't because it's only about submission and rules, not about love and relationship and knowing God.

Look at people like Noah, Abraham, Enoch. They walked with God. "Enoch walked with God and was no more." It doesn't say Enoch performed his prayers five times a day. It says simply that he "walked with God". To me, that implies relationship. Which the NT puts a big emphasis on.

"We know long come before God as servants, but boldly as sons and daughters."

RELATIONSHIP, not submission.

2006-12-19 04:13:17 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Judaism and Islam have more in common than Christianity.

Islam recognize Jesus, but anything Paul only related is probably not recognize.

Islam also have more in common with the Eastern churches, the Christians who aren't 'Christians'.

"Any religion that claims to be the only way to God is a lie."

That was the Qur'an roughly said.

"it would not be determined by your faith whether you go to heave or hell... but it would be determined by the faith of your actions."

That also was the Qur'an roughly said.

2006-12-19 07:03:42 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

"Love is the only force
capable of transforming an enemy into a friend"
Martin Luther King Jr. 1929-1968

Learn how a former terrorist's love for his wife set him on a journey that ultimately exposed the lies he was taught and helped the walls of hate within him crumble as love and respect for mankind finally grew in his heart.

The solution to terrorism is in his story. Walid Shoebat


2006-12-20 03:09:18 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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