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I have found a lit of people on yahoo answer thay really hate Jesus,,, he has done nothing but good

2006-12-19 02:58:39 · 29 answers · asked by bill_ray56 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

29 answers

Theye Dis-like them selves.
Jesus is the standard.
Its like Holding up a dirty diaper next to a clean one.
Who likes to be the dirty diaper?

2006-12-19 03:00:03 · answer #1 · answered by King 5 · 1 9

I don't know that people hate Jesus, even the atheists. They don't believe he was a superman.

Their problem is not with Jesus but with his followers.

A lot of his followers have problems with a lot of his followers. Take a look at the divided Episcoplian Church in America right now.

Look beyond the Gay issue, some of the problems is about a Woman now being in charge, being head of the American Church organization.

Many Chrisitians are anti-women leaders in religion.

When Christians are anti this and anti that it makes atheists wonder where is the love, forgiveness and tolerance.

IF Jesus removed sin, then Woman's sin is gone and she's now restored to full glory.

Christians avoid taking stands openly, which is something the Muslims don't do. Muslims will be the first to admit the MAN comes first, then comes the WOMAN.

Christians will NOT come out and say WOMEN ARE OFFICIALLY SECOND CLASS CITIZENS IN THE EYES OF GOD AND CHRISTIANITY. They will not say that, because a lot of women will start defecting the church.

But, a lot of Christians believe that. Woman is a help mate. A severant you procreate with. She does not lead, she follows.

They will not, however, go public with that view.

But, when they speak if "dissing" this Episcoplian woman church leader at international conventions they are showing bigotry, disguised as orthodox views.

It is especially distressing that Black Anglican and Episcopilian leaders are talking about "dissing" this woman leader.

We all "know" -- right -- that Jesus is "white!"

That's why some American relgions won't affiliate with some orgnaizations, because they make Black people church leaders.

One form of bigotry is just as bad as another and this speaks VOLUMES to the Atheists about Chrisitians and their religion.

What Atheists refuse to aknowledge, however, is that all of this only shows the EVOLUTION of the Christian religion, which means that religious people do EVOLVE.

This is where religion has it over Atheism. An Atheist bigot who believes like ARchie Bunker that woman is to be stiffled and blacks and your other kinds are not the same and inferior, even though it ain't their fault, nature made them that way. Will not evolve.

When you have in-fighting in religion you are forced to evolve. There is IMPUTUS to evolve. The fight of GOOD and EVIL to ultimately embrace the rightous.

Without any imputus, the INDIVIDUAL atheist nor the collective atheists bigots reform, they just die out.

The reglious grumbles, says I don't like it, but I'll try and go along with it. Or they leave the fold and become bigoted atheists (which is not to imply ALL atheists are bigoted, I'm simply saying without and active IMPUTUS such as religious acceptance, there is no model for internal change, this is NOT to say another indivudual won't automatically accept and not have to change).

Jesus said LOVE, he never said LIKE.

2006-12-19 11:11:08 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

What a naive, stupid question. Honestly.

FYI, people don't "hate Jesus." If the man ever actually lived, it was 2,000 years ago. You might as well complain that people "hate Cleopatra." We don't have that kind of cultural memory here in the West...lol.

What people - myself included - strongly dislike and object to is the bigotry, superstition, and general backwards keel of the people who claim to be Jesus's "followers" here in the 21st century. And that for many reasons - if you know anything of honest history, e.g., you know that the entire gospel story is nothing but a fable created for primarily political purposes obtaining in the first few centuries "AD." But the real objection to Christianity is the moral objection. The whole dogma of "original sin" and "vicarious atonement" is probably the most vile pox ever unleashed on humanity, and the only argument for it is that it was ever actually put forth and accepted.

2006-12-19 11:05:50 · answer #3 · answered by jonjon418 6 · 2 1

I think a lot of it has to do with people disliking others using Jesus, the bible and God to answer questions. Maybe it's not really hate, just a feeling of annoyance. Personally, I can't hate the guy because I've never met him. He may have been an interesting guy to talk to. Putting aside any religious arguments, I won't hate anyone I've never met, Jesus or not.

2006-12-19 11:06:16 · answer #4 · answered by Enceladus 5 · 1 1

This is my opinion.

People can accept talking about God yet talking about Jesus makes them uncomfortable. God is the source of truth, not man. If the truth is not what you are after or you are not interested in the truth then the last thing you want to do is talk about Jesus.

The reason for this is because if you accept that Jesus is who He says He is and that the testimony of the bible is mainly about Jesus then a restructure of your belief system is required.

Jesus, claims two truths about Himself when being questioned before Pontious Pilate. That He was born to be a king, that He is a king in a kingdom not of this world and that He came to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to Jesus. (John 18:36,37)

The choice of all mankind is to choose to turn to God and accept the path that God made for us so that each of us, individually may know Him or to choose to turn away from God. When we choose to believe that there is a God and that we can choose our own path to Him we are placing our self in equality with God. This denies the role of Creator and created.

2006-12-19 11:49:01 · answer #5 · answered by David R 3 · 0 0

I don't think anyone hates Jesus, I think most people hate "the PEOPLE who are force feeding Christian ideas down everyone's throat." Not everyone grew up Christian, and not everyone wants "Christ" in their life.

I personally don't think its fair the way Christianity is trying to "take over the world." Christianity is like a corporation, with Network channels, gov't funding going into christian programs, and even special Christian charities geared to help people who dont' have "Christ in their lives"

Chrisitians are the most judgemental people I've ever met...because I used to be one of them. My father was a Roman Catholic and my Mother was a Southern Baptist...lets just say I'm now an ATHIEST now thanks to them.

Most Christians I've met feel that they are the "superior religion", they place judgement on people and even try to convert "non-believers" into believing that their life will be better if they adopt Christian ideals. They make promises of a fulfilling life if they live the Christian way.

Christianity didn't become the dominant religion of the world through people realizing that this is the "best religion in the world" ...if you read your history books...Christianity was forced onto people, Christians killed people if they didn't adopt their values or if they didn't convert. Thats how Chrisitianity spread through out the world.

Christ may have died for the people, but MANY people died because of Christ and his religion.

2006-12-19 11:12:32 · answer #6 · answered by lucky 2 · 3 0

I do not know if it is Jesus that they dislike,or the lies that some people attribute to him.You see a lot of people say Jesus said and did a lot of things that Jesus himself did not take credit for,and the people get angry at the message more than the prophets.

2006-12-19 11:06:57 · answer #7 · answered by lolo rachi 2 · 2 0

I don't dislike Jesus - I think his ideas were sound, he was likely a pretty good guy to be around, and he was a terrific insurrectionist.

What I dislike are all the people who do mean, spiteful, hateful and harmful things in his name.

That's got nothing to do with him; it's all on their heads and their perversion of what he meant.

2006-12-19 11:06:00 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

I don't hate Jesus, I like what he was about . I dislike a lot of his so-called followers who think they know everything about him based on a book written not by him.

2006-12-19 11:05:34 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

I agree with you, I think its because they had a hard life and once went to the lord and he didnt answer there prayers so they gave up to quick, but the lord said to have patience and faith in him and he shall answer your prayer and if he doesnt its because he has a better plan for us. He knows whats best for us. So people gain hate towards him cause he didnt answer there prayers right away. basically they are selfish and no patience.

2006-12-19 11:06:44 · answer #10 · answered by jdn85 2 · 1 1

What's not to like about Jesus? If all of the Christians (or people who call themselves Christians) lived as he did, the world would be a much better place.

2006-12-19 11:01:13 · answer #11 · answered by shermynewstart 7 · 6 2

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