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I want to get a watchdog for my mother. I was told to get a female dog because they make the best watchdogs, however I was never told why. I was also told that when you neuter a dog it changes their personality. No jokes this time please (smile).

2006-12-19 01:57:30 · 19 answers · asked by curious 1 in Pets Dogs

19 answers

Well, a male dog tends to be a better guardian/watch dog than females do, because if the owner is a female (like your mother) the male would feel dominant over her and then that sense of protection kicks in for the dog. Neutering a dog does change its personality. It's better to not get it neutered because if the male smells another male its dominace kicks in. I once had an Austrailin Sheperd named Barbados he wasn't fixed and he would keep all other dogs out of his yard by peeing all along the edges of the property and once a coyote tried to attack him but once he smelled the urine along the property the coyote backed off. You should probably get a German Sheperd, because they are excellent guardians.

2006-12-19 02:24:12 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Are you looking for a dog that will bark, or a dog that will engage an intruder? There is a huge difference between the two. If you want the barker, almost any dog will do. If you want the dog that will actually do more then bark, however, there are some questions that you need to answer. Can my Mom handle such a dog? where is this dog living? how much time does my mom have to devote to training and upkeep of this dog? and most importantly, does my mom know how to trat a dog like a dog? As far as the sex goes, a good dog is a good dog. I have seen females that would make males look bad. HOWEVER, male dogs are much harder in temperament and are more apt to engage a human with better conviction then a female. As far as neutering or spaying. I have found that it does have an effect on their personalities. Neutering a male dog will eliminate all testosterone and most aggression in them, and NO police depts DO NOT neuter their dogs. And if you have a good dog that is hard enough, he will not leave you to search for a female, mine never did, and I tested him on purpose. As far as training goes, it is expensive and time consuming. Not to mention that if you do not do your homework, you will end up with a "master trainer" who will screw up your dog. Ok, dogs that qualify for real protection work are not cheap, so that is another factor, they can run into the thousands. I have a recommendation that I hope you look into. Check out the Fila Braseilero breed. They are the BEST personal protection dogs anywhere for many reasons. All you have to do is raise a fila puppy, no protection training is required. They have this love/hate relationship with life. They love everything in the house and will die for them, but they hate everyone outside, PERIOD. You will have to teach them manners like sit, down and come, but that is it. No socialization training, no protection training. They are big dogs and that can be a problem for some people. Mine is a male and he is 6 years old. He weighs about 200 pounds and he is the biggets floor rug you have ever seen in the house. Excellent with the kids and the family that lives AT HOME. But, I promise you this, you are not coming in uninvited. If you have an active household, it is not the dog for you. Filas have no interest in chasing anyone down the street as a shepherd would, they just want you to leave their property. And either sex works the same in them. I hope I have helped.

2006-12-19 02:42:50 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

A dog that barks is a good watchdog---there are lots and lots of breeds/mixes that do this.

The trick will be finding a dog that you can train to alert you to danger and ignore the kids outside playing on their bikes.

Talk with your mom about what else she would like in a dog--long hair, short hair, low energy? size? and then find a rescue group near her. (www.petfinder.com)

A good rescue group can match you with an adult already housebroken dog with a known temperament.

Please realize that a "watch dog" means a dog that barks to warn of intruders. It does NOT mean an aggressive attack dog---which I am sure you do not want. And all dogs should live with their owners inside, not outside. Having a dog that is truly a part of the family is better for the dog and your mom and very BAD for any possible intruders.

RE: spay/neuter. This is a MUST. A female dog that is not spayed will have intact male dogs visiting/hanging around your mom's house a couple of times a year for a week or more at a time. An intact male dog will be distracted by females in heat in the neighborhood and more inclined to fight with other intact male dogs.

I think all of the working police dogs (owned by police departments) I have known (plus two arson dogs) have been spayed/neutered.

