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34 answers

it probably misses its mom or brothers and sisters. make it a comfy bed out of warm blankets and soft pillows. wrap a clock (one that ticks) in a blanket and put down near its bed (this gives it a rhythmic sounds...like its mom heart ...so that it will soothe it) and always use calm, reassuring voice (dont yell b/c its scared in a new place anyway)

2006-12-19 03:28:04 · answer #1 · answered by jenivive 6 · 2 1

He's missing his littermates. This may be the first time in his life he has ever been alone- how would you feel! If you are crating him at night (a good idea) then put the crate near your bed. If he cries, just dangle your hand down so he has the reassurance of your presence but no interaction. Wear a t shirt for a few days and put it in the crate so he can smell you. Over a few nights, move the crate gradually to where you would like him to sleep. When he is there, if he makes a noise, take him outside to the toilet, and praise him if he performs. 2 birds with 1 stone; he will learn that all making a noise achieves is being let out to go to the loo. He will learn- but it might take a while for him to get used to being on his own.

2006-12-19 03:30:08 · answer #2 · answered by big_fat_goth 4 · 4 0

Is it still a baby? Like 8 weeks or so? If it is it could be that he/she is just a baby. Seriously...ours cried at night until she was about 5 months old. If you don't let the puppy sleep on the beds or with a family member (I ended up letting mine sleep with me...) put its bed where it can see someone. If you got the puppy from a shelter it could be used to having others around and now it is lonely. I'm not kidding! Try putting its bed within sight of where you sleep (be sure to spread paper or 'puppy pads' in case of a midnight accident) or just curl up with it in bed. Also try wrapping a wind up alarm clock in a blanket to make it sound like a heart beat. Put its toys and a chew bone (I liked Denta bones b/c the help with doggy breath!) in it's bed. Just continue to love the puppy and let it bond with you. It is probably just missing its old home! Good Luck! Shihtzo's make great pets...mine died a few years ago after our family had her for 14 years!!

2006-12-19 03:33:18 · answer #3 · answered by Tiggers 3 · 0 0

your puppy was taken from its mom, wouldn't you cry. By your puppy a stuffed toy that has a heart beat or get a toy and open it up and put a ticking clock inside and put t in a bed that our puppy will be sleeping in. Puppy may stt to think its mom is there and may go to slep. If not be patient and just try to understand what the poor thing is feeling abandoned by his or her mom. They are scared and lonely. Be his or her friend comfort it with a stuffed animal that may look close in color to its mom. Then get some ear plugs or do somehing that can reduce the noise. sometimes you can even get a cd with birds churping or sounds of nature you can ry that, play it close to the puppy at night and see if it makes him feel safer.

2006-12-19 03:41:14 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It's lonely. Don't worry, puppies do this. When a dog is a puppy, it spends all its time with its mother. Your puppy just misses its mother. It's difficult to spend your time with your puppy at night, as it isn't housebroken, but give it time. The crying will stop eventually. One tip that I've heard often is to give the puppy an alarm clock. One that ticks. It's like the mother's heartbeat, and can be used to calm the puppy.

Good luck! I know what it's like to have a crying puppy :)

2006-12-19 03:30:49 · answer #5 · answered by Enceladus 5 · 1 0

Poor pup - it can take awhile to adjust. If it's in a crate or not allowed in your bedroom, then it will need to learn to adjust to that - don't give in! If it's crated, put in a special treat every night before you go to bed and throw a blanket over the top of it. If it's out and about, maybe make it its own little bed and follow the above suggestions. You can take a heating pad and wrap it in a blanket - very comforting (they do make adorable bears with heating pads in them for little kids - it might be a cute toy if you check it for safety - you don't want the puppy chewing through to the heat or making it too hot), and I've heard of people putting a ticking clock in with puppies as a sort of heartbeat/repetitive sound to calm them. Then, as long as you're SURE the puppy isn't crying because it needs to be taken out to relieve itself, grab yourself some earplugs and toughen up for awhile or you'll just reinforce the puppy's idea that crying=attention.

2006-12-19 03:43:06 · answer #6 · answered by Bettiemaboo 1 · 0 1

IF you commit to a dog, you must treat it as your baby. This dog would not cry all night if you allowed it to sleep with you or very near you. If you are dog germaphobic, then maybe you should take him back. The dog wants company, this type are already really nervous as it is. He/She needs companionship and love, just like any other domesticated animal. Buy a bed for your dog and keep the bed very near yours. Spend time with the dog before bedtime and show him his bed. Myself, I'd let the pooch climb right up in bed and share my pillow until trust is built and you can get him his own bed. If this is not your idea of having a dog, then it's time to evaluate why you'd have a dog that you won't hug and hold. That is what it probably wants. Good Luck to you.

2006-12-19 03:33:33 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Make sure you don't always just put her in the cage at night, or when your away, always leave the cage door open to your dog, and put him in there for naps and things when your at home. This will help your dog get more used to it, my puppie goes in her cage every time she gets tired all on her own, and she used to wine and cry.It the problem continues after that, try to put the cage closer to your bed or even in your bed room so he feels more comfortable, put a bed in there, and a water dish, make sure you can make it a nice place to call home for your pet, what also works is putting a blanket over the cage makes a darker atmospher, you can leave one side of the cage explosed if you like! Hope this helps! Happy Holidays!

2006-12-19 03:30:45 · answer #8 · answered by *STAR* 3 · 2 0

Dogs are pack animals. Your puppy is crying for it feels all alone.

Most people will tell you to throw it (put it) in its kennel and IGNORE the poor thing crying. I take the way of a social animal who needs to be part of a pack, you being the pack.
My pup is 12 weeks now I think? She has not cried onces at night time. I took her to bed with me for the first two weeks or so. I try now but she jumps down and goes to her spot. This spot is under a chair in our bedroom. I wanted to bring in one of our dog kennels we have but it wont fit in here. Under this chair there are dressers on both sides, like a den. She is there now sleeping lol!
Give your pup a little compassion. Do not ignore your puppy crying over being lonely and taken away from the only thing she/he knows...I am and always been the pack leader. I have also always been very bonded to puppies I have had.
Something I did with one of my pups that grew up to be one of the best disabled (I train my pups to help with health related problems) trained dogs is I put her kennel besides my bed with the lid removed and made sure when the pup cried I was right there.
Puppies are babies and need to be treated like babies. When this pup grows up this is when you can train them to be in there kennel with the gate locked etc.

It is a proven fact that unwanted dogs are the cause of people neglecting there basic need to be part of a pack. Dogs are not ment to be all alone. Good luck with the training of your new pup!

2006-12-19 03:52:35 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Try wearing the puppy out at night before bed time by a nice long walk and crate training it for it to feel safer, you can also play soft music to help fill the loneliness of a quite night for her.

2006-12-19 03:29:23 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

My puppy did for the first week too, i found that using a dog crate helps, although i used to think they were cruel they actually make them feel really safe and secure. Also dont go down to him when he does otherwise he will carry on, also try leaving him for short periods in the day so he knows you come back when you leave.

2006-12-19 04:20:47 · answer #11 · answered by BABY BELL 3 · 1 0

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