2006-12-19 02:13:37 · answer #3 · answered by bookmom 6 · 1 0

You said watch dog. Be sure that you mean watch dog. There is a big difference between a watch dog and a guard dog. A watch dog will alert you if they hear anything, a guard dog will protect the property if invaded. Any dog is a good watch dog, even my rat terrier and my shih tzu lets me know when there is someone outside. I also have a boxer that does the same but is more effective due to appearance, but none are harmful. I prefer females because they're more obedient and protective of family members. One of the major benefits to spaying a female is they are hassle free, not unless you want a dog to wear a diaper once a month.
If you want a guard dog, of course pick a larger breed. Any large dog can be a guard dog if trained. There are not specific breeds that are prone to attack intruders; it all has to do with the dogs personality.
For your Mom, I would choose a dog that is tentative to the owner, a spayed female, and a larger breed that looks intimidating to strangers, but can live indoors without a tremendous amount of room and exercise. These breeds include Boxers, Pinchers, Great Danes, American Bulldog. My top choice would be a Boxer.

2006-12-19 02:51:03 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Our female is a much better watchdog than her male brother. Since they are from the same litter - breed is obviously not a factor. Females do have a better sense of hearing than males and are also a little more protective due to their "mother" instincts. Ours have been spayed and neutered and I don't really see that it has had any effect on personality. If anything - it makes them less aggressive and more likely to not roam from home Both good traits.

2006-12-19 02:02:37 · answer #5 · answered by arkiemom 6 · 0 1

Personally, I've always had beagles. They are good with people, but they're serious about their property. If anyone comes near, the dog wil bark like crazy and scare anyone off that might try to break in. And honestly, neutering male dogs does change their personality. I have a male beagle and before he was neutered, he was a little *** hole to my other dog, Brandy (beagle as well). Once he was neutered, he became a lot more passive...however, neutering does cause the dog to gain weight.

2006-12-19 03:44:46 · answer #6 · answered by comitern9 2 · 0 0

Realizing a guard dog and a watch dog are two different things here. Any yappy little dog will make a good watch dog. They watch and yap.
I like females myself. Hence the only female dog here is one I picked out and was not a rescue. Females are just a little more reserved I have noticed...They tend not to always need to be reminded who is the leader, it is not them lol!
I personally get every dog we get in fixed. Male or female.
Getting a dog for someone else is a rather tricky thing. This dog is not going to be yours and I personally feel you need your mother with you to pick out her dog. If I were you I would also get a older dog, not a puppy in other words. One that has manners and knows at least the basic commands.
I am talking of a mother like mine who is in her 70's and not into training dogs, she always left this up to me.
Good luck hope this helps some?

2006-12-19 02:13:04 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

truefully i think females make the better dog. they seem to be more loyal and dont have the male attitude either. i had a female boxer and she was always right there by my side making sure everything was right..... but she past away about a month or so ago. she is dearly missed.... but will always be in my heart to protect me.. now i can say she is my true guardian angel.... i dont think that spay and neutering a dog makes a difference about how the dog will do as a guard dog. my boxer was spayed and it never changed her. i would say get the dog cut we dont need any more puppy with out homes

2006-12-19 02:32:37 · answer #8 · answered by megan m 2 · 0 0

I have found female dogs are more protective of there home because there more tempermenal... I have found neutering, does not change there personallity.. but with males, they do not get the erge to run the town searching for females. I would not worry about getting the meanest dog around town.. I would get one who is adaptable with you mother, get along with her.. Any breed of dog and any sex of dog can be a watchdog.. We have a rottweiler male and cockerpoo.. and the cockerpoo is more protective of us then the rott..

2006-12-19 02:09:56 · answer #9 · answered by Jennifer @---'--,---- 3 · 1 0

If you are getting a dog for your mom I would get a male dog. A male will bond better to a female owner. I would also neuter it as it will be a much more focused watch dog if it is not looking to breed all the time.
Either sex would make a good watch dog but they should all be fixed as it makes them much better pets and more focused on the owner rather than always checking to see who is ready to breed.

2006-12-19 02:03:35 · answer #10 · answered by tlctreecare 7 · 1 0

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